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Aslam M Nov 2023
Too many things on my mind,
O! I wanna unwind,
How I just want to relax,
Take a few things off my back.

Heart says- Hey! Slow down there,
Mind says- Gear up! Things may go astray,
Wondering into the space I stare,
Balancing seems the only way.

Written by Iram.
Posted this for a friend of mins.
  Nov 2023 Aslam M
Amanda Kay Burke
The most beautiful lie I ever heard in my entire life

Can I keep hearing again and again?

Inside mind
Waiting in the very back
Teasing all day

Forgot place it originated from
Patiently rested there so long

Where am I with no trace of these words?

Now I am forcefully facing the truth

Calling friend in my time of need

Just crying out to deaf ears

No one listens

They take advantage of what I am missing

Pretty flowers have wilted and died

Butterflies in tummy flew off

Ripping the band-aid off as fast as I could

You strode into life without my permission

So I wonder why it hurts this much to watch you walk out of it

I've never felt whole as I did the moment you murmured those three perfect words

So scary thinking back how many emotions I experienced
You shared none of them

And myself alone felt gravity pulling towards you faster than a magnet springs toward metal

Keeping tears as trophies to put up for show in your mental display case

Waiting for me to topple so you could catch me in your net
A specimen shown off
To use

Everything ruined with the shattering realization that when you said
"I love you"
Were merely lying

It all was a lie
Spilled water on paper so deciphering my smudged handwriting felt like putting together clues to a mystery
Aslam M Nov 2023
At times Wonder
Was Religion made
To check on ones Ego !!!
Aslam M Nov 2023
Through the years, time slipped away,
Love for Dad unsaid, in the fray.
Busy lives, work's relentless tide,
Expressions of love, we chose to hide.

Decades danced with a business theme,
Heartfelt conversations remained a dream.
Hospital walls, a stark reality,
God's grace granted a final decree.

In silence, his eyes spoke profound,
Unspoken love, a connection unbound.
In those weeks, a sacred space,
Emotions unveiled in that tender embrace.

"I love you," whispered, long overdue,
Appreciation expressed, feelings true.
Regret lingered, a silent, haunting cry,
Wishing sooner, love didn't shy.

Millions lament, words left unsaid,
In the heart, the weight of what's dead.
Share your love before the dusk,
Life's too brief, an ephemeral husk.

Speak your heart, let emotions flow,
Before the final, inevitable blow.
For in silence, regret finds its reign,
Express your love, release the pain.
Aslam M Nov 2023
The Time has come
Yet we do not see it
As we are so engrossed
In our own world.

They bleed and Cry.
Beg for food.
Yet no one sees.
As if they are Blind.  

The least one cam do
Is to have an empathy
For these victims of War
East to West.
North to South.
Aslam M Nov 2023
Many Centuries back they were buried alive.  
Now they are beheaded as soon as they are born.
Its not about who is right or who is wrong.
Its about the savage inside all eacb one of us.
You , Me and All.  
We all either look the other way.  
Or Simply dont care.
Or Justify the actions of either Sides.  

The Truth is that we all have became so emotionless
That no matter what happens in the north , south , east or West.  
We simply dont care unless it happens to us.

The way ahead is not going to be easy for sure.
But deep inside we know whats right or wrong.
But cowards we are not to even feel.

Its better to be now among the dead.
Then to be with these emotionless living beings.
Aslam M Nov 2023
Though Every Land has its own charm.
But Germany is Germany.  
From Dusseldorf to Heilbronn
From Cologne to Berlin
From Frankfurt to Stuttgart
Every place is as appealing as it was
And now even more.  
This place is so unique.
That it may take a life time
To Explore it.
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