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 Feb 2019 Haydn Jacobsen
i wish there was a way to escape this pain i'm feeling.

i try to scream but the other side takes over and puts the mask on me

not allowing me to express myself.

i wish i could truly be happy with myself and not always think

"i'm a failure"

when others say i'm not.

I feel the tears forming inside the prison in my head but they never


I wish i would stop hiding my feelings towards other because i think

it'll just bring them into my misery.

I wish one day there is an exit to this pain i'm feeling.
Hang a rope 'round my neck
Say goodbye, write the check
Just something random I wrote.
Feel free to share revision ideas (:
 Feb 2019 Haydn Jacobsen
 Feb 2019 Haydn Jacobsen
I don’t want to
Open my mouth
Because I’m still afraid
The truth might come out
And if it does
If it really breaks free
You’ll see what I am
You’ll see the true me
The one I hide
With jokes and lies
I’m a terrible person
All jokes aside
You don’t seem to know it
You don’t seem to see
Even a glimpse of that person
That I know to be me
I’m such a good actress
I hide it so well
Cover it with a laugh
And you’ll never tell
You see depth in my eyes
You see love and emotion
But what would you see
If I ever did open
I can’t bear to find out
I can’t bear to show
The me you don’t see
The me that I know
If I let it out
If I let it be
I know for a fact
That you would hate me.

— The End —