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11.8k · Feb 2020
A smile
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
A smile is like an exit
Out of the room,
Where you don't really want to be.
7.2k · Oct 2019
That's ok then
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Nothing can justify your silence,
Unless you really don't want to talk about it.
1.2k · Nov 2019
Once upon a time
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
Once upon a time
Everything was fine,
Once upon a time,
Once upon a time.
1.2k · Oct 2019
All the points
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
All the points of no return
Are telling me
That I'm gone.
1.2k · May 2021
I bought a drone
Kafka Joint May 2021
I bought a drone,
That was brought to me by another drone,
Which politely declined to stay.
1.1k · Dec 2019
An advice
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
This health advice
Is better than a few:
I should sleep more,
And probably with you.
1.0k · Feb 2021
There's too much screaming
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
There's too much screaming,
There is not enough silence,
And the silence is spooky.
999 · Mar 2021
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
I will forget about tomorrow.
977 · Oct 2021
My future
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
My future might
Be very bright,
As could be yours,
By your choice.
928 · Jan 2021
To be?
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
To be,
To have,
To be had?
894 · Oct 2021
Black and white
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Black and white
Are going to fight,
All day and all night
With other colours.
Kafka Joint Nov 2021
Between sleeping and not sleeping there's so much meaning,
Lost and sleepily found again,
Causing joy and provoking pain.
883 · Oct 2019
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
No doubts are on my mind,
No clouds are in my soul,
I'm whole.
862 · May 2021
The joker is sad
Kafka Joint May 2021
The joker is sad and doesn't understand any jokes,
The joker is tired,
The joker is going mad.
817 · Oct 2019
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Can you, please,
Be just once,
And only with me?
791 · Oct 2021
I am lost
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
I am lost,
I am taciturn,
I'm waiting for your return.
781 · Oct 2021
I move the books
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
I move the books along my table,
Till they are falling on the ground,
I like the sound.
772 · Nov 2019
Good night
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
If you want this night to be good,
Just say it:
- Good night.
749 · Apr 2021
If you look, you see
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
If you look, you see.
If you look...
You see?
670 · Apr 2021
April notes
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
The sky is looking at us from a safe distance.

"Sorry, you have to face it", I'm telling to my mirror every morning.

If you think that you love me, I love your way of thinking.

Everything is strange, nothing is unusual.
661 · Oct 2021
Any thinking
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Any thinking is optional, weird and not necessary. Once the thinking takes over, they will soon have a civilisation, recycling issues and whatever else they might happen to be thinking about.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
This is a very strange situation,
But I'm patient,
I will understand this situation.
629 · Feb 2021
I don't know why
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
I don't know why,
But I keep smiling,
Maybe it's too much sun.
564 · Oct 2019
Too many
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Too many fallen leaves,
Too much strangeness in the air,
And the air is cold.
551 · Oct 2021
Take a stroll
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Take a stroll,
And then take a full control
Of yourself after the stroll.
548 · Apr 2021
Been there
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
Been there, missed that.

I am not a dreaming material.

I don't even have a threatening smile at my disposal.

It takes certain courage to be dumb and to know it.

Soon it will too late. It better be a comforting thought.

You'll be fine, just be ready to be fine.
524 · Jan 2021
Too many
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
Too many is too much,
And it's still too many.
512 · Jan 2021
The question is always
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
The question is always "What do you want?",
But the answer? The answer...
We never know.
506 · Mar 2021
What are you in this life?
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
Where are you in this life?
You are invariably in this room, on this street, in this place.
Well, sometimes it's not really you and at other times new crowds are bringing a temporary room-sharing in.
504 · Apr 2021
You told me
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
You told me that there's nothing to think about. And now I'm sitting here and thinking about what did mean by that.

That's why girlfriends and boyfriends are only as good
As they go, and then come back,
Like the next flood.
500 · May 2021
Always dancing, my thoughts
Kafka Joint May 2021
Always dancing, never thinking. Some people can be happy just like this.
Any situation should be current. Beware of permanent ones.
Normal people are having strange thoughts, weird dreams and boring lives.
Points of no return are all coming back and asking for permission to stay.
I don't have what it takes, to give it back. So, I'll keep it.
497 · Sep 2021
You're my life
Kafka Joint Sep 2021
You're my life,
And as I've got only one life,
Please don't go.
492 · Oct 2021
You are so beautiful
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
You are so beautiful,
When I'm not looking at you,
My imaginary girlfriend.
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
I don't know, what is my problem,
Probably I don't even have one,
Which would be then my problem.
473 · Feb 2021
Under the sun
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
Under the sun,
Even the most incredible people
Have only one shadow.
459 · Oct 2021
I'm sorry
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
I'm sorry,
For what I'm not.
458 · Oct 2019
A big if
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
If dinosaurs still were
In my vicinity,
I certainly would be worried,
But also less bored.
449 · Oct 2019
Can you please?
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Not to make you angry,
Not to tease,
Not to have some stupid, silly point,
Tell me, dear, tell me - can you please,
Without disappoint?
445 · Oct 2021
Don't worry
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Don't worry,
Don't you worry,
Yours is a good story.
430 · Mar 2021
I love you
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
I love you,
I love you peer-to-peer with no trusted third party.
422 · Nov 2019
The end of the world
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
The end of the world
Is always around the corner,
Just don't go there.
418 · Nov 2019
It will rain
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
It will rain all the day,
And I'll come to you,
After it has rained.
408 · Oct 2019
As far as I know
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
As far as I know,
It's currently "no"
But finally "yes".
405 · Nov 2019
That's the problem
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
That's the problem with feelings,
As such,
Either you don't have them,
Or you have them too much.
404 · Mar 2021
You know, any know-how
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
You know, any know-how
Must not be later, must be now,
377 · Jan 2021
To be soft and suffering
Kafka Joint Jan 2021
To be soft and suffering
Is sometimes the best way to get through.
374 · Nov 2019
There is no time
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
There is no time
For the first time
Or the last time,
There's barely time
For the next time.
374 · Oct 2019
It stands to reason
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
It stands to reason,
That there must be
Last tomatoes of the season.
But I love them so much,
I can't bear seeing them go like this.
361 · Feb 2021
In a desert
Kafka Joint Feb 2021
In a desert,
Every road
Is a road
Out of the desert.
347 · Apr 2021
For every soul
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
For every soul
There is one underground,
To be lost and found, to be lost and found.
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