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Kafka Joint Oct 2019
It stands to reason,
That there must be
Last tomatoes of the season.
But I love them so much,
I can't bear seeing them go like this.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
It's terrible,
Nobody did anything in 2020,
We were only afraid, annoyed or discussing 2020.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
It's terrible,
And I can do nothing.

"Story of my life", any volume, any page.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It's the best of all the parallel Universes,
That we know of,
And by we I mean all of me.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
It's time to fall in love,
It's time to see an ocean.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
it's too dark to be cozy
and not enough to be scary.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It's too strange a time
To be mine,
But it is.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
It's touching,
Don't touch it.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
It's understood,
It's not accepted,
It's shudderedly understood.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
It's written,
It's been many times read,
It's still sad,
It's rewritten, it's better,
I think I will stop before going mad.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
It takes a village to raise a kid,
It takes a country to raise an idiot.
Kafka Joint May 2020
It took me a long time
To understand
That the life is short.
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
It took me an eternity,
To love every second.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
It was a good thinking,
Despite a bad feeling
And catastrophic result.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
It was a long farewell,
Ah, well,
At least, they are gone forever.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
It was an early morning. A fitful rain was slightly going up...
- Wait, wait! A rain can't go up, it can only be falling down!
- ... Ok, you stickler. It was an early morning. A fitful rain of rather traditional orientation was also there.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
It was a nightmare,
It still is a nightmare,
Even when I am not asleep.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
It was a period of time,
Or rather a period of me,
It was something, that first ended,
And then began,
And timidly asked for the directions.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
It was a serious joke,
We cried, even,
Before understanding the meaning,
Sometimes after we left.
Kafka Joint Jul 2020
It was a very busy day,
It went away,
You better stay.
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
It was boring, at times it was tough,
But you helped me with my stuff,
And I thank you.
Kafka Joint May 2020
It was brought to my attention
And left laying there,
Wondering why it's happening.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It was said,
That it will be told,
But they wouldn't listen.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It was too soon,
And then it was too late,
I wonder, why this **** is called fate.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It was very in,
Then totally out,
Nobody knew, what was it about.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It was very tough,
But I made me laugh,
And it's really quite enough.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
It was weird,
Then it became strange,
And now it's in the news just before weather.
Kafka Joint Jul 2020
It will be your choice or fate:
You will see,
You will feel,
You will hate.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
It will get better,
There will be life
After this November.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
It will rain all the day,
And I'll come to you,
After it has rained.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
it will rain, and you will understand
that the life is more
that just a current trend.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
It would be good,
It would be very good
To have both love and food.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It would be good,
It would be very good,
To be at peace,
To have some ***,
And then some food.
Kafka Joint May 2020
It would be nice
To live in paradise,
But, well,
Let's try out hell.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
I understand that leaves will fall,
And nothing will be there for a moment,
Or so I'm told.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
I've always loved you,
I love you,
I will never stop to love you,
Can I go now back to Netflix?
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I've been around,
Oh hell, I've been around,
It's just I've never got in.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
I've got a blend of emotions in my chest, mixed with a blend of thoughts in my head. In short, don't expect me to make any sense.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
I've got a nice collection of knives in my back,
Sometimes they are moving
And joyfully hurting.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
I've had enough
Of too much.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I've seen better,
I've seen you.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
I've seen times,
I've met eternities,
I know my space.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
I walked through a desert,
Until I got tired,
And now the desert is walking through me.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
I want to get high and dance between the raindrops.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
I want to be happy,
But could settle for being quietly amused, too.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
I wanted to **** myself, but by mistake took a bottle of probiotics.
Now my suicide is hampered by an extremely good digestion.
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
I wanted to tell you "that's it",
But you weren't available,
So, no "that's it ".
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
I want to be this thing
And you want to have this thing,
How could we not be together?
And forget about this thing.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
I want to be with you,
Not because I worth it,
But because of the emptiness
Around you.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
I want to be with you,
Being me,
And you being happy.
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