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 Apr 2020 tonylongo
Francie Lynch
I've passed the homeless on the street,
Wondering if today they'll eat,
And I cry, Why me?

I know plenty who attend AA,
And many who didn't make today,
And I cry, Why me?

I know there's millions unemployed,
As dwindling aid keeps them buoyed,
And I cry, Why me?

They're lonely and they're isolated,
The throngs, apart and dissipated,
And I cry, Why me?

Many friends and family die,
Yet still I cry, Why me?

Why me, indeed, a plaintiff wail.
Why me? Why me?
Until I fail.
It's a question many survivor's of disasters ask themselves.
Time to get out there and do something positive.
 Apr 2020 tonylongo
m X c
I Gave Up
 Apr 2020 tonylongo
m X c
Can I say I'm T I R E D?
Can I say I'm F E D  U P?
Can I say I'm T O T A L L Y  D O N E?
Can I just D I E ?

Please I'm Breathing.
but I DIED long time ago.
 Apr 2020 tonylongo
Francie Lynch
While cruising Corona on the net,
I saw pangolins not eaten yet.
Many, you see, believe its scales,
Are cure-alls to cure whatever ails.
And its meat festoons the rich Asian table.

Who ate the pangolin from head to toe.

China lauds its laws to say they save
The endangered pangolins,
At home, in Asia;
Yet in Wuhan, locked live in cages,
In wet markets like our Dark Ages,
The scaly pangolin is sold.

But Revenge,
We know,
Is a dish best served cold.
 Apr 2020 tonylongo
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We have billions of submissions and
can't possibly read them all so we
count on poets in print to fill pages so
the rest of you must busk for change.
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