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 Nov 2022 Grace E
Thomas Alan
our love fell apart
like a glass you threw across the room

but I am tired
of cutting my fingers
trying to piece it back together
 Nov 2022 Grace E
Universe Poems
"Yellow haze autumn days
light the sky with your rays"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
 Nov 2022 Grace E
Eshwara Prasad
Deeply warped emotions bubble to the surface to ease the pain when it is stabbed deeply with an emotional knife.
 Nov 2022 Grace E
Steve Page
[written with Isaac Cornford. Thanks mate.]

He loves me because he loves me
He loves me because he can
He loves me because he chose me
He loves me - that’s his plan

It’s always his plan to love me
To cast out all my fears
His love will always surround me
He loves when no one’s near

He loves me most and loves you more
His love will never run out
His love is true and gets truer
His love is never in doubt

His love is nothing that we’ve earned
It’s nothing we deserve
His love’s a perfect gift to us
A gift we can return
 Nov 2022 Grace E
where there is pain
there is compassion-
catch all my tears
within your warmly loving embrace.
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