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  Jun 2020 Kiz
Judged by your shell
Unsure everyday
In our so called great

I never worried
never had to
You had to
You have to
You live this
You have to
My eyes are opening
My ears are listening
My heart is braking
My voice is starting
I want to scream

I'm not venting
I have no right to
Because I'm not you

But I can listen
We all should listen
Because I forget
I guess we all forgot

I could keep writing
does it mean anything?
Can we hear anything?
We will forget everything again tomorrow
We always do

So sad
Kiz Apr 2020
I see you in the grocery aisle
Your mouth is covered but
You smile at me with your eyes
You wait patiently at one end
Watching me.
Waiting for me?
Your eyes reach out to me
Caress me.
Even with the physical distance between us
I smile.
But can you tell?
Most of my face is covered
But I call out to you without a sound
Your eyes express your desire
My gloved hands grip my cart tightly
expressing wordlessly my yearning
I move towards you slowly but I dare not get close
I want to run to you, but Instead I walk away
As I walk, I hear your hello
It sounds strangely just like goodbye.
Kiz Jul 2019
My face is perfectly symmetrical
My skin smooth. My smile perfect.
Life’s blemishes and frown lines instantly erased,
As if those life experiences that caused
my frown lines in the first place never happened.
Instead of frowns, I have bunny ears.
Cute, Childlike, Happy ears.
Because someone somewhere associated bunnies with ****
So I have **** bunny ears and a high pitched voice.
In my real voice you might be able to hear my pain
But the filtered voice only lets you hear the sunshine
All my flaws are airbrushed away
It’s like those extra pounds gained from stress eating never existed.
My hair is no longer messy from me pulling it in frustration,
With this filter not even one hair is out of place.
This filtered me is the only me I let you see
My tag line says “I woke up like this” smiley face.
Isn’t this the version of me that you prefer?
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