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 Jan 2015 Chloe C
Chalsey Wilder
I wouldn't expect you to know beauty."
Beauty isn't ten pounds of make up, long hair, and thigh gaps
Beauty isn't the biggest ***** or **** you can find
Beauty isn't always short and petite

Beauty is her personality
It's her laugh, it's her smile
It's her ability to make you laugh for miles
It's her hugs that make your heart beat fast
And blushing madly when she grabs your ***
It's the way she loves and lives off of fun and enjoyment
It's the way she holds you during sleep over nights

She may be beautiful on the outside, but that doesn't compare to what I know is on the inside
 Jan 2015 Chloe C
Phoenix Rising
I fall in love
because I am afraid to be alone
 Jan 2015 Chloe C
heather leather
sometimes when i see wildflowers
i am reminded of the way you said my name
and smiled in the summer:
back when you thought i was worth it
those days are obviously long gone
you have a new girl to toy with;
one with longer legs
and a bigger smile
(though if you ask me, i think it looks too happy.)
i don't know why but every time i think of you
i don't think of your eyes
or your smile; instead i think of your name,
of how easily it used to roll off my tongue
or how many times i would mindlessly write it on my notebook
i've always loved your name,
it's two syllables; six letters and
god, even though i've called you everything but (idiot,
*****, imbecile, mortal enemy,
i've always loved your name--
it reminded me of sun-showers, snowflakes,
and discreet winks (all things i loved at the time)
on the last day we say each other
you smiled and hugged me;
the night was cold and everyone else was freezing
but my heart was pounding much too hard for
me to be anything but warm
i could still see it actually,
if i close my eyes and think for a long time
i could see your arms around mine
and my head on your chest, it was perfect
you should've let go by then but you didn't and even
though my heart was racing all i wanted was for
you to let go, let go, let go
let go of me; but you didn't. we just stood there--
almost frozen with the fear of falling apart without each other
it was the last time i remember being happy
sometimes when i see wildflowers
i am reminded of the way you said my name
and smiled in the summer; back when you thought i was worth it
and even though i lie and tell everyone that you
were just a stupid fling, i still make wishes on those
that i could wake up tomorrow
with your arms around me like they were
on the last day
the amount of frozen references, i can't.
 Jan 2015 Chloe C
Brian Payamps
Love like ours hard to find. Crazy for each other like eminem and shady combined. Love fiend, you're my adrenaline rush like morphine. You are every pill I ever taken for depression, you're my Xanax. You are my chocolate cake as if every day was my birthday. You are the ****** to my withdrawals. lived all 365 in twenty fourteen. With you I can not die. With you I am most high. Not even snow angels got me this close to God. You are my cardiac arrest waiting to happen, can wait to be Harlem shaking like back in the early two thousands. Love fiend, for you I **** like Crack did to pookie. You are my health. My fruits and vegetables handly picked for me. you are my blueberries and pineapples. You are my asparagus and mushrooms all ready to eat. Love like ours hard to find. Far from humanly  connection all the stars were aligned by gods from the belt of Orion. Love fiend, crazy. For you I live an die you are my Crack queen baby. My only addiction.
Love is my addiction.
It starts off subtle
a misplaced letter
upside down grammar
but I can read it,
the signs.
I'm sure; the words make my heart play hop scotch
"come live with me" you say
"I love you" is your three worded short story.
I used to have to play along
begging wouldn't help
"it's the law" she would say to me.
That *******;
as you refer to.
"I'm sorry"
"I'm always hear for you"
"I never meant to hurt you"
"I'm sorry"
This is how I know.
This is how I know you've touched the bottle to your lips; staining yourself.
This is when you're hurting me.
"Come live with me" you said -but now you've added more.
"I've always wanted you to come live with me... up with the angels".
is how I respond.
I know my answer would send you to the ground.
I can no longer take care of the whiskey breathed body I call Daddy
Is this safe
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