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263 · Aug 2017
Horror Story
Whilst in a dark night cemetery
A strange feeling did come over me
Was it illness,a summer chill ?
Or the undead who won't lie still?
An eerie creak,a sudden breeze
Brought a tremor to my knees
I turned and at once did see
A spectral figure come towards me
A body like that of smoke-filled glass
The head a terrifying vision from my past
A man to whom I once did wrong
When my heart was full and strong
I lied and stole his true love away
And left him slowly to decay
With her affections I did you
Until she did herself destroy
One year later, he died too
Of a broken heart, aged 22
And he now mysteriously glides towards me
At midnight in a cemetery
Beside his ignored, unruly plot
What horrifying plan has he got ?
My knees they shake, my eyes do leak
As the phantom began to speak
" Oh you who stole my love away
And mistreated her most every day
Now is your turn to pay the price
And feel your heart turn into ice
I will not drive you to your​ grave
It is your cold heart that I crave "
His icy hand plunged into my chest
I saw my heart depart from my breast
" You will forever live from hereon
But feelings you will have none "
With that the spectre disappeared
Along with him went my fear
As longer and longer I roam the earth
I realise the phantom's curse
Intolerably my life goes on
But feelings, emotions, I have none
As time goes on, all that I crave
Is the comfort of the grave
I have no idea where this one has come from.
I must have been reading too much H.P. Lovecraft.
261 · Oct 2017
A New Car
My partner has just bought a car
Now we can travel near and far
Does it make me feel like less of a man
And like she's got the upper hand ?
Now she's literally in the driver's seat
She's got the wheels, I've just got feet
260 · Nov 2017
Drinking Again
Drinking again
At 12 'O' Clock
The hangover too much to bear
And it's like a bear
Clawing at my skull
Crunching my nerve ends
So to the shop I go
Two hours later
Feeling better
Smoking a cigarette
That doesn't make me gag
Actually enjoying every drag
As the martini goes down
Of course
Sooner or later
It will all catch up with me
And the sickness will return
But until then
I am feeling fine
Feeling better
One drink
At a time
259 · Nov 2017
The dub reggae's loud as she relaxes
The drug-smoke hits our brain synapses
King Tubby* spreads my mind around the room
As we listen to the bass line boom

These are the times to be remembered
2017,  the first of November
As chilled out as it is possible to be
Yet, still be conscious, yet still breathe

Yes, nights like these are the good times
I scribble my words and try to think of rhymes
There are no words that need to be said
Between us, lying on this bed

The love is there, a living thing
With the bass-line's boom and the snare drum's sting
Yes nights like these should be remembered
2017, the first of November
* King Tubby was a fantastic producer of 'Dub Reggae'
A style of reggae where the music was remixed with the bass and drums pushed to the front and snippets of vocals and other sounds were heavily treated with echo and occasionally layered onto the track
251 · Nov 2017
A Visit From Jack
Walking in the cold, damp weather
Feeling 1/2 a bottle of whiskey better
Than I did an hour before
When it was already dark at Four

In these times, we need some help
To sometimes get out of ourselves
But I know only too well in an hour or two
The buzz will be gone, and here comes the blues

I love these visits from Gentleman Jack
But I hate it when he has to go back
Back to Kentucky, in the U.S.A.
Leaving me hungover and alone again
Dedicated to Jack Daniels
248 · Nov 2017
Hungover Haiku
Hungover today
Last night had too much whiskey
Leave it for a bit
248 · Apr 2018
Midlife Crisis
My wife's 50th Birthday
We're drinking cocktails
Vermouth, Bols blue
Amaretto and lemonade.
There is a name​ for it, but
I don't know what it is
And I really  don't care

So we're drinking
Smoking cigarettes
And wondering about time.
Wow! I can't believe that
Karen is fifty, and how is it
That I can be forty - five.

It's so ******* weird
Growing older, I don't really
Feel any different from when
I was 25
A little more tired, a little more
But basically still me
Effectively still a child

I always just assumed
That once you hit 35
You'd feel automatically
Grown Up, and know
How to survive
Not only that but
How to thrive
A professional career
And a beautiful wife

Just like the lives you see on T.V.
I expected someone to do that for me
My own stupid naivety

But no, I've got to take​ control
Of my own stupid life
I don't​ know if I can do it
I think it sounds​ difficult
Too much to take at one time.
248 · Sep 2017
As Seen On T.V.
Small Muslim children, blown to bits by bombs
But our normal, Western lives go on
We read it in newspapers, we see it on T.V.
But  to us it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me

Red hot hatred
Red hot sun
Roadside I.E.D.s
But to us it doesn't mean a thing
It doesn't affect you or me

Planes dropping bombs all night, all day
Destroying homes and lives, but what can we say ?
We read it in papers, see it on T.V.
To us it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me

Young men swearing Jihad
Willing to die for a cause
But we don't understand it
We never will because

To is it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me
Just something we read in the papers
Or see on T.V.
244 · Aug 2017
The Hanging Tree
Come on, let me take you down
Where there are bouquets piled all around
An old oak tree trunk, thick and round

The Hanging Tree

Tributes and teddies all around
No-one knows what brought this down
Hanging two feet off the ground

The Hanging Tree

Fifty-four long years old
His body hung there, stiff and cold
There's a story here that needs to be told

The Hanging Tree

A two-line newspaper obituary
That most people just don't see
A tragic end for anybody

The Hanging Tree

A spring morning, crisp and clear
The neighbours garden was so near
No-one knows what happened here

The Hanging Tree

A meaningless death in a small town
Some poor ******* had to cut him down
Fate looks on, wearing a frown

The Hanging Tree

Yes, fate looked on wearing a frown
Mental Health Services let him down
Just a small story in a small town

The Hanging Tree
Based on a true story
244 · May 2018
Wasting Ink
Sometimes inspiration is hard to find
And I'm forever in its debt
It's like trying to start a fire in my mind
And sometimes the tinder's wet
I know that some poets wrote every night
Larkin used to do two hours without fail
Two hours with no idea in sight
Would feel like two hours in jail
If I don't have a clue what to write
Then I'm just wasting ink
That's why this poem was so hard tonight
Much harder than you think
243 · May 2018
Too Much Has Happened
What was I supposed to say ?
What was I supposed to do ?
I just went out for a walk today
And then I bumped into you

At first I didn't recognise
Behind the clothes, and that hair-do
But when I saw those deep brown eyes
I suddenly realised it​ was you

We awkwardly talked of this and that
The dogs that we both were walking
Not even " How are you ", no normal chat
We really didn't want to be talking

There's too much that's happened, much too much
For us to try to just pass the time
I found it hard to look at, never mind touch
What I used to be  proud to call mine
242 · Aug 2017
I don't want to come across as a luddite
But I have to say that I don't like
Supermarkets, they're too much for me
Too much to buy, too much to see

Just entering the frozen aisle
Is enough to freeze me for a while
Too many meals, too many choices
Too many people, too many voices

I start to have a panic attack
By the frozen, minted lamb rack
Don't even start me on the ice creams
Well it's enough to make me​ .....

Surely you get the drift by now and you'll see
That Asda has nothing for me.
239 · Aug 2017
I've been in detox, I think  three times
Each time the idea wasn't​ mine
I did it because of what others were thinking
Me, I wanted to keep on drinking

It will never work if it's not your idea
Penned in by others thoughts and fears
Then one day a moment of clarity just hit
I realised I was sick of being sick

From that moment on, it wasn't so hard
Although my past has left me scarred
I still like a drink now and then
But now I know when to say "
"when "
238 · Nov 2017
The Trains
I worked for five long years,
Nights in a cardboard box factory
Long, long. nights of pain and sweat
The machines never stopped
You had to really work hard
To try to keep up with them
If you ever hit the stop button
The supervisor would
Come down from his office
And want to know why

Outside the factory doors
Where we had to stand to smoke
A train track ran right past
On my 4 'O' Clock break
I would stand there
Cigarette in hand, staring
Staring, staring,
Staring at the trains
Dreaming about the people
And where they were going
I didn't know if they were
Heading  North or South
They could have been going
To London or Edinburgh
I didn't really care
They were always just
Going away
And that seemed good enough
For me
Away from sweat and pain
And long nights in a factory
Away from cardboard ******* boxes
237 · Dec 2017
My hundredth poem
On this website
I don't know what
To write tonight
Perhaps something
I've never done before
A ****** fantasy
A victory roar

I don't feel like victory
Is on my side
I know I've no speciality
I've got no pride

I'm nothing special
Just another drone
No great ideas
To call my own

Just another no one
Nothing unique
Another boring no one
Nothing you'd want to keep

I know I'm nothing
No reason to stay alive
A suicide in waiting
No reason to stay alive

But I know I want to write
It's the thing that keeps me awake at night
I know there is nothing left for me
A writer is the only thing I want to be

So let me write, let me create
Now, before it is too late
All I want to do is make people think
Give them ideas, or make​ them drink

What is there left for me to do?
What is there left for me to say to you?
Detritus of the drunken night
A cig burn in a cushion cover
A swollen face from your brother
I shouldn't have had that last pint
Your wittering is irritating
This hangover is dehydrating

Blurred thoughts of how we fought
You brought up some other girl
Indignation  made my head whirl
T.V. blaring sports, you out of sorts
Outside for a cigarette
Both of us shouting, your eyes wet

The stumbling, bumbling long walk home
Sniping and bickering
Neon lights flickering
Now your face is set like stone
I've got to face your angry brother
And your unforgiving mother

Detritus of the drunken night
My stomach's churning
Your eyes are burning
Like red hot coals, they sting on sight
I'll apologize for what drink's done
Then go down the pub for another one
When the night starts falling all too soon
And by 4'0'Clock you can see the moon
And the depression that wracks you to the depths of your soul
Rolls over all of your hope and takes full control
When you just hold your head in your hands
You don't have the strength to take a stand
When you feel like you're at the end of your rope
And you've got nowhere to place your hope
What is there left to keep you strong ?
What is there left to help you get along ?

Well I don't know about you, but I sing a song
Shout Strummer* at the sky as I stroll along
Mutter Dylan under my breath
It gives me strength with every step
These masters of the art of song
Through the years they keep me strong
You can choose your own artists to help you keep going
But to my mind these are the ones you should be knowing
Joe Strummer- singer/songwriter from The Clash.
Dylan should need no introduction
232 · Sep 2017
A Good Night
A Thursday night full of enchantment
Just me and my girl
Yes, we've taken some relaxation enhancements
And all's right with the world

For once it's been a pretty good day
Nothing has gone awry
We sit chilled out, no harsh words to say
And for now, it's not a bad life

An atmosphere of sheer contentment
As we both sit here relaxed
No niggling worries, no resentment
And we're chilled to be max

It's cool to have a rare good night
No hassles and no sorrows
Let's hope that this feeling might
Last until tomorrow
232 · Sep 2017
That Kind Of Guy
I'm glad I'm not that guy anymore
I'm glad that I've rejected
The guy who thought that fun
Could only be inhaled or injected
I'm glad that now I'm
The kind of guy
Who can be respected
231 · Apr 2018
My Grandparents
I miss my grandparents, they lived life their way
They wouldn't even understand life today
They would never accept benefits
Even if they were owed it
They were strong and stoic, they lived through Hell
And came out the other side doing well
The great depression, two World Wars
They lived through it, they lived through more
My grandfather was a wild one in his youth
I loved him for it, and that's the truth
The best people I've ever known
I hope that they are in Heaven, on their thrones
There's no poverty​, no rationing there
No depression in Heaven, they haven't​ a care
Enjoying each other, now the hard times are done
Dancing together, and having​ fun
Yes, I miss my grandparents and their way
They just wouldn't understand life today
They were too level-headed for the way things are now​
They would think that the World had gone crazy somehow
No, I'm not sure, but I think they would be right
They would not understand it, so let them sleep tight
My grandfather was so cool, in his younger days he was a hard-working, hard-living Hell raiser.
231 · Aug 2017
Summer Nights
Sunlight glinting, reflecting off a car's chrome
White clouds gliding across the pale blue dome
The smell of cut grass on the evening breeze
Leaves and flowers fill the trees

Teenage girls are hardly dressed
Which keeps the teenage boys impressed
Hormones and emotions mixed with summer sweat
Teenage summer nights can be hard to forget

Us older ones just sit and smile
Drink and enjoy ourselves for a while
Remember summers in our past
Yes they were great but they never last

Because soon enough comes Autumn's breeze
Blowing leaves and flowers from the trees
And a summer is just blown away
To be remembered another day
230 · Sep 2017
Life haiku
Life is sometimes hard
You have to know what to do
To find your way through
230 · Nov 2017
No, I don't feel happy
I don't think I ever did
I used to be an Angry Young Man
Now I'm just a grumpy old ***
I think​ that discontentment
Is all there is in life
We are unhappy being single
Then we're ******* with the wife
If we were always happy
And all we knew was bliss
There would be no need for drugs
And we wouldn't get ******
So to protect the trade of dealers
And of the breweries too
We should accept unhappiness as our lot
Well, what else can we do
228 · Oct 2017
Time Travel Trip
Come take a walk with me downtown
Where the ancient spirits may be found
The dull thump of techno is not the sound
That assaults your senses, now
It's the baying hounds

Suddenly you're enveloped in a must
Although you're not drinking you feel quite ******
You've never known a feeling like this
No all the times on acid and mushrooms you've tripped

This must be the wrong alley, you've turned in
It's​ like a tiny hurricane in which you spin
The lights blur, your stomach churns
You have definitely taken a wrong turn

It must be the 19th Century in which you're found
The way the men's coattails skirt the ground
You want to scream, you can't make a sound
People walk right through you, like there's no one around

All of the shops have shrunk in size
Changed from concrete to marble before your eyes
The windows are smaller, tiny panes of glass
As through the mud and ****, you wander past

The black horses stomp, their breath it steams
The silver on their bridles gleams
Sewage runs through the gutters like a stream
Stuck in a 19th Century nightmare dream

The words in the drunken shouts  don't really differ
But the accent's changed, grown coarser, thicker
. It's gaslight, not neon now that flickers
But you could probably get a decent pint of bitter

The working girls are still around
They look even dirtier, more​ worn down
Money for Gin, not crack must now be found
But still the sordid beat they pound

Suddenly, the mist it clears
The smell of horseshit disappears
You were there for a minute, now you're back here
Now you slowly walk back home, shaking with fear
228 · Dec 2017
A Simple Question
Why is it that those of us
Who have been so close to death
Are those of us to make the
Most out of life?
226 · Aug 2017
When You Wake
Wake up next to you
On a cool summer morning
The sun shines through the curtains
I turn and​ watch you sleep
I wish I could find the words to say
How beautiful you are
But I know, yes I know
There's no words as
Beautiful as you

When you wake
I'll be waiting for you

Think back to last night
A smile spreads across my face
What a girl! What a night!
I wish I could find the words to say
How much it means to me
But I know, yes I know
I'm just not that articulate

When you wake
I'll be waiting for you

And then you wake up and you roll over and kiss me
It seems so unreal that you could be mine
I wish I could find the words to say
How much I love you
But I know, yes I know
It's always going to end in tears

When you wake
I"ll be waiting for you

I hold you in my arms and you tell me you love me
How I wish I could believe it's true
But I know, yes I know
That soon you're going to leave me
And I know, yes I know
That soon it's going to end in tears
My tears

When you wake
I'll be waiting for you
225 · Apr 2018
The Anger It Still Burns
Yes, I'm a punk rock poet
An angry young man of the page
Well, not young, I'm 45 and know it
But it's attitude that's important, not age
I still feel the same as at 18
No matter how much I learn
I still feel the inequalities
The anger, it still burns
I understand the way that the world works more now
But it makes less and less sense
And instead of mellowing out
I  feel more wound up and tense
More innocent victims in their wars
More women and children die
Still the bombs drop more and more
I still don't understand why
I cannot be the only one
Who sees what is going wrong
Who will read this, write their own version
Whose voices will join my song ?
225 · Nov 2017
A Waiting Room
Off - white walls full of leaflets and pamphlets​
The bolted - down hard wooden chairs
To get through the glass door we need a code and an escort
A Nurse to take us from here to there

On both sides of the glass professionals​ are working
This side you sense a struggle; where to score, where to rob
On the other side they're more confident, joking and flirting
Resigned to making the best of their job

Although none are present, drugs can be felt in air
Like after an all-night binge you can smell drink in a room
Our clothes old and scruffy, in the eyes a vacant stare
As we wait for prescriptions​ in the self-inflicted gloom

Every few minutes a name is called, someone rises
They return with a slip of blue paper that's worth a fortune
It's another week of no pain, no surprises
This place we may hate it, but we'll be back soon
221 · Aug 2017
Cheap cans of beer and crap T.V.
Seem to stretch in front of me
My wife's been gone for just six days
With her mother on holiday
I'm already flagging under the pressure
Sinking down into depression
Having nobody to look after
Is making me sink that much faster
Having no money isn't helping me
Beans on toast every night for tea
But it's having no one to talk to
That is really tightening the screws
The shop does 4 cans of beer for two pounds
And I keep on going down
Yes, cheap cans of beer and crap T.V.
Is all that is in front of me
220 · Aug 2017
When we're lying in your bed
In the dark carnal midnight
I might say that I love you
But in the cold light of morning
When we look at each other
We both know there's nothing
Further from the truth

I know you don't love me
But you could put up with me
At least then your child gets a daddy
I know I don't love you
I don't know why I pretend to
It just seems the polite thing to do

We're not getting any younger
And being alone seems so frightening
So we live this lie and hate each other
More with each day
There's no love, there's no passion
We don't even care about the ***
But we know it's the last chance we might get
This started as a song lyric, but I think it works well on the page too.
220 · Mar 2018
A Rocket
My God ! It's good to see the sun
Shining down on this housing scheme
It can turn it from a nightmare
Into something resembling a dream

Boosting all of your endorphins
Like a rocket right up your hole
Letting you know that after the awful winter
You're still in possession of a soul

Helping you forget the bad times
Reminding you that if you let her
Mother Nature has the power
To make you feel so much better

Yes, this life can be terrible
Full of pain and angst
But it's so short and it's up to you
To make the best of it you can
My wife's mother has just passed away
I don't know what I'm supposed to say
I understand that she's feeling sad
But everything I say just drives her mad

Treading on eggshells, trying to empathise
The more I say, the more I realise
That I just don't have a clue
I've got no idea what to do

I have no idea what to say
To try to take her pain away
It's like stumbling blindfold through a minefield
The explosions coming from what she feels

I'm trying my best to be a good man
Simply doing the best I can
For I know the time will surely come
That she'll help me when it is my mum
216 · Oct 2017
Home made meals lovers
Share on tender winter nights
Replenish the soul
215 · Apr 2018
I Have Started To Wake
I have started to wake in the middle of the night,
Not knowing the time, in the dark I can't see.
I lie there in the gathering half-light
Reviewing my life and it's inadequacies

Torturing myself, tying my mind up in knots,
Thinking of the problems I've caused for myself.
Agonising over each, and there have been lots
Exercising my poor mental health

As the light grows at the edge of the curtains
And outside in the world, the day it starts
I finish my examinations​, and I am certain
That in every failure, I played the main part

As I hear the neighbour's cars take them away
To work. My mind with nothing learned
Forgets it all for the rest of the day
As my tiredness suddenly returns

The day it passes, my mind is okay
No problems at all, everything is alright
I get ready for bed at the end of the day
Then wake up again in the dead of the night.
214 · May 2018
OK, so I guess that I'm a poet
I'm told that it gives me responsibilities
I don't even want to know it
The only person I write with in mind is me
People should just look out for themselves
No! That makes me sound like a Tory
I'm a Socialist, that's important to me

But, art is different, it's not life
I could never write for someone else
I've only got time for my own struggles and strife
If you want to, pick someone​ else off the shelf
214 · Apr 2018
Going to the Doctors to change my meds
Going to the Doctors to try to change my head
Trying to stop this slow decline
Trying to take control of my mind

Life is scary when you don't know
Which side of you is in control
This was written about about 6 months ago, when I was going through a major depression.
Thank God that I am​ feeling so much better now.
214 · Dec 2017
A Nightmare
I see the white bone shining
The cold, lipless grin
Ghostly sparkling in
The empty sockets
Where the eyes should have been

My bowels turn to water
My whole body shakes
A deep, bone - scraping sound
That is supposed to be a voice
Scratches out a painful sound
I think it is my name
I know it is my name

I try my best to ignore it
It takes all of my strength
But I find that I am powerless
I think it is my name
I know it is my name

That the skeleton skull
Repeats, repeats, repeats again
I have got to pay a price
For my dissolute past
And I bow my head in shame
A nightmare.
209 · Oct 2017
A First Date
So, c'mon let's talk about politics
Come on, let's discuss war
I'll tell you all of my opinions
Then we'll talk about yours

Let's get into religion
Have a massive argument
In the morning when we're hungover
We won't remember what we meant​

I know that it's our first date
But let's break all the rules
Find out if it's love or hate
Is it **** or is it cool ?

Let's stumble off to bed
Have terrible drunken ***
Then in the morning, with thick heads
We'll work out where we go next

Let's jump in to it with both feet
If it goes wrong, it goes wrong
If it's meant to, it will be weak
If it's meant to, it will be strong

Yes, let's forget all the rules of a first date
It's going to be right, or it's going to be wrong
It will be love, or it will be hate
Let's start as we mean to go on
209 · Aug 2017
My Career
I've spent nearly all my adult years
In awful occupations​
Hundreds of jobs, hundreds of tears
Years of sheer frustration
Terrible employment
Cooking sausages, bagging salt
Absolutely no enjoyment
But it wasn't always my fault
Leaving school with no qualifications​
No career to look forward to
You have to take any occupation
What else can you do?
Miserable jobs, minimum wage
Always the first to be ' let go '
Working all night, sleeping all day
But nowhere else to go
Throwing heavy boxes about
Loading massive lorries
On the bottom rung and no way out
I've worked in so many factories
Now I have tried to educate myself
Qualifications of which I'm proud
Training for a job in Mental Health
Yes, that's my way out
And for about 2 1/2 years
I've been working voluntarily
Helping people with their troubles and fears
Now I have found the right job for me
Now I have found the thing I want to do
I have found my real career
It helps me to be be helping you
And I will always be here
208 · Oct 2017
The Unforgiving Sea
The uncomprehending wind it blows
Across the unforgiving sea
To form the tide that moves and rolls
To take you away from me

The winds of anger, the tides of spite
Cause the sea to roughly churn
Carrying swiftly the ship so​ light
Leaving no safe port in which to turn

These storms caused by our arguments
Lead to tornadoes that sink our boats
Of course that is not our intent
But that's just the way it goes

Sooner or later we must surely drown
Go down to salty, watery graves
Should I like a Captain with my ship go down
Or see if there's anything left to save

Clinging desperately to the debris
Just trying to survive
To see if there's any reason we
Should stay together in our lives
207 · Dec 2017
Come The Revolution
I feel that I have to say something
And say it clearly
Because it is so
Easy to forget
In these busy
And stressful times

And we all see​
The distressing
Adverts on T.V.
Starving children
Covered in flies
Who will die today
If they don't receive
Some help
Any help at all
The swollen bellies
The crying eyes
Covered with diseased​ flies
And their crying
Families that watch
Them for the
Slightest chance
And  we ask
How has it
Come to this ?

Yet you keep voting Republican or Conservative
And​ the wheat and barley and butter mountains
Grow higher
And higher
Until they're pushed
Into the fire
Because your policy is
To throw it all away
If it doesn't make
A profit in some way

You would rather see
These strangers die
After all, they're not
Like you and I

Capitalism does not allow
People to make gifts anyhow
Everyone must pay their way
Even if they have nothing with which to pay
I don't believe in
GodBut I pray
  Global Revolution
Will come about someday

Aft all is that not what the Bible says
The rich will perish, the poor will take their place
I know I will not be around to see
But I will rest in my grave happy
Come the Revolution, Brothers and Sisters!!!
Kick Out The Jams!!!!! I
206 · Sep 2017
Back haiku
Feel the light come on
I feel the strength returning
Once again, I'm me
205 · Nov 2017
Is it fear, or is it surprise
When you find yourself staring into mortality's eyes ?
All invincibility has gone
Repercussions to every action
Sheer terror! No, not me! Not yet!
None of my ambitions​ met
I have never had wealth, rubies or pearls​
Never made my mark upon the world
I really don't care about power or money
Just let me get out what's inside of me
It's not that I am scared of death
Just ashamed of what I haven't done yet
When you peer over the edge of the cliff
And find you're looking into the abyss
Do you see your fears dispelled
Or do you find yourself repelled
By your ruined hopes, dreams even your name
A walking Holocaust of shame
" I could have been, I should have done ?"
If you do, your not alone. I too am one.
204 · Aug 2017
Two Thousand And Seventeen
Sometimes people just wear you down
Dead already in this dying town
The only growth industry is the dole
Keeps you physically alive, but slowly kills your soul
Despair and doubt rising at an alarming rate
People accept poverty like it's somehow their fate
Blaming scapegoats​, not seeing the real enemy at all
But you have to blame somebody when you fall
Not knowing the real enemy even exists
A life of TV, drugs, ignorance and getting ******
All the poor getting ***** by the capitalist system
They've seen the clues but somehow they've missed them
People aren't born to be poor, they've been put there by someone
Whose smiling face on TV is better than a gun
Adverts are more efficient than a concentration camp
At keeping us branded, keeping us stamped
The haves and the have-nots, the rich and the poor
All compartmentalized by what they can afford
Politicians know now where ****** and Stalin went wrong
There's no need for war if we're singing the same song
Bringing Coke and McDonald's to Afghanistan and Iraq
Just one taste of consumerism and there's no going back
Until the whole world's just consumers​, brain dead slaves
There will be no point in fighting, there will be nothing to save
201 · Nov 2017
As once again the time clock strikes
As people leave, in cars, on bikes
We walk to our assignations
With busses that take us to our destinations

Where warm beds and central heated homes
Wait to take our weary bones
We pound the cold, dark wintery streets
Like policemen on our daily beat

Then one will speak, the breath will rise
Before our work - ****** weary eyes
" Well, one more night done, it wasn't too bad "
Not even realising that

This endless play of bravado
Is how the rest of our lives will go
I feel like screaming " This is hell,
At school while young and fit and well

This wasn't how I thought my life would be
All work and toil and misery "
But... No. I simply, sadly reply
" It wasn't too bad." As once more slips by

Another day, another 24 hours
Lost to work and sleep and showers
I hold back my scream and silently pray
There will be an end to this someday
200 · Sep 2017
The Life Of A Park
The swings and slides are empty
As the rain it falls
The children are watching T.V.
As the night begins to call

To the older, teenage kids
With bottles in their hands
To the park, the slides on which they slid
Holding on to their parent's hands

Obnoxious, arrogant and loud
With a drink or two inside
Stood next to where their parents proud
Watched them down the slide

How long has this park been here?
I used to come with my mum and dad
Filled with excitement and fear
At all of the fun to be had

I wonder how many generations
It will be that this park will​ last
And in silent contemplation
Will see present turn once more to past
I squelch on through the winter
Through puddles, slush and snow
All of my shoes have worn-out soles
My socks get wetter as on I go

I'm sick of being poor, not working
The long years without a wage
I suffer poverty to keep on writing
Avoid the mentality of the slave

To write you must escape the cage
Keep your mind free as a bird
A low grade, low paid ******* job
Can **** off every word

But work is also social engineering
Tired people don't have time to think
Never mind riots or Revolution
Only time for reality T.V. and drink

That's the way that capitalism works
No-one should just sit on their ****
If they did, they just might think
Why we pay for rich oil baron's wars

So many jobs could be done by machines or computers
But no-one can be allowed to sit still
If people sit and think they might just wonder
Why poor people pay the rich man's bills

But enough of that, what about my problems
Smoking dog-ends, drinking the cheapest wine
When i was young thinking about the future
I didn't think that would be mine

But still I try to be a writer
Put down the true, tough line
I"ll continue as long as i have a cigarette
And the next and next after bottle of wine
194 · Aug 2017
It's Not A Bad Life
I wake up slowly
Realise I'm at the beach house
The St. Tropez sunlight
Bursting through the blinds
A quick dip in the pool
To wake myself up
Then into my oak panelled
Study/ Library
With my Havana cigars
And my 20 year old scotch
To knock out another
5000 words of
My latest bestseller
As my 21 year old girlfriend
Tries to tempt me
With designer lingerie
And brightly coloured
It's not a bad life

I wake up
And look around
At the grimy walls
That really need painting
The pile of ***** clothes
At the side of the bed
Roll myself a cigarette
Think at least I've got
£5 in my bank account
That should get me
A cheap bottle of wine
And an even cheaper
Frozen pizza
I grab a pen and a pad
I write down this poem
It's not a bad life

Who knows ?
Tonight's dream
Might be even better
194 · Nov 2017
The Doctor
On Friday, I went to see the Doctor again
To tell her about my depression, my pain
She gave me some new pills, Prozac
Said " If they don't work, come back"

I really hope that they sort me out
I don't want to wait another hour and in 5 minutes be out
With just a prescription in my hand
And that's it, no other plans.
193 · Oct 2017
My God! I just love smoking
I just can't get enough
Lighting up that pure white tube
And having that first  puff

There's nothing quite as satisfying
As when your lungs begin to fill
With that sweet, fragrant smoke
Who cares if it makes you ill

We've all got to go soon enough
So don't forget the rule
No matter what the health freaks say
Smoking makes you look cool

Forget the coughing in the morning
Choking up your lungs
We've all got to die someday
You might as well die young

Yes, I just love smoking
With a pack you're never alone
And when I die I want
A 20  pack as my headstone
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