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Jenn Linh Jul 2017
I have this rage inside
This heat so hot
It won't come to settle
As it sizzles
    As it sparks
No. I can not hide it
Nor can I break away from it

Furiously burning
Overpowering my intentions
Engulfing discreetness
Exceeds in all means of assertiveness

This dark I can't escape
As I plead to..
Hold me tight
Inflame my light
Take me now far from here
Inferior I allow ..and to you my captor I surrender my body before you for your venture

I'm yours
This hunger may you feed

To long for predominance
To be enrapt with ones soul this loves on a rampage untamed and entomed inside.

Pulls of the darkest deepest lure
Captivated within the eyes

Conceptual plays
Passions trick

Inflicted desires upon only you and I  

To have nothing more than yearning..
Truly despaired
This tortures astray
It runs where it cannot hide.
Don't fight it let it confide.

Within her template a fortress resides
And within her heart eager temptations lie

Grasp her depth and pull her deep
Sway her mind while her body falls asleep

Frame her up while you undress her posture
Patience for the crave she seeks or this may be a disaster

Lie still while she slides her way
For temptations that are raging
Temptations that are teasing
strike suddenly at signs of dismay

Her body turn limp
    Numb like never before
Both body's working up a sweat
And without a single movement more
I'll just hit down to the floor as I stammer
As I wake..
No!  .. .may that not have been a fake

© Jenn Linh
Completely crashed and fell to this.. still editing
Jenn Linh Jul 2017
I long to feel your love to hear your words
To see your world
All the extreme and any of the ugly
The beauty of security
The promise of loyalty
To not want or need anything further then just you..

© Jenn Linh
Jenn Linh Jul 2017
Simple pleasures of being lost with you for even a day
Stuck tucked away
Our minds on the same page
Intellectually conversing
Your presence alone so luring
As the sun sets and we don't want to part
We're Excused
And any thoughts of fear of going to far are surrendered
you plead for me to lay here as you share your pillow
pulling me close and cuddling me you wrap your arms and hold me softly from behind sweetly whispering  words I've never heard .. with such promise..
Becareful of my heart as you assure me it's also your heart tender and fragile for my love
And this is so perfect
Please don't let me go..
Our eyes shut to feel the warmth and softness of our skin we share and for a moment there's no pressure and no expectation ...
Never before have I experienced such preciousness .. as that's how I feel .. assured to never worry as the little hairs all over my body stand straight
I can't help but to shiver though not of fear ... But of not knowing how to ease myself ...
Morning blazes through
only to wake after have only slept  realising I've been held all night without the need to let go and turn to the other side from discomfort
we gaze at one another.. knowing .. with morning comes time to release this bond ..
Suddenly the blinds close shut and you tell me to stay
Just one day
With you.. will I?
As you tuck the sun away to keep the shade
Pulling me close telling me this does not have to end
Making today
all that matters
As we sink into each other's embrace
Nothing could be more perfect than to be here with your promise to never let go
Our bodies fitting together as if magnets that were misplaced and drawn to connect
Kisses to your cheeks
To your ears and to your neck
Fingers following guiding the curves of everything you are
Amazed from lust as you've captured a fragment of my heart
No feelings of misplacement
No misunderstandings
And forever will this place ..this time be memorized as I'm mesmerized with not knowing and just being ok with it ..
This may be a memory that we may never be able to forget

© Jenn Linh
May we dream...
Our hearts weigh more
when they are broken,

Our minds expand
when they are awoken.

Our souls can be felt
when they are shattered,

Our hearts, minds
and souls are fragile
when they've been battered.

They can be mended
with love and care,

With strength and faith
and with some valuable prayer.

We can learn
from all of our pain,

With our lessons
we can stand tall again.

Showing ourselves
some needed compassion,
patience and love,

Seeking salvation
from God above.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
  Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Love is a foolish endeavor
of dreamers chasing fairy tale poems
and midnight dragons
made of moonshine and butterflies
and fire from the time before
heartache and misery
and the evil and sins
invented by better men
who know not to love
for love is a foolish endeavor
  Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
I've laughed the good laugh
and I've giggled and snorted
and I've loved and been loved
beyond fear
and beyond beauty
and I've been broken
and shattered
and lost and found a reason
to laugh the good laugh again
despite the pain and misery of life
and I've been stupid
and done stupid
and I'm not done with my own stupidity yet
and I'll laugh at the joke of my unfunny life
and I'll laugh with death
at the end of it all
and it will be a good laugh
at a good life that had been filled
with good love
and good misery
and good company
that knew how to laugh
and giggle and snort
despite the pain and suffering
of living a good life
Jenn Linh Jul 2017
Twice around here we are
Tried and failed without a care
Now sitting in silence as we simply just glare.
Where's the love that once resided
Where's the compassion
We do not care..
Have we really grown apart
Is that what this is?
Or have our hearts simply become bare and cold
Once there was this amazing spark with a mere thought or glimpse of you..
Now I sit and want nothing more then to be any where else but in your presence
To not even fear the thought ... As we mingle with contemplations of separation again
The question sustaining ..

Isn't this supposed to hurt

Where's the pain that's being endured
In ways of shattered hearts
Or have both hearts been bled out
Ripped once now officially torn
Left without a single pulse

Left alone

I don't feel any warmth from you
Nor do I have any to share with you

I feel numb

I don't want us to have hate
But I think time has done it's job
And when some say
.. let them free if they return its meant to be ..
Simply is just not our case..

© Jenn Linh
Life is full of lessons ... We can only take them as they come
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