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192 · Nov 2017
Junk Food
Corn dogs, burgers, American trash
Chrome, neon lights and huge panes of glass
But they taste amazing, so what can I say ?
American imperialism has once again got its way
Written upon trying corn dogs for the first time.
191 · Oct 2017
It's Over
So this is what it comes down to, it's over
It always eventually comes down to this
Every up has a down, every high a hangover
Sparkling Champagne turns to cloudy yellow ****

And a love, a love I thought was forever
We'd grow old together, age like fine wine
What I thought solid as oak was as changeable as weather
The grapes of our love, they died on the vine

I'm no good at this, I shouldn't have tried
I think I'm destined to end up alone
What we had was stabbed in the back 'til it died
She shrugged it off. Me ?
I was  cut to the bone

And the hurt makes every waking minute a nightmare
Wandering lost in a maze made of guilt and self-hate
She's got someone else and the thrill of a new affair
Alone I shudder when I think of my future, my fate
A poem that is not entirely serious.
I know how tortured some of the similes are.
189 · Sep 2017
Hate haiku
I'm full of hatred
I want revenge on the world
I need to calm down
As I say, it's been a bad week.
187 · Aug 2017
Another Drink
Yet more conflict with my wife
Yet more trouble, yet more strife
I can't really argue, I know she's right
But I need another drink tonight
The doctors are right, my liver is scarred
But sometimes life is just too hard
No, really that is just *******
I don't need it, I just want it
But I know that sometimes greed
Can be easily mistaken for need
183 · Dec 2017
Just for today
I have to admit
That I am scared
******* scared
Perhaps I am being
Trump in the White House
Trouble as ever
In the middle East
England as poverty stricken
As I have ever seen it
And after the early 90's
I didn't think I would
See it worse
But now it is much
Much, much worse

As I say
Perhaps it's me
As people get older
They begin to think
That the world
Is going downhill
Looking back through
Rose coloured glasses
At their perfect past

I hope that this is
What this is
I really hope
That is what this is

But 10 years ago I had
Never seen
Food banks before
Not in my time anyway
I'd seen pictures of them
Back in the '30's
The times​ of the
Hunger Marches
But I never thought
I would've had to use them
Myself, relying on the
Charity of strangers,
When the Government
Has become too vicious
To feed the people who
Pay their wages

And yet, progress
Rolls on and on
The gap between
Rich and poor
Grows wider and wider

Before too long
They will just
**** the poor
And make
Uncomplaining robots
Too cater to the rich
People's every whim

Unless they don't have to
Unless they don't have to.....
I hope I am wrong.
I hope I am wrong
181 · Aug 2017
Streetlights ( haiku )
As the night it falls
And the  bright streetlights turn on
My heart lights up too
181 · Dec 2017
And A Happy New Year
Life in a post - industrial Northern waste
Anti - depressants help us face our fate
Soap operas​ more important than real life
They offer resolutions and they excite
Unlike unending poverty
Where there are no neat endings
Wrote off by a government that just doesn't care
******* by corporations who want their share
What can you be but a nihilist?
What can you do but get drugged or ******?
I really wish I had a solution
The only one I know is Revolution
But, of course that will never come
We are kept isolated, sedated and dumb
Back to soap operas​ and anti- depressants again
Cheap off- licenses​ and drug dens
Anything to keep us sweetened and beaten
Life itself is bought, sold and cheapened
I really hate to sound so depressed
But I think that the working class is ****** at best
177 · Dec 2017
The Human Condition
Why does love always end in pain?
There's not the capacity in the human brain
To understand where death might lead
All we know is the human need

To speak, to touch and to feel
Anything to make it real
But death is beyond what we understand
To feel the coldness in a loved one's hand

I know only too well the pain
When a special person has died in vain
What can we do but carry on
Pretending that nothing important has gone​

But I guess that to be human is to feel pain
It happens again and again
What can we do but carry on
Until the human race is gone
What can you say?
177 · Oct 2017
A Cipher
I am a nothing; a zero, a cipher
Neither a plus or minus sign
The Doctors can't tell, the scientists can't decipher
What is going on in my mind

I haven't​ even a clue myself
Who I am or what I want to be
I'm worried about my mental health
And my future terrifies me

What can I do? What can I say?
Just what am I supposed to do?
I don't know what I'm going to do today
And for tomorrow, I don't have a clue

So, I'm a nothing, a zero, a cipher
Neither a plus or minus sign
What do I have to expect from life, a
Slow,  tragic, endless decline?

Something must happen soon
Some kind of explosion
To break this stasis, this glacier, this ice
Or am I to spend my whole life stuck frozen
Trying to break my way through to my life
171 · Sep 2017
My Comeback
I've got to get my strength back
Got to get myself back on track
Recover my vitality
Enough to fight my enemies
Get light enough on my feet
To dance around the people I beat
Step, jab, step, bang! right hook
Before they have time to look
Don't let the ******* grind you down
They don't even deserve a frown
Never mind any of my tears
Because I am years and years
Ahead of all these fools
I'll dance around all your rules
Then jab, step, jab bang!  left cross
You are knocked down on your ***
Taking the 10 count while I take the cheers
Now you're gone, I'll be here for years
169 · Aug 2017
Haiku ( haiku )
Yes I love haikus
A way of expressing your
Feelings in seconds

Five syllables, then
Seven syllables,then five
Syllables again

You can fit so much
Into a few simple lines
Anything you want

Five syllables then
Seven syllables then five
Syllables again

No need to rhyme or
Anything like that, no rules
At all, except for

Five syllables then
Seven syllables then five
Syllables again
166 · Aug 2017
Late Night ( haiku )
I've got to get up
So early in the morning
But I cannot sleep
165 · Oct 2017
Us & Them
Why for some does it seem so easy?
This ******* life
This assortment of abominations
This constant parade of petty problems​
And inconsequential indignities
Bad relationships
Job losses
Drunken embarrassments
Or just simple ennui
For some it seems
Like a stroll
In the park
Endless sunshine
Never an empty pocket
Always happy
Always in love
Everyone in love with them
Or perhaps more importantly
Them loving themselves

I'm sure that it can't​
Really be this way
Perhaps they cry
Alone at night
In their lonely rooms
At presenting
Such a facade to the world
I prefer to think that
They simply don't feel
Cement, concrete
Cold ******* stone
We ?
162 · Aug 2017
Drowning myself in cheap liquor
To try to get to that place quicker
The place where words and ideas flow
The place I always long to go
Words flow quickly through my head
The phrases that I want to get
I can't get there with a straight head
I add ingredients to myself instead
The disordering of the senses from Rimbaud
That's where I want to go
To the palace of wisdom, down the road of excess
Is where I want to go to next
But there are so many casualties
Who've tried this way before me
Your senses cannot be saved
If you're six foot in your grave
But it's still the place I want to go
The only inspiration that  I know
156 · Aug 2017
An Invitation
This is fun, this is enjoyable
Mental *******
Sometimes ( rarely )
I come all over the page
But you don't notice
Or perhaps you do ?
Who knows ?
Who cares ?
Not me, I'm just freewheeling
Allowing myself to open
My mental encyclopedia
Giving it a little air
Seeing my most private
Thoughts, hopes, desires
Fears and dreams
Written out on the page
Can be a very liberating
It can also be pretty depressing
At times
But mostly I enjoy this SO much
It's cleansing
I can't understand why
Everyone doesn't do it
Miners, labourers, housewives
Thieves, prostitutes, dealers
Pimps, factory workers
Just think of the literature
We could have
Instead of the mainly
Over-academic, limp
Tired rantings
That are classed as
The poetry of the ages
Just think of it !
It's a thought that
Makes me dizzy
What will YOU write ?
155 · Sep 2017
Loss haiku
Everything's gone wrong
Love life, career the whole works
Can I recover ?
It's been a bad week.
151 · Oct 2017
Into The Mystic
When times are hard
When you're almost starved
Your £70 a week dole has gone nowhere
And all of the cupboards​ are bare
And you've only​ got £1 for your electric
You have to go
Into the mystic
Into the mythic
It's time to get
A little bit cosmic
If you only thought about
The here and now
You could easily
Lose your mind somehow
If you only thought about this one plane
You'd be sure to go insane
So you widen your brain
Ignore all the *******
World of authority
The bills, the debts
The license for the T.V.
Send your brain into the stars
Out past Saturn, after flying past Mars
Out into a different reality
Where none of Earth's problems worry me
151 · Aug 2017
Twelve Days
Tomorrow, my​ missus goes away
Leaves me on my own for twelve days
I don't mind the odd weekend alone
But for this long, I know boredom will gnaw on my bones
Oh well, I'll have more time to write
More to write about as long grow the nights
I'll play my music so loudly
Have my choice of what's on T.V.
But I have to admit I'll miss her so much
No human contact, no human touch
I'll take the dog for lots of walks
And hope that the dog can learn to talk
149 · Aug 2017
On A Night Like This
On a night like this it feels good to be out
Watching my dog as she scampers about
It's the type of night you need to remember
To help you through the cold December​s
Gulls swooping through the clear blue sky
Sunlight glinting off windows as you pass by
The air is warm and to feast your eyes on
Green melts into blue on the horizon
There's not a cloud to marr the sky
I swear I feel a natural high
The world reveals such beauty before your eyes
I start to wonder : was this devised ?
I don't believe in a creator
But can I really relate to
The theory it's all an accident
Never planned and never meant
I don't know, but I am filled with happiness
And to be alive is to be blessed
144 · Aug 2017
I Know That's Not You
I know that's not you
A marble headstone
On a scrubby patch of grass
Trite rhyme chiselled into
Cold, black stone
Always feeling grey and cold
Even the summer sun
Cannot permeate
The ghost of grief
That hangs around
But, I know that's not you
A bag of bones in your sister's dress
Six feet under cold, damp mud
Where's the warmth? the ***
The vitality, the laughter
The love, the insane jealousy
That's what's left of you
That's what lives on, always remains​
Not remains
A piece of meat on a coroner's slab
Or the blue faced ghoul
That I tried to breathe life
Back into
No, I know that's not you
Your spirit, the brightest I've known
Burning with a sweet intensity
All of those beautiful times in bed
Yes, great ***
But not necessarily
Laughter, easy, nothing between us
No need for clothes or self-consciousness​ now
The most relaxed I've ever been
Life had a sheen
A confident glow
So, yes
I cried, almost died
At your funeral
The thought of you rotting
Under *****, black earth
I've almost died a few times since
Struggling to go on
When life's light has gone out
So yes
I'll come to your grave
And leave flowers
A holly wreath at Xmas too
Walking back to the car
I'll stifle a sniffle
Try to stop a sob
The tremors in my chest
But also I know that
None of it matters
Because there in that graveyard
I know that's not you
134 · Aug 2017
Through A Poet's Eyes
Peering through a poet's eyes
Gazing in wonder and surprise
At the surroundings
I thought I knew so well
That now have so many
Tales to tell

The grass and trees
Seem so much greener
I feel my senses
Become so much keener

I wipe clean the monocle
Of my mind's eye
Whey I peer
Through a poet's eyes
130 · Aug 2017
Just Once More
A tired, street-walker beaten down
From working her beat in this ***** town
It's thirty quid to you or me​
A cheap enough price for dignity
Yours and hers both are lost
Too high a price for me at half the cost
Her back is aching, her feet are sore
As she goes through the motions just once more
Just one more time, for one more score
Then she'll quit, this time for sure
Worriedly waking in the early afternoon
The shivers will be starting soon
Phoning around begging for tick
Cold sweating now and feeling sick
She's got to go and turn one more trick
She's got to go and **** one more ****
Just one more time for one more score
And then she'll give it up for sure
Sadly, the story of what too many women will be doing tonight.
130 · Aug 2017
Don't do it for the acclaim
Don't do it for cheers
Just do it to try to stop the ringing in your ears

Don't anticipate awards
Or search for some big prize
Just try to make the world make a bit more sense in your eyes

You won't get the fortune
You'll never have the fame
The most that you could hope for is to feel a bit more sane

You can use your laptop
Or grab a pen and pad
When the last line's been laid out, the world won't seem so bad
126 · Aug 2017
The Pawn Shop
Gold that glitters under toughened glass
Once gifts of love and all that entails
The love disappeared now, gone with the past
Now just rings awaiting a sale.

' MUM ' lettered in gold, to whom was this given
What  trauma has brought this thing forth
Drugs to get high or food needed to live on
I can't help but wonder what that money was for

Staring all of the small velvet boxes unnerves me
A sadness inside me it twists and it churns
I hear a ' next please ' so I take off my jewelry
Step to the counter and then​ it's my turn.
117 · Aug 2017
Leave Me Alone!
Nosy people bring me down
With their condescending frowns
Don't they have lives of their own?
Can't they just ******* and leave me alone?
Yes, I've got problems​. I'm sure they have too
But I don't tell them what to do
Keep your big noses out of my life
I'll cut 'em off, I've got plenty of knives
You really don't want to **** me off
Although I know I look it, I'm not soft
No, I am not a violent man
But I have taken about all I can
I'm so sick of taking people's ****
Why are they bothered about my relationships​
Don't they have lives of their own
Well obviously not, as they have shown
I am sure that we all feel like this sometimes,
Just a bad day
115 · Aug 2017
I'm glad that I am an older man
Being young was rough
Between the ages of twelve and twenty one
I suffered more than enough

The usual​ petty stuff, like spots and bad hair
With it being ginger as well
To the depths of existential despair
Feeling that I was living in hell

If I could go back to myself during those times
I'd say " In time it passes, really just look "
Young me would say " F#*k you and your trite rhymes
Stuff your platitudes, you make me puke "

The me of back then would hate the me of today
And I'm sure it would be reciprocated
Both of us right and wrong in our own ways
But, to be honest I'm glad I'm antiquated

As you get older you get more mellow
I'm sure some could see it as ''selling out '
But with me now you can always say ' hello '
And know that in return you won't get a shout

As I grow older, I keep feeling better
More and more comfortable in my own skin
I'd love to write the younger me a letter
Saying " You'll get there kid, just keep hanging on in.
114 · Aug 2017
Time can heal
But time can ****
Don't know how I feel
About it still
It's taken burdens
Off my shoulders
Then added burdens
As I get older
In time it will **** me too
Time, there's just no getting around you

— The End —