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Ksjpari Oct 2017
See my cool family, Pari or Emily.
Father is the head of the family
Mother is the tail of it. Like simile
They work for one another early
Keeping all things together surely.
All children and grandparents lively
Are the bogies of this train Charlie.
All guests are passengers in hurry
Who come and go without fury.
Such people are good and chilly
Whom you can find in wood easily.
Daughters, sons are joy sheer to see.
Mitesh, Kunal and Siddu speak eagerly,
Pallu, Paisa, Deepu and Apu are showy,
All my cousins with Mital and Vaikhari
Punam, Amit and Shau talk truth clearly.
But the Family is never ending journey
The elders are turning on its cool key.
I too am a member of such dear Family
And would invite to join it Sam or Lily;
See my cool family, Pari or Emily.
I am what I am because of my family only. So I am devoting the poem to them
Ksjpari Oct 2017
The most dedicated, obedient, one who rings bell,
One mighty who formulates sentient of time shell
By ringing school bell, making us aware, alert and knell.
Vijay, our peon, a smart, vigilant but never did yell
At teachers or students who bugged in room or cartel.
Fair looking Vijay is a joyous lad who got never expel;
Nor did he remain quiet in vespers nine to spread his spell.
Caring, gentle, cherishing, poor but self-efficient in nutshell
Can be told about him in this Monorhyme – describing well?
Ksjpari Oct 2017
Full of good thoughts and memories refine
Full of wise words for all to opine
Never behaved in school against doctrine
Varsha is prepared without any supine.
Growth she made in the school is fine
Even the students could no longer define
Her aid for others was just like brine
So that they stand still like a pine.
She was a dear mentor, and a gin:
Separating vice from us and combine
Our grief with joy to keep all in line.
From whom I learnt how to always grin
In adverse situations and start from begin
So that new fight and efforts lead you to win.
She had a dream to make everyone Einstein.
She is one who is behind us against decline
And forces us to proceed in God’s design;
Ecstasy, Elation, Rapture is solely mine
When I went with her knowledge to dine.
Can there be another Varsha Madama inn
Where pilgrims like Monorhyme mine
Rest and prosper and flourish divine.
A lady so acute, dedicated and divine
Is scare to find and is the wonder nine.
Ksjpari Oct 2017
Whenever I see a dangerous demon
I feel scared. I cry as if onion
Is being peeled or cut in union.
Same feeling in the examination
Of Maths I feel as issue in nation.
The very word takes me to the station
From where no train goes to destination.
Finger of Maths – a giant accusation
Whopping, gigantic, big adulation.  
Maths – My God! A most dreadful lion;
I am afraid of it and its companion.
Let it be Savani or Goenka or Ryan
Or let be Divine or DPS, Maths demon
Will never spare us in relaxation.
The only way I feel is Meditation
Which’ll save thee from assassination.
So mediate well and study notion
Without having any denomination.
To save me from austere acidification
I wrote Monorhyme for affirmation.
I assume my readers’s ready opinion
Will not differ with my solution.
Monorhyme on maths
Ksjpari Oct 2017
Books – a medicine saturnine.
Those who have books shine
With lively bright colour twine.
Books – a Daniel – be in shrine
To take us all up with whine.
Saraswati, indeed, did opine
My talents with saccharine
And help me for Her to reassign
Her position in the world malign.
With her help I Monorhyme define
And made many people it dine
With garlic or ginger or brine.
Oh! Goddess! Help me refine
The world with your dyne –
Books – a medicine saturnine.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style.
Ksjpari Oct 2017
Books are our friends hey!
Don’t throw them away;
Keeping ourselves array
So that we be at assay
With books positively lay
For scrutiny at a ballet.
They – best pals – do say:
Read lavishly and do play,
Or in bright sunshine splay.
All healthy tips; no betray,
No deceiving, no astray.
Hence be ready to little pay
And be free as that jay
And soar up in the airway
Knowledge and wisdom to flay.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style.
Ksjpari Aug 2017
In the month of July during whirlpool
A Legacy was born to challenge a fool
Who in sphere of market did money drool.
As all feast and dance and sing in yule
Many people like Vipul, Maulik and Sanket rule
Over minds of customers who remain very cool
In our D-Mart which served as a perfect tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart Whirlpool.
All - cashier, attendants, owners, sweepers - pull
Praise, sympathy, good words and have globule.
There are many wicked, old, shrewd ghoul
Who conspire against you O! D-Mart, My soul!
ACs, clean floor, smiling faces and nature cool ;
Bhaiya, didi, managers, workers, watchmen Spool
Are the real source of income than other tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart whirlpool.
Future is bright of D-Mart with such module,
It also includes good products, service Gruel.
No judge can verdict anything like rice overrule
Or China food item never finds in its pool;
Clean and healthy food items, fine variety gul
And great discount on many items that ridicule
Those who conspire despise it for its fame and tool,
Come and join the ever-winding D-Mart whirlpool.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style.
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