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  Feb 13 Jimmy silker
Push or pull?
You gave it all you got,
Revisiting, wandering, looking for something.
Breaking, twisting, making up something.
Push or pull, did you give it all away?
Push or pull, did you pull it all away?

Pulling it together, this is what you wanted,
Stained and rough, blindsided to oneself.
Pushing it away, everything you've wanted,
Broken and shattered as you ran away,
Neglecting the pieces of your work.

Bleeding and drifting is what it has caused,
Never be the one to see or hear.
Wearing the glasses of your vision,
Pushing away the colors outside the frame.

Push or pull?
You played the game, but lost yourself.
Fleeing the fire you set ablaze,
Yet blaming the ashes for burning your name.
Blind to the truth, deaf to the echoes—
Now tell me, was it worth it?
Jimmy silker Feb 13
What do I owe you?
Have you kept track?
Deferred from what You owe me
Its in the ledger at the back
But that won't be much
the borrowing was one way
You were the primary lender
Far from predatory
I'd say
The interest
You levied
Not collected
My returns
To you
What you expected.
  Feb 13 Jimmy silker
In the "loneliness",
I find connection.
In the "boredom",
I find fulfillment.
In the "silence",
I find serenity.

Why aren't you at peace?
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