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Three poems fell out of me

and no one is more surprised
than me

where and were
they came from,
they always inside of me,
waiting for a releasing, will they
exist for ever, like a defined invisible
but very much there, star of the night sky?

are you an an astronomer studying me?
Yay! tell me all you see,
what you perceive,
this is us all very exciting,

and this excitement is now my face,
your first glimpse of my noun,
my human presence dotted on
the sea, this sea, that I have never
sean, for you cannot sea your
in bodies of
salt water
5: warm welcome, a kind beginning begun

it is a bit of a shock, the world of words
more often swallows & surrounds you up  between walls of impenetrable silence

you actually read me, heard me, even
fed me!  they taught me/us to diagram
our sentences into its component parts,
like a car going to an auto body shop,

***, my car needed a muffler but instead
I was given a new horn, and I’m in an empty
Walmart parking lot, unsurrounded,
and leaning on the horn, making
a fireworks celebration of one sound,
and your
warm welcome,  kind welcome,
to a visitor to this new planet,
astonishes & astounds, for it
seems we speak the sane/same
language, how can this be???

Is smiling a word on this planet?
thank you all for taking the time to read my poems
I’ll figure out the title later
first lets turn the spigots on,
hot for words
cold for reality
and tepid when intermix
is draining out at the beck
and irrefutable demand of
gravity, the great **** that
is the great equalizer of the
hunanity crew

even Elon must obey this
law of gravity, unless he
gives the world a break
and gets stuck up in space,
and no one takes his calls
of “pretty please save me?”

you know something?

This “poem” is pretty,
pretty poor,
that’s all,
just maybe I
won’t be
bothered to figure out
its family name, just
leave it orphaned like
so many others that
never even made it
out of the birth canal

so long, farewell, be
content you will be
forever known as #4
when a peace of mind overtakes

it’s a bit of a shock, a sneaky surprise,
not unlike the first, no second day of
summer morning sunrise warming
caffeinated heating lungs surprising,
though the sun, it ups from behind,
as I gaze over our even tempered waters,
it always succeeds in taking me unsuspecting with its matching wide grinning if “you pale human, oh ah ha, We gotcha!”

yeah. the water is morning sleepy,
no energy to slap waves needlessly,
so the quiet is felt, even better than

course, the birds flit back n’ forth,
like madmen and their madder wives,
annoyed for letting the kids oversleep,
and not doing their morning calisthenics,
but it is barely a tremor on the silent
Richter Scale of my mind’s shock and
awe, at the unexpected stun-sun-gun shot
bringing me to being so shockingly
at peace

I dream of this summer’s day imaginary breastwork plating, for it’s January and
the year ahead looms ominous, worries
of Wrack Wreck & Wruin, are the mourning
news, the ancient guilts of the unforgiving,
will come soon enough, god, I hope the phone
don’t ring, it only and always means
troubles bubbling up, consternation
and concerns, troubles, a trip back to
the city, where the mail piles up
unread, unanswered and the few checks
that do come, go uncashed

nothing here that’s wild, nor crazy,
but promised myself I’ll do better
to avoid my self-inflicted
Wrack Wreck & Wruin

my first ooem
a new poet, here,  
quite breathless,
in this new rarefied
five, count’em,
five poems fell from
within me but
to (out-with) you,

without you
as if they existed prior, since
the beginning of
time, and just needing releasing,
like birds
from a jailor’s cage,
and well for me, feeling freedom
for the
very first time,
it’s a major
minor miracle,
two whole followers,
and I

run to the sea shores
to advise the world of
no-one-can hear-me of this
new development,
and the silence rewards me
with a sense of
awe, at this earthshaking development,
because I am actually shaking & stirring with/from
a crazy mixture of anxiety excitement exhaustion,
crazy like someone slipped me a key to a whole other world,
to where I can steal away
anytime I want and shout out
over an empty beach,
words of creation sung
in a crazy tune,
    and I realize that I am

**this is so very cool. feel free to laugh,
at or with me, no cares, as long as
our laughing is in our mutual language!
February 7, 2025
the rhythm of the title inspires
for I bathe, cherish my amorphous
anonymity here

here, I am just words and nothing but;
free of judgment bias, I am both white
of background and black of letters,
my ****** orientation is of no consequence,
only my written portrait portrays the pencil
sketch of my being

it is as if I can breathe the freshest air on the
planet, plain and pure, for the very first time,
it defines me, as I, it; we merge celebrating
being plain and being pure

— The End —