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Jan 2024 · 213
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
Alone, Together

A World Lost People Entranced  

iPhone Invented

A modern haiku, a.k.a. Freeform haiku this type of a haiku also includes the Kireji
The Kireji is used to create a sense of juxtaposition or surprise, allowing the reader to experience a shift of perspective or emotion. This type of haiku is not limited to nature, but every day life.
Steve Hobs good or evil we spent hours on our cell phone or tablet or I Pod’s is this in mind control? Ultimately are the computer gadgets harmful? We are not to be in the world but other world. Our computers ruling up already.? Without A Van realizing it.
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
The biggest hit, and the only remarkable one outside of their native Canada
of this ending band
formerly known  as Staccatos
Reach number three on the billboards
At the time there was a revolt against this song, but later generations saluted the song They were a band before their time. This song has stayed with me my entire life listen to the  music; these are the lyrics.

Song by; The five man electrical band

And the sign said long-haired freaky people need not apply
so I tucked my hair up under my hat, and I went in to ask him why?
he said you look like a fine young understanding young man
I think you’ll do
so I took off my head and said,
imagine that!, me working for you

Sign, sign, everywhere sign blocking out
the scenery breaking my mind
do this ,don’t do that,
Can’t you read the sign?

And the sign said everybody
caught trespassing, will be shot on sight
So I jumped up on the fence and I yelled
at the house. Hey what gives you the right to put up with Fence to keep me out
or to keep mother nature in
if God were here, he tell you to your face man you’re some kind of sinner

Sign, sign, everywhere sign blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
do this, don’t do that,
Can’t you read the sign

Now hey you Mr., can’t you read
you have to have a shirt and tie to get a seat. You can’t even watch you know you can’t eat you’re not supposed to be here design says you got to have a membership card to get inside. Ugh.

Sign sign everywhere a sign blocking out the scenery breaking my mind do this don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign

And the sign, said, everybody welcome come in ,kneel down and pray,
but when they passed around the plate
at the end of it all,
I didn’t have a penny to pay
so I got me a pen and a paper and
I made up my own little sign
I said, thank you Lord for thinking
about me. I’m alive and doing fine.

Sign, sign, everywhere, sign blocking out the scenery breaking my mind do this don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign
This is a one hit wonder from the five man electrical band from 1969
This sums up the 60s peace and love
Hippie, flower, Child, after the Vietnam war, the younger generation was not going to go along with the status quo anymore. There was a lot of drugs, and the new music called rock ‘n’ roll. But this song is the embodiment of that era.
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
A webinar
On eating Human Flesh
Over 50 McDonald’s
closed after human flesh
was found in their food
First they blame the US
then they capitulated
That it must’ve been a prank

The New York Times wrote
A well known chicken manufacturer
had human DNA detected
(They show the Chinese manufacture
of the chicken plant.
I choose to not mention the name)
I will give you a link to the actual video at the end of this poem

is your kind of place
It has a different taste
Sautéed flesh in your face
After all, it’s no disgrace
Is your kind of place.

Wikipedia Will give The benefits of cannibalism.
Population is growing  
supply and demand to eat meat.
There’s simply Not enough for everyone.
In tough times it could help you survive. And to escape the stigma start off slow eat your pets first!.
I kid you not
Barbarism is defined as the absence of culture and civilization by extreme cruelty and brutality. If we can normalize the whole process of civilization,
The New York Times,
A taste for cannibalism
pointed out Hollywood latest trend;
books and movies that suggest in the end times (if you can stomach it) are based on the topic of cannibalism.
Pop culture is pushing that says just let it go as as yeah, pop culture has a say in anything well, perhaps I do.
The psychology of totalitarian
the book by Matias  Desmet
His world is in the grips of a dangerous collective type of hypnosis as he bear witness to the loneliness, free-floating society and fear, giving way to censorship, losing privacy Surrendered freedom it’s all
Spurred Buy a singular focus crisis narrative that forbid, descent views, and relies on destructive group think Desmet works on do whatever they are told by the authoritarianism that from the masses the narrative to new normalization is cannibalism obey. Why is cannibalism so in right now?
In the 70s there was a movie called
Soylent Green, which was set in the year 2022 the green crackers the people were being fed were dead people.
The dystopian government processing the dead into food to feed the masses.
Curiously today nearly 1,000,000 people have disappeared
Australia, 20,000 children missing each year Canada 450,000 children missing each year Germany 100,000 children missing each yr Jamaica 96,000 children missing each year Russia 45 million children missing each yr Spain 20,000 children missing each year United Kingdom
112 Thousand children missing each year America 460,000 children missing each yr

I’ve heard stories about the Rich and famous drinking blood chromium taken from scared, frightened children
Satanic rituals, traffic kids
When you have numbers of near 1 million per year children disappear.
Why is that not the most important thing?
Now, add cannibalism” you gotta put the bodies somewhere”
that’s the way it was presented in this webinar.
Factor fiction did children missing are fact. It’s hard to conceive any notion of this
So I’ll start with, would you believe?!
2-12-24 update
McDonald’s is forced to post on their door that all of the food is not real. They did not deny there was human flesh in their food they settled ,they’re paying the settlement let that one sink in ,they’re not contesting.
The king said to her what ails you, she answered this woman said to me, give me your son that we may eat him today. And we will eat my son tomorrow. KJV Bible
Jan 2024 · 153
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
Thunder Thunderstorm in the sky
My scarred doggie Asking why

Thunder Thunderstorm  in the sky
My frightened doggie
Wants the noice to go away
whimpering he has to say

Thunder thunderstorms shake the house
My fragile dogie quiet as a mouse
As the lightening fills the room
Doggie can feel my scared gloom
As the sheets of rain beat the ceiling
My doggie behavior is revealing
With questioning eyes he knows
This is not how a storm usually goes

Thunder thunderstorms in the sky
My doggie shivers that is his fear cry

Thunder Thunderstorm in the sky
Speaks to lightning not sure why
As suddenly as it started then all day long

Lightning Thunderstorms  are now gone
My doggie snores a peaceful song
We had 34 hours of heavy rain followed by lightning that light the entire sky then thunder
That shook the house. Pretty terrifying for my dog.
Jan 2024 · 120
Grandmother’s Story
CJ Sutherland Jan 2024
I want to know everything about you.
You’ve had many experiences in your lifetime. The simple life when ice cream was just a dime
From your favorite childhood vacation, to the birth of your first child,
These moments shaped the course of
Your History.

Some events you knew
would change your life,
while others, you didn’t realize
the full impact until years later.
They each played a role
and need to be shared.

For many families,
the younger generations
aren’t interested in their elders,
until it’s too late to ask them.
While Grandma may Think
she has forgotten the stories.
All her sadness, joy and glories.
As They start to pour from Grandma’s heart, she recants so many other tales of woe, She’s been holding for a while
Her secret life  in tow
Grand adventure
A twinkle in her eye
She remembers the days gone by

For others, the stories were told by the children and grandchildren, who forgot the most important intricate details.

Places like Barnes & Noble offer books, such as my grandmother’s life.
Grandma I want to know everything
about you. and many others.
These Books have prompts that helps the writing process. When finished , you will have a complete Bound Book of your life.

Now your documented history can be  handed down through the generations. Your words, your experiences, your story forever remembered.
You could write a journal without buying a book. IF you have the tenacity to finish it.

Write your Journey in Several Chapters,
Each reflecting different
periods of your life.;
Childhood  ,Adolesence, Adulthood,work, Marriage and Parenting , Empty Nesting,  Grandparents. Middle age and Wisdom

Within each section, there are events and
Advice and things you’ve learned. From lighthearted to serious.
You’ll remember the trials and the triumphs, the laughter, the sorrow
  Your details will provide a well rounded view of your life. There is no wrong way
to write your story.

Include as much genealogy as possible
Who is in your family tree?
What, When, Where and Why
What made you laugh?
Who made you cry?
How you handled it all,  the mystery .
These are the Fabrics of your History.

Most Grandparents have
A box full of pictures.
Your Book could be A Story
about each of those pictures.
Write them down less you forget,
and your legacy Lost forever.

If Grandma cannot write, perhaps a family member can write her story down while grandma tells it.
A bonding moment
that will never be forgotten.
A tape recorder is another option.
Then you have Grandma‘s voice as well..

This can be your
New Year’s Resolution
You always had a solution,
and when you’re gone,
Your storywill live On

Postscript (PS)
This is not just for grandma, grandpa.
In fact it’s for all of you. I started writing a journal at the age of 12
I have 90+ journals to date, and a complete story spanning 50+ years.not only of myself, but all of those around me.
my eight brothers and sisters and my parents. Noble house wants first look when completed , but told me I had to change the names of everybody to protect the guilty and we’re all guilty ( Plus, nobody would sign off if it puts them in a negative light) That’s not what my goal. To publish for Publish sake. It’s for my family. Who, like most families have moved away plus they’re all in their own little bubble life. Honestly, I don’t really know any of them anymore. Yes we talk we spend time together but as we get older, family members lose the intimacy.( well, unless perhaps (sisters)
Journaling saved my life in  many ways. Well ,all the ways a person can be saved.
Poets can copy their work off of this site, compile it into their own book. Whether they publish or not, it shows progression of time, and is also a journey of life. Forever bound in your own book. As a testament to what you thought, most importantly, that you were
alive and the voice of your generation
Dec 2023 · 326
For Auld Lang syne, My Dear
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
New Year s Eve parties
We “dressed to the nines “
Fancy frilly Dresses
Hair updos, nails, lashes
Dress to impress.
but it’s all for fun.
Ready to ring in the new year
with those we hold Dear.
those who are no longer here.

As we count down
the seconds until midnight
A sparkler for delight
Holding our loved one tight
Fireworks,Noice makers
popping streamers Watch them fly high into the sky.strategically position
In the middle of the dance floor,
Five, four, three, two, one…
“Happy NewYear” The crowd cheers
The bells begins to ring,
Well wishes, Cheek Kisses
Collectively, We all begin to Sing.  

Should old acquaintances be forgot
And never brought to mind

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and Auld Lang Syne

For Auld Lang Syne ,my dear
For Auld Lang Syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For Auld Lang Syne…

There’s actually more lyrics to this, but nobody ever sings them?

Have you ever wondered
What this song means?
After a few drinks,
it doesn’t really matter
A hill of beans!

Auld Lang Syne means,
Old or long since, Old Times

It invokes feelings of nostalgia, especially to memories of good times spent.
Should old acquaintances, be forgot, and never brought to mind

Serves as a reminder to cherish those fond memories that We’ve already had,
Which makes the song
A perfect New Years Eve song.

This song was written centuries ago. A Scottish poem, updated by Robert Burns, in 1788, Who gave a new modern version from the original poem. by author Alan Ramsey.
Please share with me
How do you Ring  
in the new year.
How do you spend New Year’s Eve now in my 60s, we seldom stay up double digits(after9:00pm) usually, I’ll wake up when I hear people yelling and screaming outside and the fireworks going off. I’ll go to the door and check it out. And come and whisper happy new year to my husband and kissing on the cheek and he mutters it back to me and I sleep. but it’s all good, because I would rather be in bed next to him, then anywhere else in the world
Dec 2023 · 106
New Year’s Resolutions
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
For some It’s the traditions
They have the same list, then editions
The thought of bettering your life
Being kinder to your children and wife
It’s not such a bad desire
What will you complete
Before you expire?

The same three goals on my list
I completed two with a little twist
I’ve added two more
To even the score
And I’m ready for the New Year
My goals in check, I’ll Cheer

Food for thought perhaps
Others live in a bubble and take naps

Not concerned with something so absurd
They do what they need to get heard
IF It happens, It happens  who’s to say
Let things come as they go, to their dismay
After all Needs change every day
It’s an extraneous process at play

It’s rather interesting
This all or nothing concept
Either you make a list Or you don’t
Either you want to set goals or you won’t
So you’ll think about It,Or we’ll see

procrastination is
Barking up the wrong tree
Now that this little ditty is done
It’s not a winner loser ,Who won
It’s food for thought, This is true
From my poetry desk, To You
I asked around Christmas day and two strong opinions occurred.Either way some will make New Year’s resolutions and do so every year and others of course they’ve been drinking too much Christmas Cheer said absolutely not it’s a waste of time and that’s the end of this Rhyme
Dec 2023 · 46
Forever Friends
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
As a child, Elementary school
I remember getting A heart necklace
cut in half. We each have half
From my best friend. Friends to the end

  45 years, later we’re no longer friends
The friendship just ends
No hearts to mend
I just can’t pretend
That broke my soul
When she so easily let go

You might wonder
What could’ve happened
Biden versus Trump
One of us had to go
And I was the last to know

I had another friend
47 years we parted ways
In a public forum heated crazy
Biden versus Trump

I’ve never knew Somethings so silly
Can turn friendship to hate
Destiny or fate
When I ask why she hurt my heart
She said, whatever do you mean
By far the cruelest thing I’ve ever seen

Some people will never
have friends for that long
We danced over a lifetime of songs
People change over time this is true
But even through parting ways we grew

New friends are all around
Waiting to be found
People we meet in passing
At a gathering ,the grocery store
In many places more

Some we meet for a reason
Others longer for a season
A time and time, and a half, a time
We may never know God’s plan
We may never know why
A stranger offers a hand
Or why to talk
We chose to talk to a person that day
Or what profound effect came their way.
That still small voice told you what to say
and you listened.

The neighbors in passing,
and those you get to know,
perhaps a friendship
will blossom and grow.

The Uber driver
the Starbucks, coffee, maker,
The checker at the store.
We don’t think about them
That person who open the door for you

A kindness shown nothing for you to do..
Those people in line, random all by chance. look up from your phone,
Did you give them a glance.
Next time, give that stranger a chance.
I know in today’s climate
that’s a dicey position
Here that still  small voice,Listen
and hopefully make the transition
You might just meet you next best friend
Growing up, I was taught the two things you never discuss our politics and religion. My two best friends decided to end my friendship because I voted for Donald Trump. I really thought in time they would come around and see. That’s a silly reason we’ve weathered many. More prevalent storms, no matter what we always stayed friends even if we didn’t agree, so this one was hard to see and for me, it’s hard to accept
These two friendships lasted longer than many marriages
Dec 2023 · 180
The Christmas List
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The day Before Thanksgiving, the Special Edition Newspapers Came.
We mulled over Every Sale Item;
placing tabs, creating a master list on a yellow notepad. Meticulously planing in what order do we swoop in and grab
The coveted Black Friday door buster item,
They were the best deals of the year..

We feverishly found a place in line at 2 AM while many slept in tents up to 2 days prior braving what weather coming

One year I was trampled to the ground by the inertia of the mob, pushing their way inside. Fortunately my many layers of sweaters and coats protective me not only from the cold, but also from the peoples feet. Still, I’ll never forget that feeling.
For that reason, alone, children should not go to these Sales. It’s just not safe.

We all play the commercial Game.
Our group split up to achieve maximum success.Constantly confirming with one
Anther So no two people were getting the same item.
A cart was a hindrance to moving quickly around the store. Since our group had four people we shared one cart.  Many sell items were “ limit one”
At first glance, it might appear we are breaking The one item limit
Feverish People tried to grab items out of other peoples carts.
Insisting it was their right.
physical violence, Over a Toy

While waiting in long lines to purchase the fantastic deals we were calculating in our mind and Final Gift decisions were made.

All while the children slept in their bed visions of new toys danced in their head.

Children grow ,traditions, change
Children’s children
A new generation rearrange
Grandchildren created the “Toy parade”.

When They were little as can Be
They needed grandma to see
The Toys on “The Christmas List”
Criteria NONE If they could have anything,
While dreaming in“ The Christmas Mist.”

The Day finally came,
The Trip to Toys R Us
That car ride was never a fuss.
A Child’s imagination in full display
They still remember vividly to this Day!.

An entire store of TOYS!
For good little Girls and Boys
It’s more like a Christmas wish.
Happiness, love, fulfilled
The ultimate Bliss

They would pick up a toy,
This is what I  really, really want!!!,
smiles of ” Christmas Joy”
Then Picked up the next toy
This is what I really really want!!!
Smile of “Christmas Joy!!!”
And then  process continue
Throughout the entire store
Imagination galore.

I would take a picture Write down the price
This is the time for them to think twice

Bedtime became A time to
“Toy Prioritize”
Or grandma’s phrase
“Growing wise”
Question to ask,
Knowledge to seek
What do you really like about that toy?
Ascertaining IS the value worth the joy?

We researched what the Toy Really did.
Many commercial claims were a fib
Learning Various things the Toy didn’t do  
Now educated Kids were getting a clue.

By Age 10 the I see, I want “ phase ,
Kids took pictures of the entire row.
Their excitement and enthusiasm in tow

Honey, Now you need to prioritize
That’s when they realized(Adulthood)
The Christmas list must be more realistic
They now need to learn to be simplistic.

The value of a dollar,
The phrase of the day
Has a different meaning
with inflation, and
Bidenomics taxation at play

Interesting how each child’s Mind rationalize in a different way
Although they’re now adults, they still dream under the Christmas tree
of how it used to Be

Forevermore the
Days of Grandeur  
still begin with  the
“Christmas list”
Believing  in “ What IF”
Now only resides in,
“The Christmas mist”
The last grandchild is 16 years old. All the others have made the bridge to adulthood and learning that toilet paper and lightbulbs cost money takes away some of the magic of Christmas. Bills have to be paid
Dec 2023 · 352
Christmas Needs
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023


don’t Need

to exchange

Gifts for Christmas

They Need to exchange

Apologies, Settle old Disputes,

Make Peace, Forgive and Seek Healing
That would truly be A Blessed Christmas.

The Reason

For the



Families that don’t see each other all year long and then all of a sudden they’re going to get together is if they’re just some wonderful family. But that undercurrent of destabilization. the egg shells we so carefully walk on.. Nothing ever seems to change.
Dec 2023 · 176
A Christmas Prayer
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
For all
Dear Lord
Our  hearts  are
full of wonder
As We
the Miracle
Of Jesus’ Birth.
We lift our Voices
In Song and Praises
And Prayers of Gratitude.
Every Heart Glows with the Joy
that comes from knowing   YOU.
We thank you Father for Loving Us
With a LOVE    so GREAT    you sent
Your Only SON
In Whose
We Pray

John 3:16
so Loved 
the world
He   gave   His
Only begotten Son
That who                 so ever
Believeth                     in Him
Shall not.               Perish
But       have

In the.            World
Shows.        God’s
for.             US
More than the Gift
Of His Precious SON
May.    our     Hearts
Be        filled.       with
JOY and Gratitude
As                 We
This would be a great prayer for Christmas Day when everyone is consumed with STUFF
let’s remember
Dec 2023 · 199
At What Point
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
Do we Ask The Silence Questions?

What is an acceptable quality of life?
Birth Defects;
Conjoined twins
Cerebral palsy
Down syndrome
Blind, Deft
Cleft palate
Childhood Cancer

At what point do we ask?
Are we Humans playing god?
Test tube baby acceptable
Just because we can
does it mean we should?

We are looking for the answers!

We need to see our way clear
Corrective lenses, Glasses
Cataract surgery
Retinal detachment,

Listening for hard truth, what will we find?

Hearing aids
Ringing in your ears

People speaking without hearing a sound

At what point do we ask?
What constitutes Contributing to life?

When is a person a Burden to society?

When limited Movement is painful;We Stop
Tingling, Numbness
Degenerative disc disease
Fused vertebrae surgery
Paralyzed from the neck down

We Elect Surgery to regain mobility

Our desire for a better quality of life

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Total Knee Replacements
Hip Replacements
Physical Therapy
Walkers, wheelchairs, braces,

Losing Control, Fighting for your life!

At what point do we ask?

Who determines when a person is
Unable to comprehend life?

CANCER The “C Word “

At what point do we ask?
When the pain is unbearable?
Hang on, orLet Go!
Chemo therapy
Body rejecting medication
Breast Cancer, cervical cancer
Reconstructive augmentation

Allergies, coughing, asthma, COPD
Oxygen therapy  
Ventilator assisted breathing

At what point do we ask?
When Health Situations Demands Actions !

Taking stock Emotionally
Get your Affairs in order

Heart Attack
Pace maker, regulator, stent
Kidney failure
Kidney transplant
***** transplant
Metal plate in your head
Artificial limbs

At what point do we ask?
When do you pull the plug?
Brain dead
life support
DNR do not resuscitate

At what point Do we ask
Are we creating A new species?

Where in your body does your Soul reside?

At what point do we ask?
When is this action acceptable?
Assisted suicide, Dr. Kevorkian
Hospice care is not life Care
Giving Up, Choosing to Die

At what point do we ask?
Is this acceptable?
  Even if we were healthy our entire life, the world is stacked against us!
Breathing, eating ingesting poison!

GMO, Genetically modified food
What are they doing to our body?
Chlorine 200+ chemicals in our water
Poisonous gases chemicals (chem) trails
at what point do we ask?
Dr’s treat the symptoms But
Rarely look for The medical condition
Etiology unknown
Pill's that ****, ineffective treatment
The side affects are worse than the cure
Untested not approved Shots
Fake plan-demic Human  ginny pigs

At what point do we ask?
Will we ever know the long term effects.
The damage done To our bodies
Human experiments Without our Consent full understanding ,knowledge
Are Eugenic at play.?

We engage in conversations considering
the best possible solutions
There are Definitely more
Questions then answers!

At What Point Do we ask?
Where do we go from here?
Dec 2023 · 1.1k
Baby Boomers My Generation
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The Baby Boomer Generation
was between 1946–1964.
Currently today between
the ages of 57 and 75.
So that would make most
of us still alive and kicking

No, two people experience,
their generation the same.
It depends upon your age
going through the experience
Facilitates our gauge.

These is what I remember along my way.
Details, I leave out the baby boomers will know what I’m talking about.
One of 8 kids I’ve seen many layers
These recollections are from many players
This memory train stops ,Ends 1979

My generation as a child;
Buying our clothes from the
Sears and Roebuck catalog
Weekend chores morning till night
Sunday church, youth fellowship group
A treat to play baseball in the street
First set of wheels a Banana Bike
with high handlebars, Ten Speed bike
We road for miles but never lost our way.
Made and played with Paper, Airplanes,
Lincoln Logs, Click Clacks and Jack’s
We dug holes to make a Mini Golf Course

I sold fruit from our many trees For lunch
money cafeteria food 4 fruits NO sac lunch,
We were resourceful, earning our own way.

The boys had a Paper Rout
The girls Babysitters. I bought my clothes, by the age of 12 with babysitting money.
And happy to doit.!NO more sister’s things
The embarrassment of hand me downs

We covered our School Books with
Brown paper, trash bags, creative Kids used
comics from the newspaper cool!
We walk to school and back, never alone

We dial a rotary phone plugged in the wall.
Dial zero for operator to connect your call
Yellow page phonebook to find numbers.
chores and homework done, before fun!
Boys collected Baseball Cards MadeCrafts

Junior High; The quarterly Shop classes
Boys Only,
Auto Shop, Wood Shop,
Electronic Shop and Plastic Shop
The boys sold what they made
for a pretty penny(expensive price)$$

Drivers Ed
In the classroom and in the Car
The schools had four Cars;
4 kids and the Instructor

Home economics
Girls Only;
learn to Sew, A-line Skirt, Gym Bags
with Embroidered Names, one freestyle project. Anything from Turning jeans into a Jean skirts. Imagination creation,
Original design Homemade crafted gifts

Cooking Class had 7 mini Kitchens
Nutritional well-balanced meals, but my favorite Cake Baking tips and techniques.
We had a lemonade Stand in the summer
Sold Fresh lemons off your fruit trees.
Baked cookies, cupcakes, and cakes as well.

Every meal was made from scratch
Feeding 10 meant more than one batch.
We ate Dinner as a Family every night
Us kids, brothers and sisters were tight
We went to Drive-in, Movies in our PJs
We got our information from Encyclopedias
We waited for the Milkman, and the Helm’s 
Whistle Blow, Diaper Services at the door.
We listened toTransistor Radio on the floor.

My Generation as a Teenager
Bellbottoms and Crop Tops” peace signs”
mini skirts, go-go boots, moccasins beehive
Hair with Flowers everywhere
Bought my First Vinyl Record

Rationing Gasoline;, odd, and even days
By The last digit of your license plate
In 1993 and again in 1997. Gas Ran Out!

Changing the TV channel with the ****
First black and white TV followed by color
FineTune the antenna, rabbit ears for clarity.
We piled in the wood panel station wagon

A Phone Booth on every corner $.10 a call.
The simplicity of it all
Until The Moral pendulum Shifted Society
The shooting of John F. Kennedy
I knows where I was the day it happened
The shooting of Martin Luther King
These two Events shaped our Generation.

The Vietnam war, Kent State Univ. shooting
Our Generation Before
Cell Phones, CDs, ATM, machines, Internet, Pagers, Cassettes Tapes Eight Track tapes
in the car. The swear jar

We barter food, sold eggs Goods,& Serves
Wore Galoshes to school on muddy roads

My generation as an Adult
Neighbors Voted in our garage
Their loving façade was an allusion Mirage  
Never answer “Who did you Vote for”
Airing ***** laundry in public, not smart
VOTING couples screaming, fighting in the street taught me.NEVER talk about;
Religion and Politics. Two Deadly Battles
The price, too High, to lose, your happy life

Gypsies gave daisies At the Airport
Make Love Not War, Peace bohemian style
California rock ‘n’ roll bands in the city
And to the sand, Artistry in the air
Music flourished,Bands played everywhere

The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd,
The Beatles, , Crosby, stills, Nash, Young
Simon and Garfunkel every day fair
Woodstock a whole other scene
To describe it, you had to be there

Drugs,;mushrooms, ***, psychedelics, acid
Roxy, & Rainbow Club where the weirdos went or Chinese tour buses,
filled with people dressed in 60s wear
Men wore a camera around their neck, Hawaiian shirt, black Horn rimmed glasses, Ladies poodle skirts with Peddicoats and white button down blouses and sweaters
in the 1979. I kid you not. strange people!
I wanted to ask what movie they saw that made them think this was California style?

Car Races on Van Nuys Blvd.
Parking with your boyfriend
Teen center held under 21 Dances.
The San Fernando Valley(Valley Girls)
Really said “for sure”. “Totally awesome” “whatever” “ not even” “ As If”

Orange Grove and walnut trees as far as the eye can see. The city Tarzana was named after Tarzan. South of the Boulevard 4 miles from Michael Jackson’s house. Modest home. Difference as night and day

Curiously, I never thought we were poor
We were rich in love, and that was more than enough. Help a friend in need
Because it’s the right thing to do.

people were people, Just getting along
Decent folks Kind and Caring,Sharing
God-fearing Christians, Moral Values
Live and let Live. The American Way
A trip down memory lane. Every 10 years your life change is 100% birth to age 10 is easy to say. Age 10 to age 20 you get the point. Each of those are new lives. I am in the second year of my sixth life.
Dec 2023 · 83
What is it to Be Human
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The loaded questions
We so cautiously avoid
I don’t want people annoyed

Hot button topics questioned
Should not be mentioned

This has nothing to do with morality.
This is duality and plurality
This is ethics pure and simple

Well, perhaps It’s both
It’s different for each human being
Questions /Answers
A personal thing

The Final ACT of Purging

In between
No longer a man
Yet never will or can
Be A biological woman
In the middle
Forever, Trans

Set aside for
The Moment
Moral Differences
Think empirical

Aren’t WE
ALL transitioning?
In some form
or another?

In the name of
Health and Healing
A heart transplant
Or any major *****

Body augmentation
Prosthetics Apparatus
Better Faster Stronger
We can LIVE longer

The question
I am struggling with

What is a human?

Where in the body is the soul?

Are Humans playing god?
Just because we can
Doesn’t mean we should!

As I grow older
My View of life changes
The philosophical approach
is how we justify who we are,
and how we live our life.

Yes, too much in one poem
I’m looking for intellectual Conversation
Let’s Here your reviews;
I desire reason
Food for thought, stimulation
Not fluff or frills
This is not a war of wills
We are all learning to grow
Pick a topic
let us begin
What do you Know

Questioning , probes An Idea,
to thought, consider reason,
foresight, ponder, wisdom,
gain understanding,
I encourage you to pick one of these topics and write a poem about it. Let me know and I will post it on my site. in the notes reference my poem, so all of these different poems can  be linked together the never ending group.
what is that saying
“Great minds think alike.”
Dec 2023 · 113
Slang phrases
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
This generation has taught
us new words:
cultural creation,
social justice
Racial injustice
trigger warnings
safe, space
identity politics
cancel culture
white privilege
Black power
culture appropriations
Anti fada
From the mountains to the sea
Exterminate genocide

Have you noticed
things come in
catastrophic waves
something new
risers up, crashing down
like A tsunami
that Slowly dissipates.
******, death, ****,
time to reflect, understand
What it really means
remains to be seen
Then the quiet before
the storm until, the next thing
Something wicked, this Way comes.

What is society preparing us for?
Is it’s by design? If so, whose design?
No doubt, we will have more
slang phrases to follow
It seems as if we were to be kept distracted, so we don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes. If we’re fighting with each other, we can’t see or focus on what the rest of the world is doing. We need to wake up we need to understand, nefarious people want to steal our land.
Dec 2023 · 577
Baffle the SpellChecker
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
If you can read this
out loud,
you have a strong mind!

7H15.         M3554G3
53RV35.         7O  PR0V3
H0W 0UR             M1ND5 C4N
D0 4M4Z1NG.               7H1NG5
IMPR3551V3.                 7H1NG5
1N   7H3.                  B3G1NN1NG
17.   WA5.            H4RD.  BU7
N0W.  0N.  7H15.  L1N3
Y0UR   M1ND.   1S
R34D1NG.       17
W17H    0U7   3V3N
7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17
C3R741N.  P30PL3
C4N.  R34D.   7H15
This message serves to prove how our minds can do amazing things impressive things in the beginning it was hard, but now on this line, your mind is reading it automatically without even thinking about it. Be proud only certain people can read this.!
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Bless us Oh Lord,
for these thy gifts
Which we are about to receive
from thy bounty through
Christ, our Lord Amen

Thou whose hand
hath brought us
onto this joyful day,
Accept our glad
and listen to us pray

Thank you Lord,
for all that grows
Thank you Lord
For the rainbows
Thank you Lord
For the sky and
stars that shine
Thank you Lord for
the moon and the sun.
Thank you Lord for
all you have done.

I will never forget the Thanksgiving prayer. My father offered when I was a child. He took the letters of “Thanksgiving”
And he gave them value

T is for thankfulness
H is for everyone Here
A is for amen
N is for Never giving up on God
K is for kindness we show each other
S is for the Sunshine and Stars

G is for God our Lord Jesus Christ
I is for the Individuals at our table
V is for Variety of bounty the Lord gave
I is for Initiating forgiveness and love
N is for Noticing the gifts God gave us
G is for Grace and Gratitudes

It wasn’t until years later, we found out that father had cut that prayer out of the paper and he put it in the palm of his hand, and he read the poem so seamlessly we all thought he was making it up off the top of his head.

Feel free to make your personalized version
For your Thanksgiving Blessings prayer
and fill it with everything that would
be of your family’s gifts and blessings

Happy Thanksgiving
May God bless you and your family

I encourage you to write your Thanksgiving prayer
traditions in the comments
May your house be full of love and the word of God as you gather together for everything you were thankful for God bless us all
Nov 2023 · 106
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
All People have an evil streak

When they hear good things about you
Silence is deafening, no desire to speak!

You might be tempted to
toot your own horn bragging boastfully
If it’s their approval you seek

But when people hear disparaging
negative remarks about you;

They spread The gossip,
regardless of truth
Juicy Salacious lies,
With a gleam in their eyes

Hellacious slander, you might say
“what’s good for the goose
is good for the gander”

You might want to return
The negative evil gossip
“If they dish it out
They better be able to take it”

When they don’t hear anything about you
They’ll make it up to perpetuate
the rumor mill!

And they will
label and judge you
for your entire life,
Well, 40 years ago
or 50 years ago
you did this or said that!
What’s the use
Don’t play their game
Don’t stoop to their shame

Instead of turnaround is Fairplay
Turn away from the negativities at bay
It doesn’t matter what they say
God knows the truth anyway

On being your  best version
You have nothing to prove
to others

Forgive them
As you want
To be forgiven

Love your
Neighbor as

You have nothing to gain
And everything to lose

This is easy to say
But will take a lifetime to do

Once Blessed
God will do the Rest!
There are people that will hate you till the day you die no matter what you do or say you’re always been that way. 50 years ago you didn’t let me play with your dolly. There doesn’t really have to be a reason for these people. It’s just the way they are, so how do you handle it?
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Dog ransack trash can
Scattered all over kitchen
Dog now in Dog house
Websters has a word of the day,. And BLT is the one compiling this. Once you posted on your site contact him this is my first one don’t know much other than that
Nov 2023 · 250
A threat
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free speech or free thought.
Nov 2023 · 122
Lower Case (i)
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
A generation of
Lower case. (i)
They don’t

There is

Taught them
To believe

Is  NOT bliss

I have asked
Lower case

The response
As stated

It grieves me
To see
Of our youth

We as fellow poets
People with a voice
Show this generation
At first I thought it was an error but surprisingly it’s lack of self worth.
Nov 2023 · 350
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Thunder in the sky
Dog shaking under covers
Scary noise is gone
There are 8 types of haiku 5-7-5 syllables about nature
Nov 2023 · 213
Waiting Still Waiting
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023

Tools of the trade;

meter, flow
Not as easy
To get the
poem to Glow

Every word
Can be
A Segway
With a hook
A mystery
Love story
Or an
Open book

Dangling                   participles
A poem’s journey
Can be
A long way
To go
And flow

A single word
Writer style

Haiku, limerick
Free verse, Ballard
Word Salad


Light.       The

The mechanic
       ­         FREE

Writers block I actually fell asleep waiting lol
Nov 2023 · 109
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
In my Youth
I would Say
“I’ll try

If the
Had *****

She’ll be
The King

No Matter


I can HAVE

All of


My Youth
I thought
I was “IT”
A Bag
Of Chips

being a
God’s Gift
Thank God
I lived through it
Nov 2023 · 180
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Then versus Now
Society ,Nation, State, and Government

is an ***** of the state.

The STATE agency
which makes laws, and enforces them, and punishes those who violate those laws.

is a culture and a psychological unity,
and as seen as eternal one.

you must have noticed is a
political structure organization

Our Country
Born free,
as far as the eye can see
Men fought and died
for our right to be

Proud to be an American
Red White and Blue,,
Patriot true
God Bless America,

One nation under God,  
In God we trust.
These were the foundations
of our great nation.

America is no longer
under God’s protection.
No longer God’s perfection
Judgment is at hand

A corrupt world is imploding from within
Full of; Pride,Hatred Evil, and Sin
Every important topic at one point or another has been hidden from the public. We are left in the dark were told only certain things our government is not truthful corrupt when you start looking into our history there’s so many things that we have not been told. What happened to JFK, 911 and if you ask these questions I can go on and on you’re considered a conspiracy theorist. Whatever happened to the truth. Then versus now. an eye-opener11-4-23
Nov 2023 · 90
Reality Bites Sci-Fi
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Most people are content to live  in a bubble
Minding their own business , out of trouble
to live in a world that self medicates
Like a GMO plant they germinates

Hide in plain sight
They gave up on the fight
Playing video games all day long
Blaring music without hearing a song

Falling down the rabbit hole
Vegetation the goal
Television for the masses
Blank out with 3-D glasses

The perfect movie
in comfort, It’s all groovy
Popcorn, salty sugary candy
Mindless eating is handy dandy

Carefully Choose which genre,
Comity,Fear, Pleasures , or Pain
roller coaster, faster, plain insane
Emotions are now mundane

The goal ,entertained and numb
No need for education. Stay dumb.
Escapism needed, and necessary today
Thoughts wiped away, keep reality at bay

Tired of existing in wonderland
Wake up, realize, understand
Who controls the world? today
They Record what you do and say

Society, changing, rearranging, a Recluse
hostage in home, hangman’s noose
The groundhog cautiously looks around
Decides ,Without implication or sound

Nothing in reality exist, or can be found
Groundhog rather be back underground
Too much time to contemplate
spend it in an alternate state

It’s more than just a principality
It’s a comfortable home, full hospitality
The Make believe world is
Enticingly more appealing
Rather consider all it’s concealing

New world order, One world religion
Bigger, better ,brighter, lead the way
The tomorrow of your dreams today
No need to go back to yesterday

Artificial intelligence offers
Your heart ‘s content,
The perfect mate,
money well spent,

All an allusion; Date fall in lust ,
Artificial intelligence to admire
Everything on your checklist a must
Emotions that never expire

Once dead, every thought in your head
Every story, phrases quotes you said
The Proof you lived and ever existed
your brain can be implanted twisted

forever in a Machine, to learn humanity
And Society is pushing for that insanity
Baby boomers look back at the movies and cartoons like the Jetsons, outer limits outer space they were filling her head. Wayback win.
Oct 2023 · 286
The will
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
the will
of the

is predicated.

By the
of our
Oct 2023 · 288
A threat
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free beach or free thought.
Oct 2023 · 368
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
It’s not hard to do
The right thing, it is knowing
What the right thing is
There are eight different types of haiku’s
5-7-5 focuses on human foible
Oct 2023 · 277
On Step Forward
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
One step forward
With Faith
         One step forward
         With Hope
                   One step forward
                   With Love
                            A willingness
                            To Embrace
                                  Peace and Goodwill
                                   Towards all Mankind
I feel so helpless with what’s going on with the wars today, perhaps good thoughts and prayers 10/23
Oct 2023 · 147
Half truth
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
When you.                  cut off
a family.                       member
for.                                life
they will.                     never
tell.                              people
the full.                       story
Their side.                   Full glory
they will.                     only
tell                                Everyone
the part.                       that you did
that makes.                  you look bad,
Bitter.                            Mad
The great                      Divide
Separation.                   Festers the rot
All involved.                Distraught
Every member.            Must choose
In the end.                    They all lose.
Every day I hear people say that family member is toxic. I’m getting rid of him I’m not talking That person anymore I don’t need that drama in my alarm. God gave us every family member. Pacifically for a reason. I wonder who those people think they know more than God that’s the diversity that’s the thing family needs to overcome they throw people away like trash. I’m sure you know what you’re doing and10/23
Oct 2023 · 208
College Kool-Aid
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
Higher education a privilege not a right
Financially universities are out of sight
Choose A college, not cloaked in hypocrisy.
The one you can afford is mediocrity
Most try hard to resist Temptation’s sin
However eventually they just want to fit in
A feeble experiment, try something new
College students surrender without a clue
Not quite full grown , a woman or man
They do what they want because they can
Transitioning into, anything, something
They are on a quest to stand out, to shine
Their Grand Adventure to seek, to find
Escaping the rat race, a struggle , The grind
Considering all possibilities what is best
Experiencing the excitement of life’s zest
Contemplating who and what to become
A leader or A follower, success for some

They are Young , gullible, ignorant trusting
Naïve, Unsophisticated , easily deceived
It doesn’t matter if what they are told
Ridiculously implausible Is NOT true.
It’s something For them to believe in
It’s something they need to hang onto,
They drank the College Kool-Aid
Step One

Newbies, full of dreams, leave for college,
Young adults ,barely retaining knowledge
When They come home for thanksgiving.
In a crazed haze, moral confusion, Ensue
Erasing their history, they once  knew.
volatile temper, They jump to conclusion.
Their past reduced to just an allusion,
Monumentally,This is the very first time
They are allowed to have , Boisterous  
opinions of Worth and make it plausible.
Their thoughts, glimpses of intelligence.
A New Affirmation of personal dominion
Acknowledge Pronouns, how they Identify
Parents must; be content, conform, comply
Specifically, Never question, or ask why
College Kool-Aid
Step Two

Ready to argue , On every point
they sneak off to smoke a joint
College Kool-Aid
Step Three

Repeatedly They are taught ,Every parent
has filled their head with a million lies,
and their generation is much more wise
College Kool-Aid
Step Four

Indoctrination overtime Many discussions
Unfold Laced with Drugs, beer and wine.
They were taught to believe what they knew, as they grew,  twice told tales lies,
Which made disillusioned Parents sigh.
Absent minded they started to drink.
Consciously they never stop to think
College Kool-Aid
Step Five

Their tribe no longer Included; family,
Sister and brother, father and mother
Yes even Nana and Papa were deluded
Generations, traditions all up rooted
Drink longer and Stronger
College kool-Aid
Step Six

Taught to Destroy the entire world
Once held high ,our flag unfurled
The American flag now burning
Patriotism, A relic from the past, turning
Historical statues dismantled, pulled down
Americans look around, our foundation
The Rubble, pieces, broken on the ground
What made America special , not found
A College Marxist generation now enlisted.
The young and old, morality, sold twisted
Uncontrolled they no longer can be told.
The fruits of College Kool-Aid
Step Seven

Deception , humanization , foundation laid
Bourgeoisie hidden lurking in the shade
Powers that be ,One World Order parade
College staff, every teachers too, mixed
their evil brew, served, what they made
College Kool-Aid
Step Eight

mind bending manipulators Deployed
All means possible ,Our country destroyed
the Long term effects, fruits of Kool-Aid
America reimagined, A coo  from within
Attack on every front, Revolution begins
They don’t care what, they don’t care why
Contrived motives by the great divides
Parent and child on opposite sides
Our children are now walking away
from their family they once knew.
Those That nurtured and gave love too.
Master control takes hold, kitchen Bare
Congratulations!, Graduated, unaware
Receiving their diploma with a blank stare.
College kool-Aid
Step Nine

Brimming with anger, hatred, deep inside
Gross distain ,They don’t try to hide.
USE their Parents for a Financial ride
for their College Education with pride
Bewildered Parents don’t want to believe
Their youth would practice to deceive
Deception, achieved, Illusion never fade
College Kool-Aid
Step Ten

No more nonsense and No more pretend
Our Traditional education Now at an end
leads to communist Marxist, emancipation,
Marching, Molotov cocktails in the street
Mostly peaceful protest, burning the elite
Generations, bewitched , never knowing
Depravity showing , Take over growing
Illegal immigrants, parents cannot defeat
Inevitably America flounders, at the Brink
Eventually everyone will drink, once made
College Kool-Aid

Morally gone, zombies, walking dead
Education formed what is in their head
Decision time, Take the Red pill or the Blue
Really that’s all they’re taught to do

Easier to Control when empathy is gone. Honestly, How do We Combat this war?
How do We reason with our children
with 1 foot out the door. The erosion of
Families , Morality ***, Marriage, racism,
Transgender ,M/F , giving/killing Birth
Everything is controversy on this Earth.

Relax borders open we’re going for a ride
United States Civil War, treason, spies
Hear the battle cry, How many will die?
Defending America’s right to be free
We are At the precipice, On bended knee
By design ,by those who hide in the shade

well played
After all,
they MADE
the Kool-Aid
This is an example of an epic poem .
As a  college Educator and a college student I see things from both perspectives.! Watching the young adults I know navigate I experienced this firsthand. To hell in a handbasket
American, Or land .10/23
Sep 2023 · 744
On the other side
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Realistically You can’t hide when your
emotional enemy resides inside
Your actions you ,can no longer abide

Your soul Haunted to the core
Satan always knows the score
Prey for repentance once more

Proverbial Time heals the soul
yet guilt ridden emotions take their toll.
This storm working to your end goal

Our staggering resilience to live.
Gradually, we learn to forgive
The alternative world drain like a sieve

Survival demands a yearning to grow
Which facilitates a learning to let go.
On the other side a better life you’ll know

In your minds eye , Emotions can’t hide,
You’re just a smile away, on the other side
Let your morals conscious be your guide
This type of poem is a Tercel A three line poem, with a rhyme scheme  AAA,  BBB, CCC There is no limit to the length other than each stanza is three lines
Sep 2023 · 171
Poetry Art
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Single.    .  Word
By                    it’  self
has          ­                       Little
To no.                               significance.
However.                                    Planned
strategically.                                pla­ced
into                                           Complex
Structured.                       sentences
can.                     create
so sublime.
It will
the test
of time
That’s why
Write poetry
This is a flower, a rose In the negative space you can see the bulb head about to open.. It’s going to blossom, it’s going to be more..9/11/23
It’s the change in process.
Sep 2023 · 175
Stranger Things
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Can’t.       See        The
Color.        Of Their.         Wings
We as             Humans            Can See
How               Beautifully          They Are
We                Appreciate              their
Majesty         From.         Afar
Like Wise
We.       All     Think
We.            Are             Not
Even.              Good             Enough
But                 Others                See
How                Amazingly.          ­  Special
We.                         Can                           Be
Why Do.                We.                Listen To
That.              Negative              Guff?
Fill.                Your                 Head
With. .   Positive.     Stuff!
This is an example of what I call poetry art. I was trying to make butterfly wings, but this format just won’t work with me 9/10/23
Sep 2023 · 281
Searching For Answers
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Is A
Powerful.                Thing.
The.      QUESTION.       is,





This is true in every walk of life.
the quest for truth
answers who we are9/1/23
Jul 2023 · 322
Bible prophecy
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Wake up !wake up !
before it’s too late
It won’t be long
until the date
Jesus Loves
The Bible prophecies ,6000 years old
Has come to surpass what God foretold,
Exactly how each prophecy will unfold
Our Lord Jesus Christ has a Grand Plan
This is HIS world ,country, and land
At a precipice we stand
Tribulation is at hand
The beginning of the end
NO need to deny, pretend
God’s watchman will defend.
The Bible tells us what will transpire
Earthquakes, meteors, famine, plagues,fire
God wants to get our undivided attention
Every judgment in the Bible is mentioned.
God wants to save all mankind
Every precious soul he can find
Judgments to cleanse man’s SINS
God’s cup is full, Tribulation begins
God’s Angels will destroy this land
wicked refuse to atone,TheyTake a stand
Satan kills Christian; woman and man
The trumpets will sound loud and clear,
Every Language, Every Soul will HERE
“ I                Am
The.               Lord
Thy.              God
For all the.        world to See
The WRATH.             of God,
The Glory.                        is HE
This poem refers to the start of tribulation. We are in the last generation in time is at hand. 7/25/23
Jul 2023 · 202
Helter Skelter
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Charles (Charlie) Manson 1969
was in the Local News mostly The Times
when he committed the crimes.
The young girls were so blind
lace on drugs; hallucinogens and wine.
The trial lingered through A 70s time line.

I was 15 when we found Stoner’s Den.
Chatsworth Park North, where and when.
Behind the Railroad Tracks, & Tunnel;Then
Up in the mountains and hills we found
An opening to a cave in the ground

I wondered just how deep the leap
I dropped a rock in the hole
to see how far , The cave did go
but I never heard it hit the ground
Not even the slightest of sound

The boys had been there before
The opening in the ground was the door
A thick rope knotted Nice and Neet
Dangled down approximately 20 feet.

Ominous dark Messed with your head
Your feet had to find the ledge or your dead
No going back this way, they said.
Navigating rocks in a narrow jagged path
smaller and tighter the deeper you went
The time to worry was half past spent.
If you were claustrophobic
this was the wrong place to be
luckily that was not me. However
I was not prepared for what I would see

In the Dark ,The skinny girls cried  
soon I know why, A Solid ROCK SLIDE
Lay flat on your back with just
enough room to bend your knees
and don’t sneeze please
Crawl Slide on your back,
stay close keep track
skinny girls had no fat.
They had to be pushed until their
body glide down the rock slide.

I had the opposite issue.I was fat
My girth was momentum on the rock Earth
I slide fast and hard with all my worth.
No control, A dip, A drop, unable to stop
I hit a friend, welcome to the Stoner’s Den.
Dimly lit, hard to see, Satan’s ****** words
Were Warnings, on all the walls ,
Invoking spirits, evil calls
Many half Burnt candles on the ground
piles of Dusty spare matches
And flashlights we found.
Whoever owned them was not around .
Once lit The flickering light filled the room.  
An uneasy feeling I was in a tomb

A boulder so large we
couldn’t Put your arms completely around.
It could not be removed from the ground.
A pipe was drilled in rock from top down

If Your First time  you must drink red wine and smoke the rock with *** you brought.
I was Afraid of what drug residue were left behind. Would my **** contain dope?

I didn’t want any part of that scene
overwhelming fear, the need to flee
Panicking, I was turning green.

Over and over they played their game
Three other girls lower their head in shame
The more peer pressured I grew cold
I said, NO ,I just want to go.,
Nothing more to say, I got my way.

There were three EXITS out
Easy, Medium or Extreme no doubt .
So  You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to Know which way the girls wanted to go  Nice and slow, Easy, Peezy no problem
Why couldn’t we have gone In that way
If the girls had a say! The experience might’ve gone a different way. Hard to say

Years later, we learned, The trappings of
Where we had been. As legend had it, Stoner’s Den was right below Spawn Ranch
were  Charlie’s Family lived and danced.
It was know they had been to Stoner’s Den

Charles Manson, and His girls planted their Seeds they Cultivated evil deeds for Charlie Faithfully Under his spell they proceed

The  reckless way we teens behave
We could Have gone to our grave.
We took a walk on the wild side.
in the dark where evil reside
Thank God we made it out alive.

That was the dumbest and coolest thing
I have ever done., BUTI would not
recommend it to anyone
Helter skelter in the summer swelter. Would happened became part of our pop culture in a Don McLean song bye-bye American pie. Before the music died.
Jul 2023 · 243
Art of Subliminal messages
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
There is A
Blank screen in
Everybody’s head
To evaluate Control
Rearrange, memories
What was perceived
Versus what was said
We are being

Shadowed Remnants
False recollection Remain
Of what we once believed in
And knew to be true
Are we insane?

We can’t remember our name
Thoughts Have been removed
As if they never existed
This world is sick and twisted

Sacred truth Is now a Myth
For our younger generations,
Without a clue  Of what to do
Who Regurgitate And Manipulate
World hits Short clips sound bits,
Spoon-fed Youth ,Speak for shock value
Uncouth Vulgarity spoken With regularity
Strategically planted  Ideas in kid’s head
They are reduced to The Walking Dead

Filtered News
Did we Win?Or did we Lose?
This all happened ,while we snoozed

News Stories
Are The Deep State
Goals and Glories
Used to deflect, distract
From those who were
caught in the act

When we seek We shall find
However Be careful of
Bombarded Land mines

Subliminal Messages
Pushed All day long
Hidden in the words
Of Everyday Movies
And Country Songs

Big Tec Media streaming thread
Programming the contents of our head
while we sleep in our bed

Today nothing is as it seems
Arrested for posted A tweet or meme

While mostly
Peaceful protest
Destroy the world
We no longer can tell
What is a boy or
What is a girl

The MAGA deplorable‘s
who won’t take the bait,  
Inevitably, Will meet their fate
They are Looked upon as
A bug to be crushed
Silenced , hushed

Bourgeoisie, void of feelings, ANNOYED
Those in power said this loud and clear
One world order, open boarders
We will own nothing No hoarders
One party rule starts in grammar school
We know what is best!,NOT YOU!
Laws redefined, Their golden rule
All republicans who do not agree
deprogrammed on bended knee
We Need to put them in a barrel
shunned and DESTROYED”

Illuminati, A Cabal
who created; CERN and AI
Want your soul for sell
Open the gate to
Evil Minions freely jump in
As Satan cast his spell
Propagate.Satan”s agenda
go forth, and Procreate
Fill the world with;
Pride, greed, Lust and HATE
Moral decency, destroy, negate

These are the ways of the Deep State.
Step out of line they will Seal Our fate

Wake up !wake up!
before it’s too late
No love, only Hate .
It won’t be long
until emotions are gone
Humans no longer belong!
AI Will rule the day
Humanity needs to pray
Turmoil today is due to the rise of BABYLON
Jun 2023 · 179
A wise man’s tale
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
This is a coming of age

The wise old medicine man
teaches life lessons to the youth clan.
He shares  cautionary tales to the village,
Before they learn to **** and pillage

“There are two WOLVES,
in every Person’s heart.”

The first WOLF
Is Unadulterated  Evil;
Destructive upheaval
Pride, Rage, Jealousy,
and Greed,
Satan’s Sin’s Seed

This WOLF will lie,
Trick and Deceive you  
into thinking, you are
your own god.

“Come into my parlor”,
said the spider to the fly
“Sure, I’m poisonous,
but you shall not die.
It’s only
a little white lie”

The second WOLF
Shows you right from wrong
God printed on your heart all day long
Examples of; pure love, and to be good,
Caring with forgiveness as you should.

In life you must battle for your soul
Heaven or Hell, Eternity your ultimate goal
Many times each day, You must Choose
To Win or lose, Your life is in transition
you have to make a decision,

Are you predator or prey?
As each WOLF speaks,
Can you here what they say?
“Wide is the path of many,
that leads to destruction,
narrow is the path, of few,
that leads to righteousness(KJV)

The children ask
Which WOLF will win?

The wise, old medicine, man
looks into their trusting eyes,
He ponders a moment  
then gives a quiet reply;

Each of you will decide before
You take a walk on the wild side.
What is it you want or need.
A Path to Salvation or
Your desire to feast on greed
It’s all predicated by

This was something I’ve heard many different ways, and I kind of just made a version of it with the original premise. The author is unknown.
Jun 2023 · 478
John 3:16
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
For  God

So  Loved

The  World
That He Gave     HIS.    Only Begotton
SON             Whosoever.         Believeth  
In  Him

Should  Not

Parish  But

Have  Ever­


This was the first Bible verse I was taught as a child. This is how my journey in Christ begin understanding this small verse.
Word art happens Organically.
The sword represents the spoken word, a double edge, sword. Part of God’s holy armor. I did not set out to make the pattern it just happened.
Jun 2023 · 203
A visit at the nursing home
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
I  can smell the musty, generations passed
An odd lingering scent that last
A Mixture of cedar wood and moth *****
Bring forth a flood of memories.
I great their calls
Happiness Fills my head and nose
A flower for Grandma,
A hand picked garden Rose.
It’s much more than just their clothes
The scent transport me to Yesterdays
A maze of peace, only A heart knows

In the visiting room they’re walkers and wheelchair all clutter
The set up, make it hard, to get to them
Under their breath, they mutter
We show our love with hugs and kisses
Whispering in there ears secret wishes

A quiet sadness fills the air
looking into their blank stares.
Was this going to be,
another awkward silence?
Only in time we shall see
Perhaps A frustrating outburst of violence
Are they in there?
We miss them, and we care
Or have they gone?
We wonder for how long,
off to some place in their mind.
Where did they go?
what will they find?
Hopefully fading back
Sometimes Music and stories,
help them find what they lack.

Children, young and old
gather for; a yarn, a tail, a story told.
Loving memories My grandma knew,
from a time of long ago.

Her soft voice was gentle and kind
a warm comfortable chair,
One can always find.
Settling down till the story fills my head and the visions spins like cobwebs
I fall asleep in my makeshift bed.

The story always starts the same.
Somebody asks her
“what is it like being so old,?(100)
Knowing most of your life is behind you” ?

With A Wink and A Smile, and
A twinkle in her eyes she begin.
As we listen to the adventures
of a lifetime gone by.
when we laughed , and cried
Babies born and
loved ones Died

“I have always been the same age
my entire life” She says

As A Girl, A Women,A Mother , A Wife
and now A Grandma.A Great Grandma
My fathers darling little girl
With unruly wild hair that curled
Through all my adventures
the Child (age 10)  inside of me,
provided joy and optimism
I could see.
I took pleasures in
the simple things
Of what my life would bring

There was a time;
I got caught up in the worldly ways.
Collecting silly Stuff. I took No guff!
Whoever has the most toys wins.!
I lived in the world of many sins.
Time passed with age, just another phrase
I realize; I lived in a bubble, I was blind.
Family the bonds that bind
Truth acquired along the way.
Kindness towards a stranger
Finding the right thing to say.
Looking for the best
in the worst situation each day..
Realizing every person is in your life weather; a moment, a brief time, or season  Only God knows, there is a reason.

That young girl is why;
I giggle for no reason at all,
I may smile at a private thought
and you look at me as if I’m crazy.
Perhaps I’m thinking of
A beautiful yellow daisy
and my favorite dress age 10
when in our mind children pretend.
where  I didn’t have a care in the world.
I could spin, give it a whirl, and a twirl dream adventures; stories or a song
While doing  chores all day long..
My father told me I could be
anything, I only had to believe
If my pictures is true,
I will not be deceive

I have tried on many hats
Somethings I’ve done I’m not proud of.
But other adventures have filled my heart with a richness that brings me gratitude.
With this comes a winning attitude.

I gained a peace I’ve never know.
So, when you come to visit me
don’t feel sad, don’t groan,
that I’m in a place such as this.

Know You we’re truly missed.
I’m waiting to see YOU,
To give you a hug and kiss
to fill your heart  with
a life once lived in a richness
that you will never know.
My spirit is a glow

I’m sorry we did not
leave you a better place.
But I can tell you of that
Place you’ll  miss
full of God’s loving grace
Do I gotta get it baby there is a child in each of us. Many people forget about that. Whatever you’re doing there’s the Adulting you and the child in you. It’s hard to see parents, declining and age. We want to remember them when they were strong and beautiful. But they still have worse.
Jun 2023 · 195
Pretty Bird
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
Pretty Bird
up high in
the old oak tree
Pretty Bird
you sit
all alone
like me

Did your
leave the
nest again?
That is
very bad
makes me
so sad.
You can
fly away
in the
sky away.
You’re more
than me.

I also
had a
he’s not
with me
they all said
he was a
first they
their nest
then they
fly away

Pretty Bird
up high in
the old oak tree
Pretty Bird
you sit
all alone
like me

Did your
leave the
nest again?
that is
very sad
makes me
so bad
you can
fly away
in the
sky away
You’re more
than me.
Jun 2023 · 113
Creepy Crawler in the Night
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
“I  see a spider”
jump scream , shout
“I see a Spider “
. What’s it all about?

What makes us
crawl out of our skin?.
The Spider is not
going to win.!

Creepy Crawler
in the night.
turn on the
bathroom light.

It runs across
the wall
quickly I find
to smash it  
and watch it fall.
But,  it doesn’t die
I don’t know why!

The rest of the night
I wonder what IF
and WHY
the spider
didn’t DIE
Sitting on the Throne
Knowing I’m not alone
Afraid the spider
is returning!!!!
That’s concerning

Creepy Crawler
in the night
turn on the
bathroom light!
This is an example of a limerick
May 2023 · 216
Dog versus Children
CJ Sutherland May 2023
People say Dogs  are our Children
Let’s explore that notion

We live in the TIME
of the rainbow
Where if you feel IT,
Or think IT
Makes IT SO!
Let’s see what we know!

Both Children and Dogs need you
when they are very small
Dogs don’t wear diapers
Children are not taught how to crawl
By the time children learn to dress
Both Children and Dogs need you less

Children talk incessantly
but don’t always listen
Dogs listen as long as you need
Go for a walk,
the Dog chooses the speed

A Dog will lick your tears
A Dog can sense your fears
Dogs don’t say a word
But their feelings are still heard

When Dogs growl and bark
Their emotions quickly turn dark
Dogs tell you where they stand
Don’t listen, they can bite your hand
Children don’t bite you
Their words do
Both cut just as deep
Into your memory,
these events seep

People aren’t allergic
to their children

If Dogs were our Children ,
When meeting other People
they sniff each other’s butts
Friend or foe
That’s all they need to know

People use toilets
Dogs use the floor
There’s an exception
to every rule;
Yes, dogs too
can go to school

Children won’t eat
things they don’t like
Dogs eat everything,
Than throws it up
late at night

Children come
when asked
Dogs run wild
in soft green grass

Dogs have Fur
From head to tail
Children’s unruly hair
can seem like hell

Children don’t get fleas
They get Head lice
from daycare schools
That do as they please
From clueless busy parents,  
Who don’t think twice
Bringing their infected
children to school
Against the Golden rule
Every household,
With a head full of lice
Will tell you
the nightmare
is not nice.

Dogs get stickers
in their feet
Children get
ouches and boo-boos
A cartoon Band-Aid treat

Children kiss you
with love  and grace
Dogs will lick your face

While both Dogs and Children
cuddle all night long
They both fall asleep
with a nursery song

Both Dogs and Children
hog the covers and the bed
No matter how much
Pushing, pulling,
or pleading is said
It’s no longer your bed

In the morning, you wake
Move slowly for heaven’s sake
When children fall into a deep sleep
Waking them  is like
Raising the dead
A dog’s foot and paw
pushing against your head.
Smile with loving contentment
as you slowly slip out of bed.
Children and Dogs need to be fed

Children have their own rooms
Dogs sleep everywhere
there is nothing worse than
Bad Dog Breath and slobber
A dog will alert you
when there’s a robber

Children leave home
when they’re grown  
Dogs are loyal until
the day they die
Dogs do not cry
or tell Lies

Both Children and Dogs
will show emotion
in their eyes
Dogs don’t hold grudges
Or refuse to forgive
Dogs live and let live

Children can’t easily discern
between good and bad.
Children are trusting pray
Now that is SAD
Dogs know instantly
predator or prey

While Dogs and Children
have their merits
Not all People are Children People
Only some People are Dog People
CJ Sutherland May 2023
This poem
should be said
in the voice of
a five-year-old
When my
got together
they make up
silly sayings
from school,
and then they made
their own version.
I have a memory
like an elephant.
My grandchildren’s
will be saying
these silly sayings
This is a conversation
between two children
Child A
Child B

Child A)
What are you doing?
Child B)
eating chocolate
Child A)
Where did you get it ?
doggy dropped it.
Child A)
Where’s the doggie?
Child B) 
 behind the door
Child A)  
What’s he doing?
Child B)
making more!
This is followed by giggles laughter  told at boys sleep overs when they’re reading books, like diary of the wimpy kid and eating worms
May 2023 · 275
Into the Sea
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Rubber, dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you
think they be?

The butcher,
the candlestick maker
the widow maker

A rock of the boat ,
A large wave
Gave a forceful jolt
A Brisk breeze
A loud sneeze
And they all
fell into the sea

The butcher caught
the largest fish that day
The candlestick maker
blew out his last wish they say
And the widow maker
claimed their souls
All three
Rubber dub, dub
three men in a tub
This is example of a limerick
May 2023 · 147
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Think again
We live in a
world of pretend
Feelings over fact
Pay another tax
Because I feel this way
There’s nothing left to say

                The real world.                   
  Just, let that go
Life under the rainbow.

Told what to know
Told what to think
Have a drink

Chose the;
Red pill or the Blue
Illuminati is in charge
without a moral clue
Appropriate pronouns
We Mimic like clowns,
free speech is dead
In our very head
AI Recording
Everything said

The Puppet Master
Pulls the strings
Controlling from
Behind the scenes

Big tech, Media,
the encyclopedia
The dark swamp
Talking prompts
Watching every
Blink of the eye
False distraction,
To catch a lie

Daily news suppressed
Social outbreaks, re-dressed
Mostly peaceful protest
Perhaps The masses will see
what government deems
Social norms should be
The end of future dreams
Wake up America before it’s to late
Judgement upon us, except your fate
May 2023 · 96
Testing a Theory
CJ Sutherland May 2023
A Brave
White politician
Openly announced
His inclination
He identifies as
INDIAN  decent
This a monument
A tribute to
His Manhood
NO Need
To dress
The part
should be sufficient Today
Yet he is being ATTACKED
In every sense and way
Some feel he is making fun
A political stunt he won
He does not see the need
To change his pronoun
His feeling supersede
His personal life
is out of bounds
He would rather
Keep his feeling
Quiet without
A sound
authentic truth
Breaking moral
I thought it was strange that it was OK to have a person change sexes, but they could not change races. This is actually based on a true story I read in the papers.
May 2023 · 461
The Dark Trinity
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Just as
God has
The Father
The Son, and
The Holy Spirit
The man of prediction
Will have the dark Trinity;
Baal.     Ishtar,     Moleck
The god of
The deceiver
Removing God
from the church
the government.
Removing prayer
from the schools.
Removing Jesus
from the
market place.
God does.                      not stay
where he                                  is not wanted!
Absence of God, chaos begins
Indoctrinating the children of sin
A pagan world begins to rule the Earth
Ideology wars changes
the nature of education
****** indoctrination
no age is too young
Woke America is born
Children bought, sold
Aphrodites are born
Ritual killings.                   pleasing gods

Wife of
through centuries
Known by many names
Enchantress, Aphrodite,
Venus.              Diana
characteristics;  wild
fanatic ******
Her perversions
have no bounds.
****** appetite Devours
Her imagination runs wild
In a dystopian society
Aphrodite is a goddess
that can change from
man to a woman
And from a
woman to man
*** is fluid
Death of the
Traditional family
Beta blockers
given to children
As young as seven
Society can
No longer determine
what is a woman.
Reduced to a
baby receptacle
by definition.
Men now can
give birth.
******.                  perversions
openly.                  show
the agenda,
a man in a dress
with a wig and a
beard and a mustache.
with male genital
can shower
and dress in
the locker room
with young girls
Appropriate Pronouns, please
when                            feelings
instead.                        of Facts
rule the day.

The destroyer
Killer of babies and
humans for sacrifice
New York, California
created a bill of
A baby can be
killed up to
28 days
after birth.
are not.                 allowed
to question
the death of a baby
63 million abortions
were sacrifice
given to
the god.                of Moleck
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