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I'm skipping stones across the lake
with my eyes closed
and now I can only see you
in a drunken dream.

I'm searching for the lost song
and the melody I knew
before your eyes had died.

the words I didn't say.
the strings of the lost cords
seated in sorrow, sometimes joy,
lost in tomorrow's rain,
found in a photo alblum.

the thinly stretched cords in 1/4 tones.
the rhythms from your heart beating.

the tender touch of vibrating strings.
Jamesb 6d
From Grim Sleeper
And how much do I envy that cool soubriquet?
To confessed tree hugger,
A 40's man
A father,
An honest working guy who yet games
But is also in touch with nature and the vibes
All around,
Able to brandish joystick mouse and keyboard
Yet devine the characters of trees
And woods,
A kind of natural digital bridge
Between two colliding worlds,
While there are such as this good man
Upon the earth
There is hope for our humanity.
Jamesb Feb 15
Night falls without word
Of man nor word from thee
To me,
We have differing views
On contact you and I,
Contact between partners,
Contact between friends,

Conversation about what passes
Betwixt each of us
And any other,
Although you're prompt
To interrogate about clients
Which I understand given
Our past,

But as partners we have
Yet to settle on a path that
Permits us easy conversation
On anything and anyone,
And that loving trust
To which I for one do yet aspire
And we for two do need,

But we shall get there because
I shall not balk at the
Difficult subjects,
Nor turn away lest your
Rage arise again for
If it does then it must and
Its every demise will draw us

  Feb 12 Jamesb
I am empty.
And I don’t mean it metaphorically,
or poetically,
or romantically,
or in any other way you like to dress it up.

I am empty.
Straight up.

Unreciprocated love took everything.
And there’s nothing left.
**** in boots
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