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  Feb 13 Jimmy silker
I think it is a good day
I feel okay, and that’s all
I feel, no sense of greatness
Nor self-hatred, no free-fall.

I look into the mirror
No fear, just looking as I
Realize that I have acne
But it’s me and I feel fine.

Right now, I am just okay
But one day, I will appear
From silk and I will be her
From those words, so far but near.
tried an awdl gywydd today.
  Feb 13 Jimmy silker
Lost Indeed
You are my goddess of the storm,
I beg you for your might.
I praise your heavenly form,
I need you every night.

The rhythm of our conversation
Makes the beats of my heart a wreck.
My soul can feel your vibration,
My hands crave your neck.

I can see you in the smoke,
I can hear you in the rain.
Like a priest, your pleasure I invoke,
And like a doctor, I remove your pain.
Jimmy silker Feb 12
Sit where you are
That seems about right
Don't move too much
Don't step into the light
We don't like that
When you seek Beyond fear
The point of us being just about here.
Jimmy silker Feb 12
The burn in what we call muscle
The pull of everyday bustle
How we get the **** out of here
Circle  back to what we become.
Jimmy silker Feb 12
Wence when you made me move there
When I would not
All of a sudden
The argument is current
Past sentiment is not
Why would you not love me
Despite what I said I'd be
It makes sense to
Your mother
Told you'd
I'd be.
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