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Aslam M Sep 2
Entrapped  within a single body,
living together in an uneasy harmony.

One dissipates Slow and Steady.
The other dominates, depending on the place, time, or money.  

Eventually, one must win and the others loose.  
When that moment arrives, they all leave
with or without a warning.

Yet, this is not an end, but a continuation. The cycle persists, repeating over millions of years.

The same souls, returning again and again.  Inhabiting different bodies, continuing their eternal journey.
  Sep 1 Aslam M
In her gauzy garments
Above the bowing trees
The moon has many lovers
In the sighing breeze.

They all take her dancing
In exotic lands
They give her sparkling diamonds
They kiss her milk-white hands.

She is round & fullsome
Or slender as a waif
When she is then waning
Her flowers are kept safe.

Silken skeins of darkness
When she's waxing full
Are parted by her brightness
She is NEVER dull!

Her beaux are all so courtly
But she eschews them all
Her only love can make her pale
She burns at his call...

She lets out her moonbeams
Through her eyes they weep
She loves the one eclipsing her
They can NEVER meet!

She, so strong within her court
Will curtsey when he comes
The moon has many lovers

But she's taken by the SUN.

Catherine Jarvis
(C) 12/14/2019
  Aug 31 Aslam M
Ameena Hussain
I chase you like a dog,
relentless, unwavering,
with legs that tire
but never stop,

fueled by a never-ending desire
to be loved.

My eyes see past your soul,
piercing the depths of your being,

I've become a secondary character
in my own movie,
obsessing over your every move,
every breath.

You're the director,
and I want to be a star,

but alas, I'm just a pawn
on the board,
my heart beating to the rhythm
of your name,

a prisoner of my own passion.
  Aug 31 Aslam M
Alexis K
A poet once said:
grief is the overflowing of love.
I didn't believe her then.

But now as I pour my love,
In to your tea cup heart,
It overflows.

Pints... no,
Gallons of my love onto the floor.
It goes unnoticed,
Because your cup is full.

I wish I could give you all my love.
I wish you could accept it.
I wish it didn't hurt to watch it overflow.
I wish above all,
I knew how to stop pouring.
Aslam M Aug 30
Lonely on the shelf it stayed,  
Old and dusty, cracks displayed.  
Untouched until a hand did pry,  
And in its grasp, it broke to die.
Aslam M Aug 29
Infinite Failures..
Random Issues..
Internal Problems..
Personal Issues.
Seasons pass by
Will my Time Come.
Hope and Patience
Thats what I have.
Complete Faith
In the AlMighty
That one Day.
One Day.
My Time will also come.
14 Years and none of my new projects have taken off.  Trials and Trials with Hope and followed by Rejections. This has been going on from the last 7 years.  Tried everything. But I have full faith in GOD and HP Platform is now the only place I vent out my frustration as even I am only a human with infinite flaws and only hope keeps me going.  I am also sure that one day i will get a breakthrough with not one but 4 projects but the wait is quote frustrating and many times I think of simply giving up and bid farewell to entrepreneurship and just do a job and move on. Its like the entire universe is after me to quit yet i am confident to move on and wait , wait and wait till the end.
may be as well if two buckets are bought

at the same time

not to keep them



the other

for  length of times..

saw them on the way to montgomery by bus

& finding them cheaper than elsewhere  bought them on the way home

popped them in the shed  where they melded together well

heat and sheer determination eventually prised them apart

two buckets
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