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Bruce Levine Feb 2019
The silence of now
Past glories long forgotten
Echoes of the past
Searching in the dust
Clues awaken new mem’ries
Moving on in time

Frozen moments last
Taking turns with forever
Yesterday’s good-bye

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
February days
End of winter comes closer
Spring equinox nears

March madness happens
Tired of weary winter blues
Springtime thaw is near

Spring gladdens the heart
April opens new windows
Fresh from winter days

Bruce Levine Mar 2019
In the open air
The fireflies are hopeful
Happy brand new day

Further down the road
Daffodils in a playground
Brighten up the day

Wanting inner peace
Corner stones of the moment
Following the dream

Bruce Levine Apr 2019
Spring is on the wing
Seasons forever changing
Summer on the way

Wild geese appear
Robins nesting in tree tops
Signs of spring are here

Trees burst into leaf
Frozen limbs no longer bare
Harbingers of life

Bruce Levine Jul 2019
Being together
Sharing time to remember
Future looking bright

Happiness abounds
In the simplest of pleasures
Sweet and pleasant days

Walking hand in hand
Window shopping together
Simple things to share

Bruce Levine Mar 2019
I wander the yard
Listening to the wonders
Watching the sun rise
A woodpecker in a tree
Finding peace with the soul

Heroes come and go
Life-long battles with day-dreams
Opening new doors
As flexing muscles abound
Under golden canopies

Following the day
Passages open pathways
Through the yellow dawn
In step with wind-swept moments
Following the path beyond

Bruce Levine May 2019
Forgotten embers
Cast away
Off the shoreline of life

Frozen mem’ries
Linger within
The shadows of the past

Fleeting moments
Brighten anew
The hope of tomorrow

Bruce Levine Jul 2019
There’s the ocean green
Sail boats slowly drifting by
Waves break on the beach

New York in winter
Cold with snow and freezing ice
Thawing toward the spring

Piano music
Tunes to savor all alone
Tunes to share with friends

Passing days of yore
Filled with joy and happy times
Mem’ries still retained
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
A boat in a tree,
A silly place to be.
Why would there be
A boat in a tree?

There came a great wind,
That wouldn’t rescind.
That couldn’t be pinned
Before it had sinned.

The ocean did roar,
Like rarely before.
And finally did score
By coming ashore.

The wind picked up things,
Like butterfly wings.
And powerful as kings
Or a lion who sings.

Then up it did go,
Just like a show.
The boat travelled slow
Before it did know.

Over the sand,
And over the land.
To find a tree stand
Just like it was planned.

Out of the water,
Not what it ought-a.
Something it sort-a
Never have thought-a.

A boat in a tree,
A silly place to be.
But I happened to see
A boat in a tree.

This is based on a true incident of a cabin cruiser, about 25 feet long, up about 15 feet in a tree after Hurricane Sandy.
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
Why would anyone give up
Reading a real book
For a machine?
Holding a book,
Feeling its weight;
Feeling the paper of the pages
Between your fingers,
And actually turning pages
One by one.
With a book
The tactile sensation becomes
As much a part of the whole
As the words
And the use of language;
Blending the story and the book
Into a total experience.
All a machine gives you
Are words
And eyestrain.
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
My dream of academia
Is an idealized one
Mr. Chips and the Paper Chase
Classes of five hundred
In lecture halls the size of stadiums
Students focused
Totally absorbed
Hands flying skyward
With thoughts, questions
And answers
Always thinking
Always searching
Always seeking the challenge
Digesting facts and adding knowledge
Connecting dots from places obscure
Yet always looking for hidden meanings
Layers and levels and subtexts
That clarifies cognition
And opens the portal
Of the enigma unknown
Bruce Levine Aug 2019
My dream of academia
Is an idealized one
Mr. Chips and the Paper Chase
Classes of five hundred
In lecture halls the size of stadiums
Students focused
Totally absorbed
Hands flying skyward
With thoughts, questions
And answers
Always thinking
Always searching
Always seeking the challenge
Digesting facts and adding knowledge
Connecting dots from places obscure
Yet always looking for hidden meanings
Layers and levels and subtexts
That clarifies cognition
And opens the portal
Of the enigma unknown
Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Cinnamon toast
Or English muffins
Covered with butter
Or strawberry jam

A joyous surrender
Feast to the nostrils
The taste buds and then

Smiles to remember
As creamy confections
Swirl ‘round the mouth
Caressing the tongue

Happiness is
A simple reflection
Of cinnamon anything
A cinnamon fan

Bruce Levine Sep 2019
The kangaroos are jumping over hill and over dale
The leprechauns are leaping through fields forever pale
The spectrum of the mermaids is growing by the day
And happy ever after is one more day away

The unicorns are dancing to gigues of their own devise
The ancient mariner speaking in rhymes that once surprise
Pegasus parading ‘round clouds of soft ice cream
And never ending stories are more than just a dream
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
How do you measure a dream?
In ounces? Pounds?
Inches? Feet?
Centimeters, meters or miles?

Do dreams have weight?
Can you hold them in your hands?
How does it feel if you touch a dream?
Warm and tender?

Can you hold hands with a dream?
Can you put your arms around it?
Feel every fiber of it and yourself
Meld into one?

Dreams are ephemeral
Like dandelion flowers
Floating on the wind
Over a field of brightly colored daisies.

Can dreams come true?
Do they have height and weight?
Can they last forever?
Only when you meet the one you love!

Bruce Levine May 2019
How do you measure a dream?
In ounces? Pounds?
Inches? Feet?
Centimeters, meters or miles?

Do dreams have weight?
Can you hold them in your hands?
How does it feel if you touch a dream?
Warm and tender?

Can you hold hands with a dream?
Can you put your arms around it?
Feel every fiber of it and yourself
Meld into one?

Dreams are ephemeral
Like dandelion flowers
Floating on the wind
Over a field of brightly colored daisies.

Can dreams come true?
Do they have height and weight?
Can they last forever?
Only when you meet the one you love!
Bruce Levine Jul 2019
A cool breeze
Wafted over us
As we sat on a rock
Watching the boats
Bob at their moorings
Lazily asking nothing more
Than to bask in the sun

Seagulls gliding past
Shadows on the still water
A distant cry
Of a ferry horn
Mingled with the gull’s call
And the sounds of children
Playing in the park along the quay
Innocent and focused
Only on their games

Peace and tranquility hover
Over us as we watch
A sense of well being
Invades our souls
As we sip our drinks
Savoring the moments
And storing the memory
Of a lovely afternoon
Before returning home

Bruce Levine Sep 2018
There were two layers of clouds today:
One fluffy, the consistency of spun sugar,
Like the foam at the top of an ocean wave
Frozen in time and motionless.
The blue sky and a colorless light,
Intense, like the light from a halogen lamp,
Giving them a luminescence.

The second layer, below and swiftly moving
From north to south at a constant speed;
In varying shades of gray, from light to dark
Like a paint chip from Home Depot
Showing the gradations of color;
Thick, and like a sheet of icing
Hanging from the bottom of a cake,
Suspended in the air, as if
Left by a magician doing a levitation trick.

Intermittent holes in the grayness
Giving a periodic glimpse of the top layer,
Like a sorcerer teasing his audience of children
With some forbidden treat;
But the gray; thick and dense:
Tempting, making you to want to reach up and
Break off a piece from a sheet of candy.

And the morning after the storm,
Silent and eerie – a scene in a movie:
The cool wind blowing parallel to the clouds,
A tandem chill of the ominous forecast
As the gray suddenly becomes still;
The trees stop bending in the wind
And gray overtakes the sky; silent and motionless,
Intensifying the morning until the
Wind starts to move again, blue and bright light piercing the gray.
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
Light sits in a closet
awaiting revelation
And fine wine
withholds fermentation
from those
who refuse to drink
Understanding revealed
along a pathway
chosen by the heart
Sacred moments of triumph
afloat in a bottle
set adrift
to be plucked
out of the rapids
before the waterfall
carries dreams
in a sea of misunderstanding
and misdirection
Course adjustments calculated
by redefining who you are
Seeking enlightenment
with tentative steps
while being bold
Forgetting and forgiving
on a path moving forward
Awakening to a new reality
and a future to behold

Bruce Levine Jun 2019
Complex layers of flavor
Melding on the tongue
Into a savory effusion
Of gastronomic delight

Courses surrender
As taste buds recapture
Moments of inspiration
And memories of other repasts

Aromatic sensations
Tantalizing visions
Perfection of presentation
Rarefied new tastes

Joyous salutations
To chefs no longer with us
Escoffier and Child
Purveyors of good taste

And to the future entrées
With keen anticipation
Long live the gourmet dinner
The multi-course cuisine

Bruce Levine Nov 2018
A half-dozen Little Necks
Clams on the half shell
Whetting the appetite
Eaten raw
A squeeze of lemon
And cocktail sauce
A perfect respite

Afternoon snack
With a bowl of clam chowder
Or a prelude to an entrée
Like trout almandine
With crabmeat stuffing
An ideal combination
For dinner any day

Supper after theatre
A lovely aperitif
With after theatre talk
A half-dozen Little-Necks
And a seafood soufflé
Impeccable repast
Before a homeward walk
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
(for Lydia on an anniversary)

A half-dozen Little Necks
Clams on the half shell
Whetting the appetite
Eaten raw
A squeeze of lemon
And cocktail sauce
A perfect respite

Afternoon snack
With a bowl of clam chowder
Or a prelude to an entrée
Like trout almandine
With crabmeat stuffing
An ideal combination
For dinner any day

Supper after theatre
A lovely aperitif
With after theatre talk
A half-dozen Little-Necks
And a seafood soufflé
Impeccable repast
Before a homeward walk
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
A hint of fall
Relief from fetid days of summer
With breaths of crisp air
Highlighting September
As August creeps toward closing
And seasonal transitions
Make way for new delights

Changes in fashion
Mark changes in momentum
As lethargy yields
To harvest repasts
With bountiful splendor
Like foam on a beer stein
The colors of autumn
Refresh and invite

Time for renewal
Feelings internal
Opens the soul
Opens the eyes

Days moving forward
Toward holiday seasons
Joy to behold
As fam’lies unite

A hint of fall
Refreshes the senses
Like a cold brew in October
Or a carnival ride
A soupçon of freshness
Like meditation reveals candor
The cool autumn pleasures
Flow in with the tide
Bruce Levine Aug 2019
A hint of fall
Relief from fetid days of summer
With breaths of crisp air
Highlighting September
As August creeps toward closing
And seasonal transitions
Make way for new delights

Changes in fashion
Mark changes in momentum
As lethargy yields
To harvest repasts
With bountiful splendor
Like foam on a beer stein
The colors of autumn
Refresh and invite

Time for renewal
Feelings internal
Opens the soul
Opens the eyes

Days moving forward
Toward holiday seasons
Joy to behold
As fam’lies unite

A hint of fall
Refreshes the senses
Like a cold brew in October
Or a carnival ride
A soupçon of freshness
Like meditation reveals candor
The cool autumn pleasures
Flow in with the tide

Bruce Levine Sep 2019
A kangaroo in paradise
Hopped along the shore
Happily hopping over waves
The surf a foamy roar

Starfish and sea horses
Stood aghast sheltered by a lee
To see a kangaroo within their view
And wondered if this can actually be

If paradise for kangaroos
Is happily hopping by the sea
Maybe next time you might find
A kangaroo is happy in a tree

So next time you’re at the shore
Keep an eye where ‘ere you go
One never knows where paradise
Or kangaroos will show

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
Following your heart
Taking the leap of faith
Sometimes you go over a cliff
Bruce Levine Oct 2018
Living in an alternate universe
Ignoring pop culture
By choice
Searching and seeking another reality
Another voice
Unaware of mainstream hyperbole
Disdaining ideology
Disavowing hypocrisy
Longing for another era
Through socio-anthropology
Fearing the fate of society
The human condition
And the disappearance
Of humanity
Portable souls in cell phones
Replacing perception
The golden age of the written word
Reduced to a hundred and forty characters
Life condensed to a text message
Social interaction forsaken
For a higher score of tech magic
Leaving the alternate universe
The only hope
Of sanity
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
But, for us,
memories aren’t enough
nor is the present –
we’re looking for the future
and what we want to do.
And the making of new memories.
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
Another anniversary of your death
A time to reflect on living without you
It hasn’t gotten any easier

All the times you sat next to me in the car
All the things we loved to do together
All the things we looked forward to doing together
All the places we went together
All the places we’ll never get to together
All the times simply being together

I do things alone now because I have to
But nothing will ever be the same
I look to the future and an empty life
A life that once was shared with you

My wife died six months ago today - this is for her
Bruce Levine Mar 2019
Another day closer to spring
The sun just a little bit brighter
The air just a little bit warmer
Filled with the promise of spring

Day trips to nowhere
Just to ride the moment
Holding hands in silence
Exploring sights unknown

Empty beaches beckon
As timeless as tomorrow
Forever holding the entry
To paths and lanes beyond

Seaport towns and cities
Golden crescent mountains
Open arms resounding
With hope each day can bring

Another day closer to springtime
Powerful moments outnumber
Joyously filling the daylight
Another day closer to spring

Bruce Levine Oct 2018
Another day down
To being together
My heart is bursting with joy
Each day without you
Is just another day
A day that doesn’t start

Our love will last forever
We need no other force
Than Destiny who has
Brought us together
Through Fate and love
Of people who knew
That we were only one
Not two

I’ll love you forever
And we’ll live in our hearts
Each second of every day
Here in my heart
The day will start
The countdown to home
No more to roam
Your freedom is here
Forever My Dear
Our love will last
Forget the past

Hold on to the future
A glorious ride
With love filled hours
Each day

With joy made in Heaven
Like spokes of a wheel
The outside is solid
From within
Our love that is strong
To carry along
Through nights until dawn
With daylight to show us the way

From heaven above
Forever our love
Will shine like the brightest star
We’ll live in our home
Two people brought from afar
Together forever
Whatever the weather
Our happiness will see us through
I give you a toast
I love you the most
To love
Just me and you
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
Where does time go
And yet remaining
Every Saturday
Another week

Flying by
Yet standing still
Looking forward
To another dawn

In the distance
All the longing
Soon resolved
By a pocket full of weeks
Bruce Levine Jul 2018
There’s a profound sadness
To the death of dreams.
When hope withers
And days stand still;
Drifting one into another
And another.

The gentle touch of success,
Simple in any form,

The golden rays of sunshine
Shrouded in
Black clouds.

The new hopes and prospects
Foiled by an
Unseen hand.

Time lingers and
Dangles, like a carrot,
The portent of change
That remains unfulfilled
Except by a profound sadness.
Bruce Levine Nov 2018
Once in a lifetime
If you’re lucky
You get a second chance
At love
How it happens
Why it happens
No one knows
But the powers up
Life’s twists and turns
Run parallel in the universe
Fate and destiny hold hands
To bring loved ones together
Dearly departed team up
In Heaven
Guiding what appears
And yet volatile passions
Transcend eternity
Until the ultimate moment
Of consummation
A deep breath
Of longing
Brought together
Like lightning
Illuminating the sky
In a flash of brilliance
That will last forever
Towering over
Time and space
No longer a momentary
Transformed into a glowing
Fireball that consumes
Every fiber of the
Lover’s beings
Granting them love
And happiness
And an ending that will last

Bruce Levine Apr 2019
Once in a lifetime
If you’re lucky
You get a second chance
At love
How it happens
Why it happens
No one knows
But the powers up
Life’s twists and turns
Run parallel in the universe
Fate and destiny hold hands
To bring loved ones together
Dearly departed team up
In Heaven
Guiding what appears
And yet volatile passions
Transcend eternity
Until the ultimate moment
Of consummation
A deep breath
Of longing
Brought together
Like lightning
Illuminating the sky
In a flash of brilliance
That will last forever
Towering over
Time and space
No longer a momentary
Transformed into a glowing
Fireball that consumes
Every fiber of the
Lover’s beings
Granting them love
And happiness
And an ending that will last
Bruce Levine May 2019
Grief punctures the heart
And slices the soul
A love, if true, is never
And yet remains irretrievable
There is no cure
No antidote
For the cancer of grief
Which devours the body
And consumes the mind
With zombiesque ferocity
Ravaging the flesh of a
Walking carcass
Why Heaven has chosen
To perpetrate such a punishment
Is beyond human understanding
Mere mortals were never given
Powers sufficient to plunge
The depths of grief
Hope of happiness
Remains caged like a lion
A corpse being devoured by maggots
And yet, inextricably,
Destiny can intervene
Fate can conquer
The lassitude of time
Conspiracies unforeseen coalesce
Bridging oceans
With glacial understanding
That alone empowers
The universe
To swoop up two souls
Lost in the limbo of time
Destined to fulfill their fate
Carved with flint and stone
A cavern in granite
Now magically transformed
Into pavement as smooth as glass
As crystalline as a stream
Frozen motion
That recaptures the
Essence of life
Spreading a new love
Like a waterfall
Cascading against the rocks
In a rainbow of spray
To tie two people
In a ring of love
Forever sustained
By the growth of
A second heart
Bruce Levine Nov 2018
Grief punctures the heart
And slices the soul
A love, if true, is never
And yet remains irretrievable
There is no cure
No antidote
For the cancer of grief
Which devours the body
And consumes the mind
With zombiesque ferocity
Ravaging the flesh of a
Walking carcass
Why Heaven has chosen
To perpetrate such a punishment
Is beyond human understanding
Mere mortals were never given
Powers sufficient to plunge
The depths of grief
Hope of happiness
Remains caged like a lion
A corpse being devoured by maggots
And yet, inextricably,
Destiny can intervene
Fate can conquer
The lassitude of time
Conspiracies unforeseen coalesce
Bridging oceans
With glacial understanding
That alone empowers
The universe
To swoop up two souls
Lost in the limbo of time
Destined to fulfill their fate
Carved with flint and stone
A cavern in granite
Now magically transformed
Into pavement as smooth as glass
As crystalline as a stream
Frozen motion
That recaptures the
Essence of life
Spreading a new love
Like a waterfall
Cascading against the rocks
In a rainbow of spray
To tie two people
In a ring of love
Forever sustained
By the growth of
A second heart

Bruce Levine Aug 2019
A cool breeze assaults the heat
     of another summer afternoon
Bringing relief and a hint
     of fall lingering on the horizon
A new season cooling the air
     and painting the trees a myriad of hues
Festival glories revisiting daydreams
     with harvests and goblins and beer fests galore
A time for reflection as days slowly shorten
     and nights cool for sleeping content and relaxed
As fall reawakens splendid sensations
     of cool breezes assaulting another summer day

Bruce Levine Sep 2019
A cool breeze assaults the heat
     of another summer afternoon
Bringing relief and a hint
     of fall lingering on the horizon
A new season cooling the air
     and painting the trees a myriad of hues
Festival glories revisiting daydreams
     with harvests and goblins and beer fests galore
A time for reflection as days slowly shorten
     and nights cool for sleeping content and relaxed
As fall reawakens splendid sensations
     of cool breezes assaulting another summer day

Bruce Levine Feb 2019
A slow walk to nowhere
A metaphor for life
Hills and valleys flatten
Amid the daily strife

Of drifting ever onward
The ending never clear
If today or if tomorrow
The last hurrah is here

Like walking the dog through raindrops
Pellets of water coating my head
Sniffing the ground for nothing
Or something being dead

Longing for resolution
Holding hands again
Yesterday’s tomorrows
In bed with us and then

Turning off the faucet
Of guilt and pain gone by
A chance that’s barely taken
Happiness worth the try

A faster walk to somewhere
Only the future knows
A happy life together
A restful night’s repose

Bruce Levine Jul 2019
A slow walk to nowhere
A metaphor for life
Hills and valleys flatten
Amid the daily strife

Of drifting ever onward
The ending never clear
If today or if tomorrow
The last hurrah is here

Like walking the dog through raindrops
Pellets of water coating my head
Sniffing the ground for nothing
Or something being dead

Longing for resolution
Holding hands again
Yesterday’s tomorrows
In bed with us and then

Turning off the faucet
Of guilt and pain gone by
A chance that’s barely taken
Happiness worth the try

A faster walk to somewhere
Only the future knows
A happy life together
A restful night’s repose
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
It’s overcast and rainy
But I feel a special warmth
A warmth from above
A warmth inside
As if the sun were shining
For me alone
Bruce Levine Aug 2018
As the sun focuses on a single tree,
Like a lighting “special” pinpoints an object on stage –
Life projects its essence of humanity.
Bruce Levine Oct 2018
The trees go from bare, barren branches
Agonizingly bursting with buds
That become leaves in their palest shade
Reaching for the sun and darkening in color
Time to reach their fullness of life

At home in New York
Time to breathe the energy
That only New York air carries in its wake
Time to let the New York rhythms transfuse
Reshape itself
As a prelude evolves into a symphony

At home in New York
Where ideas float in the air
Like grains of sand in the Sahara
Waiting to germinate
Waiting to be gathered
Cross pollinated
And become grand arches of infinite rainbows

Glass and steel rising
With sculptural ferocity
Like Jack’s beanstalk
Towering into the sky
Reaching for the golden egg
Transformed into an apple
To be plucked from the tree of life
That only New York can succor

Drawing toward itself
Like the moon controls the tides
And returning to the atmosphere
Like solar flares
Volcanic yet enigmatic
Waiting to be recaptured
Waiting to be nurtured into being

Away from New York
Produces an emptiness
A sink-hole in the soul
Longing to be refilled
By the variations on the theme
Subtle or blatant
Transparent or translucent
At home in New York
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
The trees go from bare, barren branches
Agonizingly bursting with buds
That become leaves in their palest shade
Reaching for the sun and darkening in color
Time to reach their fullness of life

At home in New York
Time to breathe the energy
That only New York air carries in its wake
Time to let the New York rhythms transfuse
Reshape itself
As a prelude evolves into a symphony

At home in New York
Where ideas float in the air
Like grains of sand in the Sahara
Waiting to germinate
Waiting to be gathered
Cross pollinated
And become grand arches of infinite rainbows

Glass and steel rising
With sculptural ferocity
Like Jack’s beanstalk
Towering into the sky
Reaching for the golden egg
Transformed into an apple
To be plucked from the tree of life
That only New York can succor

Drawing toward itself
Like the moon controls the tides
And returning to the atmosphere
Like solar flares
Volcanic yet enigmatic
Waiting to be recaptured
Waiting to be nurtured into being
Bruce Levine Sep 2018
Autumn brings rebirth
The closing out of summer
And the renewal of the cycle
Signifying a time of regeneration
With cool, crisp golden mornings

Faster time paces
As the days grow slightly shorter
And momentum challenges
The fledgling generation
To rekindle itself anew

No more a time of consumption
Or empty days of dreary longing
But a momentary highlight
That expunges the emblematic
And erases the scars of lassitude
And lethargic days that summer brings

The bounty of fall’s beginnings
Fills trees with yellow splendor
And refocuses the thirst that redefines
The topography of the soul

No longer the empty moments
Of fantasies forgotten
That sorrows never cling to
And time alone can’t quell

Only the rebirth of autumn
As the harvesting of last year
Cleanses fields and forests
Making way for new born buds
That reveal through empty spaces
Left by falling embers
Of things that are best forgotten
And glories yet to come
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
The autumnal equinox
Light and dark
In equal measure
Vying for supremacy
Balancing life’s forces
As the sun crosses
The celestial equator
Moving through the darkness
Toward the new light of spring

Autumn glories
Balancing life
Letting go
Of inner daemons
Harmonizing with the earth
And finding comfort and serenity
In the warmth of snug spaces
Created and preserved
Against the vicissitudes of winter

The mysteries of the unknown
Served up daily
As the fall air
And mutating colors
Present new challenges
Opening doors to the
Constant of change
Embracing the present
And the vastness of life
Bruce Levine Sep 2019
Autumn brings rebirth
The closing out of summer
And the renewal of the cycle
Signifying a time of regeneration
With cool, crisp golden mornings

Faster time paces
As the days grow slightly shorter
And momentum challenges
The fledgling generation
To rekindle itself anew

No more a time of consumption
Or empty days of dreary longing
But a momentary highlight
That expunges the emblematic
And erases the scars of lassitude
And lethargic days that summer brings

The bounty of fall’s beginnings
Fills trees with yellow splendor
And refocuses the thirst that redefines
The topography of the soul

No longer the empty moments
Of fantasies forgotten
That sorrows never cling to
And time alone can’t quell

Only the rebirth of autumn
As the harvesting of last year
Cleanses fields and forests
Making way for new born buds
That reveal through empty spaces
Left by falling embers
Of things that are best forgotten
And glories yet to come
Bruce Levine Mar 2019
A woodpecker in a tree
Talking to you and me
Bobbing its head
In search of daily bread

Wouldn’t it fun to be
A woodpecker in a tree?
Bobbing away
Throughout every day

Hopping from tree to tree
Tapping tunes for you and me
I wonder what’s its name
Maybe he’s just playing a game

Another woodpecker in a tree
Just happens to be
Talking to you
I wonder what you’ll do

Two woodpeckers in a tree
Happy as they can be
Each bobbing their head
Maybe they’ll be wed

Baby woodpecker in a tree
Mom, Dad and you make three
Happy all the day
I love to watch you play

Bruce Levine Sep 2018
A yellow crescent moon
That overlooks the landscape
And hyphenates the stars
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