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The Color Of Night

    I woke up this morning to the
Sound of the birds as they sing
And for a brief moment I had that
Fuzzy feeling of spring

When everything is Sunshine &
Roses I’m walking in the rain
My Happiness got left behind like
Lost luggage on a midnight train

My heart has an empty void and
I’m lost in foggy haze I can’t explain
I’m angry and I’m sad and I just
Want to scream but I refrain

My brother Steve has passed away
And I feel I’ve been stripped of joy
He’s probably up in Heaven trying to
Teach the Angels the words to Rapid Roy

I should be celebrating my Birth
And though I know I’ll be alright
At the moment I’m morning his Death
And wearing The Color Of Night

Written By:Charles Kean
He loved Jim Croce
And he often sang Rapid Roy

      I’m gonna take a moment here
Of my own personal time
To write a quick little PSA
In a special little rhyme

Now I know the title is crude but
Sometimes crude has its place
So this is why I have to send this
Message like I’m in your face

Most of you out there do what’s right
And with driving etiquette you comply
So disregard this for when it
Comes to you this does not apply

When driving we use our lights
At Dusk and at Dawn
And definitely in the dead of night
And when our wipers are on

Your lights are not necessarily
So that you can see to drive
But most importantly they are
So others see you and stay alive

So I hope you learned something
From these words of my poetry
It’s really my biggest pet peeve
The world is tired of YOUR IDIOCY

Written By:Charles Kean
Devil Manipulation

     Let’s take a moment and have a
Rational and Civilized conversation
This will constitute your full attention
And requires your participation

I’m not someone who requires your
High percentage of Education
And I won’t concentrate on the
Differences of our Generation

I agree that everything in life
Deserves a thorough examination
And for centuries upon centuries
Science still continues to deny Creation

Yes I’m aware that the all religions
Present their own interpretation
As I continue to live my life based
Upon my own experience and observation

I see the Devil and his desire to
Come between us and create separation
And he’s effortlessly able to accomplish
This with very little coordination

If you just take a moment to listen to
My sample of this simple demonstration
You just may very well see the truth
And come to some type of revelation

I don’t want this to be about politics
But the Devil used it for his adaptation
So now here we are in a Trans Gender
Identity Crisis and a loss of Salvation

It’s a battle of darkness and light
The Devil has proven his innovation
And the people of Trans Gender
Simply believe it’s their right of Liberation

Some would argue that I’m among the
Ones pushing for our isolation
But I’m really just wanting clear minds
To put this under further investigation

I don’t believe that Apes are our ancestors
But I do believe in a type of Evolution
Like tapping into our entire brain but
Trans Gender isn’t this transformation

The presence of Good and Evil is obvious
And this is a perfect representation
My Rhyme for this is never ending but I
Will by saying this is Devil Manipulation

Written By:Charles Kean
Master Of My Brain

     I know what it’s like to just
Want to be alright
I know what it’s like to just
Want to be free from the fear of night

I know what it’s like to just
Not want to feel perfect in the pain
And I know what it’s like to just
Not want to go insane

I know what it’s like to just
Feel so alone
I know what it’s like to just
Shiver to the bone

I know what it’s like to just
Want somewhere to hide
And I know what it’s like to just
Come to peace with suicide

I know what it’s like to just
Constantly walk beneath the rain
I know what it’s like to just
Have Satan as the Master Of My Brain

Written By:Charles Kean
I’ve got Jesus now and I’m okay
But I know what it’s like.
God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Mar 1
Loves Whisper

        Loves Whisper
It’s soft like a baby’s skin
Like the feel of silk
Gentle and warm like a Summer Breeze
Comfortable like fully fluffed feather
Pillow, suddenly you’re in tune with
The vibrations and ways of nature
Like the leaves turning to the rain
The wonderful relationship of the Honey
Bee and the flower it’s like a lovely
Blessing that’s hard to explain
It’s like trying to describe a Butterfly KISS
Or floating on a cloud because there’s nothing we can compare it too
It’s like seeing everything with Kaleidoscope
Eyes and walking beneath glitter dust
Skies and when it’s right time stands
Still and forty years later you find yourself
Still under the spell of Loves Whisper

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 27
Screaming Soul

      I heard a story but In today’s
World I don’t know if it’s a truth or a lie
But I guess it doesn’t really matter
The moral of telling it is reason why

When I heard of this story, I thought
To myself it needed to be re told
It’s the tragedy of a boy named
John Bolaware, he was just 16 years old

At his age he thought he was invincible
He was living his life in the fast lane
And this story of his demise is both
Very tragic and quite insane

The year was 1984 and he was
Full of life and revel
The music was loud and the song
Was Van Halen Runnin With The Devil

In a car with his friends traveling at
A very high rate of speed feeling free
They lost control of the vehicle
And went off the road and hit a tree

Hearing this I thought about the Stairway
To Heaven and The Highway To Hell
The promise and truth of Jesus and
The promise and lies the Devil has for sale

When the Police arrived on the scene
The radio was still loud with Rock & Roll
They snapped a picture just in time to
Capture the boys Screaming Soul

Written By:Charles Kean
The moral of the story is we never know
Our fate or final day so get on the right
Path while you still have a choice.
Chuck Kean Feb 25
Multiple Personalities

     We all have two personalities
Even if unconsciously unaware
One Knows the good and is usually
Dominant and one we forbear

We present our softer side
On more of a routine basis
Occasionally our inner Demon
Surfaces proving we have two faces

This can be troublesome as we
Struggle with our two sides of contrary
And the reality of this can be
At times really scary

I often tell people Angel or Demon
Depends on how you approach me
So choose wisely it may trigger the
One you don’t want to see

In rare and extreme cases there
May be mass casualties
When someone releases the Demon
Of my Multiple Personalities

Written By:Charles Kean
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