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Riley May 2021
Sometimes I just want to call my heart
To tell what's been on my mind
How far my art
has come,
To show how many times have I been blind
for some,
Lessons I needed to learn, and a way to find
out of this pain I gave meaning to.
Even tho' at the time I had no clue
That I chose to be attached to it.
Without any help, even a little bit.
So, I became indifferent,
But still it can still trigger me.
I truly believe I'm free
But something's always bringing me back
Into the space of emptiness
Where you convince yourself that there I'll find my happiness
It's not working like that;
Sick of waiting.
Being satisfied with a little chat?
Sick of hating
And loving myself in the same time.
I can't control someone else's heartbeat.
The only thing I can do,
Negative thoughts to defeat.
To define who I am
and don't care anymore
who are you.
padnemijsko stanje
prolongira se
ali moze se zivi se
mukica mi je ljudske neaktivnosti duše
Riley Mar 2021
can my angel army be more violent when it comes to expecting too much? to allow me to touch the fast thoughts converted to true colors of your dragon scale.
very proud and very kind
when it's all around okay
very loud, very strict
when it comes to do their own script
zaboli te zmajevski racku, hvala
Riley Dec 2020
Yesterday the great conjunction started,
As well as the first day of winter,
The planets are aligned and charted,
The day of your birth, on calendar 2020,

I'm moving again soon.
Without any fear.
I'll be followed by the moon,
For the darkness of my path to see clear.

I'll leave here all bad visions and dreams,
This place doesn't know for good, it seems.

As an Aquarian, please oh Divine everything let me design my life the way I deserve it, without the influence of others.
The last paragraph is a pray.
Riley Nov 2020
These days, situations from the past,
Are going around me so fast,
To test me how will I react,
In those situations where you have to act.

Almost the same people, same locations,
Only you avoiding those stations.
But you're still finding that way in this maze,
Even though I'm not the one who chase.
Not Anymore :)

To get in touch again,
It's hard, I know.
Relax, I'm preparing a great show.
After ten months, you found a reason to talk to me.
You realized - I miss her, I see.

I will do my best,
That in the end we can lay on each other's chest.
Riley Oct 2020
The mirror now is broken,
The conformation woken,
My doubt from the other side - spoken.

Golden blood spilled all over my field,
Without any fear, I used that to form my shield.

He saw You there. He called me by the name You call me.
That's just a proof that you're waiting there for me.
While fighting his demons, he only met you on the way,
Luckily, I drove him away.

I made him break the layer of glass I couldn't master.
The frame will now heal faster, and the Gate is coming much more powerful then ever.
Just not letting anyone get near my space ever !

Hope The G.G killed one of the bad that morning.
There are three more to break free.
Don't mess with me again- This is the last warning.
You're just scared of your true self G.G, so get you away from me.

Since you're gone I have no sleep :D
Yeah for sure.
Joke on you.
Peace on you too !
Ološ bre
Riley Oct 2020
All the time I was moving, I carried a large wall mirror with me.
I was looking for the best place for him in every new room I had to live in. The frame was very nicely decorated and the reflection in the mirror was even more beautiful.

                                     Chapter One - Realization-
Last year, in December, I was upset about one specific person’s relationship. I analyzed a lot of our communication and the separation that had no end...suddenly my body began to tingle and release some waves coming to my mind that created for me a vision of someone behind that mirror. I felt amazing and very curious.
Little version of me was waiting behind the mirror to go through and go together into that space that is the only one right for me.
I consciously tried to take the best position to run in as soon as possible to see what all there was, but something was stopping me.
Zeitgeist touched my hand and it was a sign to me that it was not yet time for me to leave so abruptly.I came to terms with it and sketched up everything I saw and felt that night.

                                  Chapter Two - The Next Year-
I move again. The mirror and the decoration of the wings had no place in that apartment, and neither did I. Their power was slowly weakening and I didn’t know it was so. A strange virus has occupied the whole world and we all had to isolate ourselves and deal with it. September is coming and as it is known, people are transforming a lot. I was doing a lot of reckless things because I was waiting to see that change in myself, and I didn’t know I was going to run into a lot of life-threatening situations. I did all this to drive away the pain of all failed relationships with friends, people, memories ... moving again ; new friends, new location, new balcony, new space for my Portal.

                       Chapter Three - The Golden God -
In those days I invited many people as guests to celebrate my new living space. They helped me make a lot of drawings and decorations to help me feel like it was my art studio.
One day a strange guest and potential friend came...
Split personality,conceit, ****** and everything bad you can imagine disrupted my values. He connected too much with the mirror and drew a lot of bad energies through it without me knowing it...after a while, I had to break the glass in the frame of my  mighty Portal just for safety to protect my path which is now under repair. The Joker was sneaking around every time I had to deal with this **** of man, to help me in a strange, madly way to make a shield around myself.
(This story isn't really as short as I thought it would be)

                            Chapter Four - Broken  27 Layer -
I had to sacrifice the portal so that it could be reactivated at the right time. A painful moment when you hear the sound of something bursting that is part of you but you also saved it so you could continue to create stories and see behind it all. I removed The Golden God from my life now. Go f*ck yourself once for all !
The numbers that follow and protect me are now somewhere outside my space sorted and making codes that will be sent to me at the right time.

Chapter Five - Coming soon ...
I had an urge to write this even though it is not in my writing style as before.
It's important.
I can edit this anytime, but in the right time these words are gonna be very clear and from the other space.
Have a nice day :)
Riley Oct 2020
In a strange way
The past of the future is coming My way.
I have my own Guardians,
But other natives are there to put me in the marble chains.
Perfectly ignoring them, I'm buliding My portal to see the unseen.
I realized, they don't respect me.
So, every time I feel the urge to make them feel free, I Will remeber that I'm the one who make the rules here.
Like if I had a choice to be the part od this **** inhabited  field.
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