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  Apr 2020 Bolaji Temilola
I’ve lost my mind a thousand times,
I don’t know why

My spirit you’ll find
In the pines, in the pines,
Where the sun never shines

Where wolves devour my corpse
And bend knee to the source

Where my will is dissolved into ethereal vapor
While the wraiths sing and dance in mysterious caper
  Apr 2020 Bolaji Temilola
What is it's meaning?
I may never know,
I may have to keep dreaming
And let it flow.

Flow through my veins,
See it from afar,
Unshackle its chains,
Allow it to bruise and scar

Through flesh and bone,
Head and heart.
Ruptured then sewn,
So I don't fall apart.

Back and forth it goes,
All through my head
Like beatings and blows.
Exposed on the bed,

Vulnerable and raw.
It plays on my mind,
I watch it with awe.
It cannot be defined.

Uncertainty is rife,
While some may panic,
It is here I thrive,
Neither worried nor manic.

I trust in the universe,
I know it will be right.
While this may be adverse,
I choose to see the light.
You can't put love in a box, it is undefinable. It is unique to all and will forever be, in my mind. I have come to terms with that, this sort of acceptance has been quite freeing.
  Apr 2020 Bolaji Temilola
Bijan Rabiee
Love is a cloud
Roaming the sky of dreams
When it rains
Originates flowers of passion
Driven by solar bridge
Fueled by Moon's grace.

No rule can stop the reason
Take it easy and enjoy the breeze
The stimulating melodies
Validating your rhythm.
Bolaji Temilola Apr 2020
We are often let down by the most trusted people.
And loved by the most unexpected ones.
Some make us cry for things that we haven't done while some ignore our faults and just see our smile.
Some leave us when we need them the most while some stay with us even when asked them to leave

The world is a mixture of people.
We just need to know which hand to shake
And which hand to hold!
After all, that's life,learning to hold on
And learning to let go.
Sunday Quote
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