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JD Apr 2020
We are isolating from our friends and family
We are alone at times with only our thought

We hate being told what to do
We hate that we cannot go out

The world is broken
The world is ending

The world is repairing
The world needs to mend

Waterways are clearer
The sunsets are more colourful

The grass and flowers have more colour
The animals are coming out of hiding

What we conceive as bad times
The earth are celebrating and repairing
JD Apr 2020
Put your hand upon your heart ,
and I'll be there when we are apart

Close your eyes and think of me,
to let your troubled mind be free

And think about the love we share,
to remind you that I really care

Your eyes can take me far away,
to a special place I'd love to stay

Your beauty I will always know,
Oh, Princess I do love you so.
This poem was not written by me, it was written for me...a very long time ago by someone special.
JD Apr 2020
I will never love,
As I once loved before.

I will never smile,
As I smiled the day I met you.

I will never hate,
As I once hated them.

I will never cry,
As much as the day you were killed.
JD Apr 2020
I love to wake up and see you
I love to wake up and hear you

Your smell in my hair
Your taste on my tongue

I want to spend every day near you
Sunrises and sunsets are the best

But, I hate the feel of the sand on my body
I sunburn too quickly
I am not a strong swimmer

This is my sad love affair with the ocean!
My sad love affair
JD Apr 2020
The guy with the beautiful eyes that look into my soul
The guy with the amazing body that drives me crazy
The guy that always makes me laughs
The guy that sends me a message every day to see how I am
The guy that knows when I’m sad and offer to wipe away the tears
Maybe the one with the strong arms that caught me when I slipped
The one I can share my secrets with or the one that makes me cry or take my dreams away.
Which is the right one?  Will I ever know?
JD Apr 2020
I feel the cold
I see the dark
I feel alone with nobody around

You feel the heat
You see the sun
You are surrounded by people

I am black
You are white
I am darkness
You are light

Different we are, yet it works
Difficult to explain but easy to understand
We can make a difference in the world.
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