A-ttractive, alluring D-iverse in your scope, V-ivacious woman E-xciting I hope, N-ew age contender of a T-raditional gauge, U-nderneath, very feminine R-egardless your age, O-pen and honest U-nbelievable, but true, S-uch are the ways of the adventurous you.
I felt no shame I did not cry When I shouted: "Let him be crucified!" And you forgave me It was I who turned away and denied Who swore to all I did not know you Only later did I realize all along you knew And you forgave me It was I who betrayed you with a kiss After all this time it has to end like this And still you forgave me I could not watch so I ran away and hid I was a coward a scared little kid And you forgave me It was I who slept when you needed me most It was I who foolishly abandoned my post And you forgave me It was I who mocked you and I who jeered I who rent your clothes and plucked your beard And you forgave me It was I who condemned you out loud To appease the maddened mobbing crowd And you forgave me It was I on your left that told you to prove If you are the Christ, then stop this and move And you look at me with love It was I on your right who asked "Remember Me" And in spite of everything, all of my history In that moment I was free
It was I who shared the burden on the road Helping you to shoulder that heavy load It was I who stayed close to the very end Why you would suffer though I could not comprehend It was I who tenderly wiped your face A small act of love, and mercy and grace It was I who anointed and dried your feet with my hair Sparing no cost to show you how much I care It was I whom you saved from a life of sin You would die to make new life begin It was I whom you called from the sleep of death And I watch as you now give your last breath I who gave you life now mourn and weep My heart is pierced with sorrow so deep
It is you who took our sin and shame It is you who took on all the blame It is you who died so I might live It is you who said to me: "I Forgive" It is you who looked with loving eyes It is you who saw past all disguise It is you who make me reconciled It is you who call me beloved child It is you the pure spotless sacrificial lamb It is you my Lord my Savior, the Great I Am
A wish, to all, "I Pray", Â Â May your, "Turkey Day", Â Â Â Â be the best in, "Every Way". Â Â Â Â Â Â and the scales, "Display" Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â how little, "We Weigh".