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Bruce Levine Aug 2018
I looked in my closet
And discovered
That I went back to
Who I am

I tried being what I
Thought I should be
Wanted to be
I changed my wardrobe
I changed my hair
I thought I looked
The part
But playing a part
Doesn’t mean it’s real
True to oneself

Oxford shirts and jeans
And haircuts may not
Make the man
But they go a long way
Toward going back to
Who I am
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Do you know what
I like about
Being old?
Senior Discounts!
I love to walk
Into the grocery store
On Wednesdays
And say:
YEA! – Old People’s Day!
And get
5% senior discounts.
Bruce Levine Aug 2019
The golden drops of dew
Shimmer in the sunlight
Casting a glow over the
     expanse of lawn
Green and gold paving a path
Silken carpets in the haze
     of the morning light

Trees bursting with life
Filled with leaves
Dark green opalescence
     awaiting their destiny
As days move toward another season
Bringing a cornucopia of color,
     bountiful and bold

Lingering remnants of summer
Mixed with precursors of fall
As days shrink and sundown
     creeps closer to the dawn
Twilight casting shadows on lawns
Another day and another season
     blending one into another

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
Blue cobalt in a sea of gray
Brings stability in times of torment
And holds the everlasting surrender

Bruce Levine Jul 2018
Building a bridge
From here to reality
Crossing the path
Of the unknown

Holding hands with God
Walking through the journey
Recognizing passion
And the eternity of love

In loving memory of my wife, Lydia Franklin
Bruce Levine Jul 2019
Chocolate dreams
And raspberry kisses
Coconut schemes
And rosemary wishes
These are the making
Of happy-ever-after
Here for the taking
Recorded in laughter

Puppies and kittens
Parading in tandem
And everything random
Fantasy games
Just around the corner
Silly made-up names
So don’t be a mourner

Hide-and-go seek
And new revelations
Sneaking a peek
And joyous salutations
Here’s to tomorrow
The future before us
A toast to no sorrow
And life with no fuss

Good times and glad times
And everything happy
No longer sad times
The future looks snappy
Peanut-butter candy
An every-day treat
Forever looking dandy
A picture-perfect feat

Chocolate dreams
And raspberry kisses
Tomorrow’s moon-beams
Filled with every-day wishes
Bright skies and sunshine
Forever to stay
A joyous design
The theme for today

Potato knishes
Pasta with sauce
Every-day dishes
Never a loss
Happy tomorrows
A joyous repast
The future propose
Forever will last

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Whatever happened to one?

One telephone company –
Ma Bell!
You picked up the receiver,
Attached by a squiggly wire,
And dialed the phone – literally.
You put your finger in the hole
For the number or letter;
Rotated the dial and back it came,
Rotating in reverse, and making that wonderful sound:
Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka
Then the person on the other end answered
And actually said – Hello…
No lost calls – no breaking up…
Simply one –
And it worked.

Bleach is even more confusing.
If you wanted clean clothes
You went to the store and bought
You did have a choice –
Bleach or Bleach.
It was easy
You picked up one bottle or the other –
Either one – they were both the same –

Today there are 7,826 ½ choices!
Bleach that smells like flowers;
Bleach that smells like fresh air;
(I’m not sure how that’s possible)
Bleach that’s like a cool, refreshing stream;
Bleach that spills and splashes;
Bleach that doesn’t spill or splash.
Bleach in colors –
Liquid – Solid – Powder…
Will there be decaffeinated bleach next?
(More about coffee another time)
I’m beginning to understand
Why people take drugs –
The bleach aisle alone is
Enough to torment the brain!

One was simple.
One was effective

Choices are nice
But better left for the
Wine list.
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
Whatever happened to one?

One telephone company –
Ma Bell!
You picked up the receiver,
Attached by a squiggly wire,
And dialed the phone – literally.
You put your finger in the hole
For the number or letter;
Rotated the dial and back it came,
Rotating in reverse, and making that wonderful sound:
Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka - Ti-ka
Then the person on the other end answered
And actually said – Hello…
No lost calls – no breaking up…
Simply one –
And it worked.

Bleach is even more confusing.
If you wanted clean clothes
You went to the store and bought
You did have a choice –
Bleach or Bleach.
It was easy
You picked up one bottle or the other –
Either one – they were both the same –

Today there are 7,826 ½ choices!
Bleach that smells like flowers;
Bleach that smells like fresh air;
(I’m not sure how that’s possible)
Bleach that’s like a cool, refreshing stream;
Bleach that spills and splashes;
Bleach that doesn’t spill or splash.
Bleach in colors –
Liquid – Solid – Powder…
Will there be decaffeinated bleach next?
(More about coffee another time)
I’m beginning to understand
Why people take drugs –
The bleach aisle alone is
Enough to torment the brain!

One was simple.
One was effective

Choices are nice
But better left for the
Wine list.
Bruce Levine Dec 2018
Snowflakes falling on frozen tree limbs
Festooned now with red and gold
Candy canes like peppermint soldiers
Help to guard the young and old
Silver bells and colored bright lights
Helping merry times unfold
Santa’s elves bring yuletide magic
Telling stories twice retold

Cinnamon sticks to stir hot chocolate
Tonics to fill our hearts with cheer
Holiday magic to brighten the morning
Santa’s sleigh with all nine reindeer
Cakes and cookies filling baskets
Ice cream snowmen travel near
Happy mem’ries of childhood fancies
Lighten hearts throughout the year
Bruce Levine Dec 2018
Christmas wishes
Happen once a year
In times of joy
And times of cheer

Lending mem’ries
And sharing dreams
Happy endings
With friends it seems

Brightly lighting
The festive yule
As children enjoy
Days off from school

To good companions
And to all those dear
A Merry Christmas
And Happy New Year

Bruce Levine Oct 2018
Christopher Cricket
Had gotten a ticket
To ride on the
Hot air balloon

A visit to London
To stay with his cousin
Had ended
Far too soon

Crickets are lucky
And never are stuffy
Always are faithful
And true

Having a cricket
Is just the right ticket
To bring joy forever
To you

Chris Cricket did visit
And said to me, Sir
I think I will settle
Right here

Your lady has travelled
So far to be with you
And home now is ever
So dear

I’ll bring you good fortune
And mountains of pleasure
To share every day
Every year

And so I’ll reside
On the table beside
The pillow where her head
Does lay

Her beauty apparent
You’ll never be errant
Your love shared will carry
The day

Chris Cricket I thank you
Our love so enormous
You’ve already brought me
Good luck

As destiny told us
Forever enfolds us
In love’s golden blanket
We share

Christopher Cricket
Is happy to stick it
Where love is the word of
The day

Forever together
Is more than a measure
And now Chris is here
To Stay

Bruce Levine Jul 2018
drifting across the sky
in imaginary forms

making imaginary images
that only the mind
can put together

of varying shades
and shapes


into the unknown


like the Goodyear blimp
off on the horizon

and reforming

like foam on the ocean
endless and everlasting
but empty in their

like cotton candy
pink then white
shifting shades
of gray

filled with rain
or as
as infinity
Bruce Levine Feb 2019
Creating a blog
Not a chore
For the faint-hearted
Consumed by the
Fires of social media
Burned into the
Walls of cyber-space
Only revealed to
IT techies
Or four year olds
Schooled in binary motion
DNA permutated to reveal
The lasting effects
Of the un-indoctrinated
The forlorn members
A least to those
Of the computer age
Fasting on the dearth
Of knowledge
In the prelude of the
New millennium
Opening doors
That once revealed
Another time
A simpler time
With no blogs
To stress the tendons
Of emotions
To the breaking point
While trying to create
Another blog

Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Crossing the ocean
Is more than just miles
Or depth to the bottom
It’s battling sea monsters
And waves that try
To scuttle your ship
Only love can conquer
The daemons setting their sights
On the rarest of feelings
When truly aroused
When the heart and the soul
Join forces and become one
To take on all comers
And conquer the darkness
Like a knight in shining armor
To rescue the damsel in distress
And carry her off to Neverland
To live the plethora of youth and joy
That only true love can bring
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Late last night
As I was walking my dog
We saw three deer
Munching away

We stopped to watch
And they watched us
And must have decided
That we’re okay

I will admit
I’m still not used
To deer so near
Who have no fear
And make it clear
They’re going to stay

Who munch and watch
People go by
And wait for
Another day
Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Isometric exercises
Solo meditation
Breathing intoxication
Held suspended

Longing for understanding
The future yet revealed
Planetary momentum
Guiding the path

Following the trail
Through forests of evergreens
Boundaries evolving
As hope cruises on

Opening doors
Vistas from mountain tops
Reflex actions
Defining the way

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Feeling the wind in your hair
Holding the sand between your toes
As the tide washes over your feet
Holding your face to the sun
As shadows cast themselves on the pavement
The remnants of the day a golden glow
The early dusk drinking in the twilight
The twinkling stars invading the heavens
As the moon caresses the sky
And the clouds drift by
Like a blanket covering the earth
And you sleep the sleep of a baby
The innocence of tomorrow
Held for a moment and then let go
As the gentle breeze drifts across your face
And carries you forward toward your destiny

Bruce Levine Oct 2018
Deloris Duck
Doesn’t quack
Her quacker is on the fritz
She’s made of stone
It should be known
A green duck doesn’t mix
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
Once in a lifetime
If one’s lucky
True love reaches out
And grabs your soul
And if that love dies
Without understanding
You die too
And the hole in your heart
Seems irreparable
You drift through the days
Unaware of life passing by
Hope tarnished
As rust devours iron
Until it disintegrates

But if fate and destiny
Are truly sitting
On your shoulder
Watching and waiting
For that other heart
That needs healing
Waiting to bring two souls
Knowing that their destiny
Is woven by the hand of God
Into a tapestry
Interspersed with stars and clouds
And pink sunsets

The hole that seemed irreparable
Magically heals
As the heart fills with love
Then overflows and a second heart
Forms as a reservoir
To hold that love forever

Fate and destiny have conspired
To bring two souls together
And turn them into one
And take them on a journey
Through the ionosphere
Past Saturn’s rings
And on to the outer edges
Of the universe
Giving them a love
Unheard of in time or space
But lasting forever
As their destiny is revealed
And their fingers intertwined
Tying a love knot
Of life
Breathing together
Dreaming together
As only one soul and one heart
Made up of two
Can exist
Doubled by the power of love
And given a second chance
By destiny

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
How many disjointed metaphors
Can be fit in a poem?

To the land of unknown
Ethan Frome at home
The highway of September
August ‘til December

Exorcising goblins
A caldron of stew
Before Santa meets Easter bunny
And the storks flew

Beware the Ides of March
Afraid of forever
In a plastic sea

Hold bravely the heroes
Of unexplained mirth
And metaphors laughing
That cover the earth

Bruce Levine Aug 2018
early evening sunsets
pink and orange clouds
holding hands with moonlight
Bruce Levine Jul 2019
The early morning was beautiful
A cool breeze wafted across the horizon
The sun, hidden behind the trees
Barely sneaking its glow through the branches
Giving respite from its glare
Rising inevitably as the day prepares

Morning sounds awakening
As the gentleness of the breeze
Again refreshed, even as the sun heated
Transforming the atmosphere of the morning
Radiating light and warmth
As the morning drifts forward

Bruce Levine Aug 2019
Past the keyhole
The portal to the unknown
Flowers bloom and signify
Lessons learned

Yet future unplanned
Remains unspoken
Time alone withstands the test
Of reality

Foraging through the inexplicable
Toward a new reality
Without a helping hand to guide
Its destiny

Questions remain
As sociology and psychology
Scramble through empty strata
Of perplexity

Fighting new platitudes
Unknown explanations
Diversity notwithstanding
No clarity

Lost communication
Through evolution
Of a backlit screen
Revealing nothing

Bruce Levine Nov 2018
Empty hours
Now filled
With joy

Frozen mem’ries
Held still
In time

Future glories
So close
At hand

Time forsaken
To share
Our lives

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
The roads not taken
And the roads we missed
The turns mistaken
That led us to persist

The happiness remembered
With each passing day
The memories dismembered
Trying to find the way

And longing for the past
Reveals the dusty road
That once had been and we thought would ever last
But time, it seems, became too heavy a load

And the empty days that still go on
The loneliness that weighs so heavily
Can’t bring back the days now gone
Nor answer my tearful plea

The years ahead look empty now
With no roads to travel and nothing to see
The finite seconds that disallow
And only love lasts ‘til eternity
Bruce Levine Dec 2018
Every day
Is another day
Golden moments
Empty moments
Passing time
Filled with
New meanings
Happy memories
Built on longings
Now replaced
With the satisfaction
Of a life delivered
Free from torment
Moving forward
On a raceway
Paved with roses
Floating through time
Making every day
Another day
To remember

Bruce Levine Jul 2019
Every day
Is another day
Golden moments
Empty moments
Passing time
Filled with
New meanings
Happy memories
Built on longings
Now replaced
With the satisfaction
Of a life delivered
Free from torment
Moving forward
On a raceway
Paved with roses
Floating through time
Making every day
Another day
To remember
Bruce Levine Nov 2018
Fall is for color
Bounty and splendor
Spring is renewal
But fall toasts
The future

Nature’s own blossoming
In earth tones that
Shatter the rainbow
With rock solid
Treasure to last
The year

Harvest *****
October fests
Foodie’s delight
Magnificent moments
For taste buds
In sight

Fall holds a promise
Crisp air to breathe
That cleanses the lungs
And erases the lethargy
Of summer’s heat

Thanksgiving to all
Mother Nature raises
Her glass
Mulled cider and cinnamon
Roast turkey and corn
Remember the season
Of color and bounty
Remember fall
The year
Bruce Levine Apr 2019
I trace the hours
Then the minutes
Waiting seems forever
Golden seconds
Moving softly
Like your breath
From far away
Soon my Darling
Home together
Never more away
Loving heartbeats
Clocks chiming
Measuring the miles
That never should have been
From the moment
Joined together
Eternity now alive
Sharing love and caring
Now that fate has set the day
Forever remember
Our love has found
A joyous entry
In the book of forever more
Happy ending
‘Round the corner
Love and hope in store
Love forever
Safe and warm now
Home, let’s close the door
On turmoil and strife
Tomorrow in the past
Husband and Wife
One true love
To fill our lives
‘Til eternity and a day
Holding fast
The hours will pass
Fate has set the day
Bruce Levine Oct 2018
I trace the hours
Then the minutes
Waiting seems forever
Golden seconds
Moving softly
Like your breath
From far away
Soon my Darling
Home together
Never more away
Loving heartbeats
Clocks chiming
Measuring the miles
That never should have been
From the moment
Joined together
Eternity now alive
Sharing love and caring
Now that fate has set the day
Forever remember
Our love has found
A joyous entry
In the book of forever more
Happy ending
‘Round the corner
Love and hope in store
Love forever
Safe and warm now
Home, let’s close the door
On turmoil and strife
Tomorrow in the past
Husband and Wife
One true love
To fill our lives
‘Til eternity and a day
Holding fast
The hours will pass
Fate has set the day

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Fighting the system
As impossible as humans flying
Flapping arms gets you nowhere
Except tired arms

Sending off resumes
For jobs already taken
Playing with websites
Games without end

Social media required
Smart phones expected
No longer choices
Society no longer cares

Making sane choices
An impossible daydream
Fighting the system
Precluding real life

Anger and frustration
A daily concoction
The system resembles
Hologram strife

No other system
To which we must function
Goodbye to the solace
Of yesterday’s life

Bruce Levine Jul 2019
Finishing the thought
Producing commentary
With or without meaning
Measuring space on a page
Of unknown value
Awakening a prism of the intellect
Printed against a background
Of tangerine
Books filled with words
Amounting to nothing
Thoughts piled one on another
Illuminating hidden understanding
Through a transom of enlightenment
In the age of reality
Never forgetting to cut and paste
In a journal kept hidden under the bed
Thoughts of great minds
Produced in history
Resolving complexities of hidden meanings
And finishing the thought

Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Leaving a trail of
Following a path
Known only to
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
First awakenings
Stirring the soul
Innocence turned tangible
In a mixture of hope
Opening windows
And letting the cool breeze
Drift across the horizon
Up toward clouds
That billow like cotton candy
Pink and white spun sugar
Held together by an adhesive
That can’t be bought
Can’t be found on any shelf
In any store
That can only find itself
And merge like hydrogen and oxygen
Becoming a new entity
To quench the soul
Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Flying free
Over the highways
Bound for tomorrow
New promised lands

Opening doorways
Yet to be opened
Trying adventures
Not even planned

No longer chained
By mythic illusions
Scarecrows resolving
Infested minds

Breaking old habits
Never to follow
Long ago bound’ries
Never defined

Seizing the moment
Only the future
Time moving onward
Always at hand

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Follow the dream
no matter where it leads
as dreams have their
own direction
and their
own destiny

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
I am a devout foodist
I celebrate every holiday
That involves food
I’ll try anything once
Except grasshoppers, ants
And other creepy-crawlers

Dinner is a sacred point in the day
Not just a repast or fuel for the body
A joyous time to be savoured
And reveled in
To be rekindled on the tongue
Throughout the evening

Foodism is open ended
Open to all of those
Who desire to luxuriate
In the pleasures of the gastronomic
Who feast with their eyes
As well as their taste buds and stomach

Foodism requires no special meeting house
Restaurants, side-walk venders and home
The approbation of the culinary skills
Praise for the chef
All uniting under one umbrella
All celebrating foodism

Bruce Levine May 2019
Traveling through life
Is an open-ended journey
Of picture post-cards
Hung on a wall

Memories hold souvenirs
Of long forgotten triumphs
And photos remind us
On a four by six card

Passions forever
Encased in a moment
Hold the future together
As the road travels on

And bumps on the highway
Are simply distractions
Resolved at the next
Scenic over-look ahead

Take hold of tomorrow
And only look forward
A lifetime is out there
New post-cards to send

Bruce Levine May 2019
Forest views
Awaken at sunrise
Piercing the clouds
As the day is reborn

Birds come to life
In wild interaction
Like a rainforest surrenders
And tropics unwind

Trees in transition
Calming the spirit
Relaxing the tension
As sunrise begins

Evergreen mem’ries
Outlining the skyline
Feasting on dewdrops
Forever again

Maple leaf forests
Defining the landscape
Perfection outnumbers
The harbinger boughs

As forest views remind us
To open our daydreams
To passion surrender
Another day found

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Folded forever
In a blanket of love
A fishbowl of virtue
Crystalline clear
Peacock feathers
Spread in a bouquet
A colorful rainbow
To tie ‘round your finger
A constant reminder
Of constancy declared
Held in a blanket
Soft as cashmere
Warmth everlasting
A comet revealed
A tail made of stardust
A magical space
Forever a blanket
To wrap you with love

Bruce Levine Sep 2018
Love is special – unique
Something that can’t be
Bought in a store
Or on-line
Love can’t be found
Just because you’re
Looking for it
Love finds you
Sometimes through
Incomprehensible means
Love is destiny
Founded by two souls
Meeting in Heaven
And molded into one
As the angels
Return it to the
Original owners
But it’s
A new life
Because love
Has joined the beings
Forever as one
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
Forever embracing the moment
Holding on to glass hands
Crystalline clear
Bending light
Into rainbows of incandescence
Prisms of starlight
Held in suspended animation
Focused solely on perfection
Gathering dust into clouds
Like cotton candy
Pink and blue
Spun sugar confections
Trapped by centrifugal force
Yet free to puff
With gossamer wings
Into ***** of fluff
To melt on the tongue
In muted simulation
Of irresistible forces
Drawn by magnetic cohesion
Into one
Bruce Levine Apr 2019
Forever embracing the moment
Holding on to glass hands
Crystalline clear
Bending light
Into rainbows of incandescence
Prisms of starlight
Held in suspended animation
Focused solely on perfection
Gathering dust into clouds
Like cotton candy
Pink and blue
Spun sugar confections
Trapped by centrifugal force
Yet free to puff
With gossamer wings
Into ***** of fluff
To melt on the tongue
In muted simulation
Of irresistible forces
Drawn by magnetic cohesion
Into one

Bruce Levine Aug 2019
A bunch of chocolate morsels
Just perfect for a Queen
Who craves a special holiday
And every day between

Written in celebration of National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day – August 4, 2019

Bruce Levine Oct 2018
Two more days
A musical phrase
Sonata in B
Just right for me

Happy are we
Squirrels in a tree
Together ere long
Our personal song

Sunshine means life
A tune on a fife
Forever to be
Just you and me

Golden days ahead
Full of love instead
Of anger and strife
Now you’re my wife

With happiness anew
Reborn to love you
We’ll live together
Like birds of a feather

On through the years
No sadness, no tears
Always in love
From Heaven above

Destiny’s mate
Together by fate
Permanent song
We’ll sing along

Together a pair
Our love we will share
Everything clear
Our future so dear

Tomorrow, today
The piper will play
And all though our life
Forever my wife

Bruce Levine May 2019
The day languished before them,
as if suspended in time,
choosing a course
and yet not choosing,
but rather letting the course choose them
without care
because freedom
and abandonment to choose
presented itself
in its own inexplicable way
and their free will
became incapable
of deciding.
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
Late afternoon
A gentle breeze
The trees a full rich green
On the cusp of summer

The sky’s a perfect sky-blue
With wisps of clouds
Barely visible
Like cigarette smoke
In a film noir
Slowly drifting across the tapestry

The sun
Just before it sets
Bright, with that extra glow
Of eventide
Showering the tops of the trees
In a halo of shimmering light

A perfect time to be lazy
Reclining in a comfortable chair
Daisy, my dog, watching her world
Then drifting off happily
With drooping eyes to nap

A busy day
Slowly ending
With golden moments
Before ev’ning shadows
Envelop the day
And gentle breezes
Drift into night
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
Gliding through the mist
Glorying in the morning
Grateful for the day
Bruce Levine Oct 2018
The leaves are starting to turn
Fall has finally come
Glory days are here

Yellow, orange and red
Mother Nature’s palette
Perfect days for walking
Holding hand as lovers

Shadows of the summer
Refreshed by sweet October
Cooler days and nights
Offering the chance
To forget unhappy mem’ries
Like crushed leaves on the ground
The bright rejuvenation
And colors on the trees
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
After years of torment
Emotional agony and
She’s Going Home
Undreamt of joy
Reveals itself
As the love
She never thought
Would exist for her
Has taken hold
Of her life
A love so deep
So strong
That it could
Only have been
Sent to her
Now she knows that
She is reborn
And soon they will be
One heart and one soul
Joined for eternity
By love
She is
Going Home
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