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Aiden Gaberiel Oct 2018
My drugs of choice
            The Times we shared
            Seemed to be the best
            You never let me down
            Always gave me s sense of.           belonging
           When it lasted all those times
          It was an adventurous fun ride
         I think it's time that we part ways
        Time for me to walk away and to
        Never look back good bye my old
         I have plans to Never come back.
Aiden Gaberiel Oct 2018
Why don't they
We just need to medicate
      From our hurt
     And all this hate
      Its just a plant
  We always tell them
      But they *****
    Away to jail we go
   Make the people pay
   To keep us confined
Yet pharmaceutical companies
Make new pills on the regular
Creating more people to get addicted
     They don't care though
     I'm going to live my life
       Everyone should
To make the plant legal nationally
      And to live in peace
As a recovering addict of narcotics who battled with addiction for eleven years not once did I abuse **** it's been proven many times to be a great help id rather smoke it than be on all my mental health pills but that's just my opinion which I'm entitled too.
Aiden Gaberiel Oct 2018
What I've been through to get my head right it's been a fight which I still battle with today. All the hospital shrinks I've been to I have lost count I've been on enough pills all the color of the rainbow. Here's a list I'm sure I'm not the only one trust me it was hell not even close to fun.
            Those are just some I'm on three new ones that have been helping me tons. Being one with mental health has its lows but id rather be different than being normal. Deep down inside i know my issues won't go away but I'll continue to fight.
Aiden Gaberiel Oct 2018
Take me back to that first time at the age of sixteen that friends and I sparked and smoked euphoria the taste so sweet the feeling like no other with glassy eyes and constant laughs for that moment there was nothing to worry and stress about but that was a long time ago fourteen years ago that I can't believe it but I'll never that first experience at the young age of sixteen..
Aiden Gaberiel Oct 2018
The homeless why do they have to freeze out there on the cold streets?
Why do they need to starve ? Why isn't there more organizes out to help them? The government and others are spending money on things that don't need to be done every human life is important well to me. People turn their backs on them way too quick to judge as well. Don't they know they have feelings too? They hurt and struggle who knows what their stories are. Instead of judging take some time to help or just to listen. How do I know how they feel once upon a time I was homeless for a long time.
Some of the experiences I went through while I was  homeless in Boston and Quincy Massachusetts

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