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Why isn’t “*******” a complement?
I mean, when “Thank you” isn’t enough?

You get a great meal and fantastic service at a restaurant.
You leave a nice tip and as you leave, you add, a waving,
cheerful “*******!” Which says it all.

You have your car repaired, it cost ½ the estimate -
you’re thrilled - and as you view the bill, you grin
and say, “*******!” The mechanic smiles
proudly and says, “You’re welcome!”

You’re at work and your boss says that you’re getting a raise.
You say, “*******!” And you mean it.
He/she laughs and says, “Right back at ya!”

Isn’t getting ****** - at the right place, with the right
someone, one of life’s elysian pleasures? I mean honestly.
It should be up there with ‘God bless you.”

‘*******’ should be a standard courtesy expression,
there should be Hallmark ‘*******' cards,
with happy faces on them.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Elysian: blissful or delightful in an almost otherworldly way.
So many of you with that
        10watt mass in your head.
Can generate so much,  
          out there, to be read.
Garnering likes, loves, and
          repost, that spread.
Making me post, my attempts,
          with a sense of dread.
Hopefully pushing my own
           wattage to a "nine."
I can manage, to generate,
            a usable line.
Afraid my watts, don't know
            what's unless I rhyme.
Again I'm afraid, I've wasted,
            everyone's time.
A honest belief,
  Can bring relief,
    While causing
        May effects,
         be brief.
 Dec 2023 Chuck Kean
My Dear Poet
His son wanted to play ball
So he got him a dog

He wanted to go fishing
So he got him a fish

His son wanted some advice
So he got him a book

He wanted some time
So he got him a watch

He just wanted a dad
But dad never got him
Who among us
will write at the end

Who among us
the last to contend

Who among us
will capture goodbye

Who among us
won’t wither then die

Who among us
will stare it all down

Who among us
our destiny found

Who among us
will proffer the word

Who among us
demand to be heard

Who among us
will write the last song

Who among us
—will bridge the beyond

(Dreamsleep: December, 2023)
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