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 Apr 2018 r A bentinck
When will this be over?
I m starting to lose my patience now
My eyes are already tired
from crying tears of blood
I don't hear my heart beating
Maybe, it is jaded too
My brain doesn't function anymore
It is haunted by the thoughts of you
I want this to be over already,
I want to be happy again.....
When will the Almighty pity on me?
When will he save me from me?
 Apr 2018 r A bentinck
C Cavierre
We love, and the more
We love, the more
We hurt.
 Apr 2018 r A bentinck
 Apr 2018 r A bentinck
Pass me that red bottle
Pass me that cup of wine
Pass me those bad decisions so I can slow down the time
Pass me that cold drink so I’ll feel your hand with mine
So that when I blink, I’ll wake up to see a sign

Cause lately it’s been crazy
It’s nothing short of shady
Working 9-5 it’s always "Yes"
Never a maybe

Stuck in one big system
Without a say in the decision
I always keep on wishing
That we were back our position

Of remembering all the lessons
From all our classroom sessions
To walking pass the hallways
As we say our one true mission

That one day we’ll float higher
To see that sun and whatever’s brighter
To build one lasting empire
But we were burnt out by the fire

— The End —