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Have I ever told you
Have you ever wondered
Have I ever told you about pain

Have you ever wondered about sorrow

How have you not herd
Of pain that stabs you like a knife
Or how about the bullet
The one that travels with force

How about a simple hook
How it swings back and fourth
Side to side

With a dark shadow looming by it's side

Have you ever wondered what it's like

To live only to die

What's the meaning to life
What you want
You won't get

You have to work for what you have,
But when you work yourself
Your own self acting that is
You'll feel the hook in your heart

Watch the needle end
Mind the string
Watch yourself swing
From a dangling hook

You a person
Are a fish
A fish in the world

But where do these hooks come from

They come from pearly golden gates
Up from above

They come from pits of lava and grief
Down from below

The way you live
How you live
When you die

Only a hook will make the pull

So remind yourself to be a good little fish

May not need reminding

Of those hooks that swing from above

While ones cry for forgiveness
Others laugh at your pitty
Where will the hook bring you?

Down or up
Or life will swing
Side to side

Here's another question  
why does one hate life
Does the hook have them
Watch them slowly drag
Or be ripped in half by the hook

Watch them slowly dangle
Watch for their paths
If you find yourself caught
Then let them take you

There is no fighting the hook
Just let it rip you
Only then the hook will let you go

So in a last brief moment
Let's take the time to remember
To watch the hooks
And be-careful
They ARE watching you

The hook
The pain
Oh the hook
I created this during a depressing phase, I don't know if I've grown out of it but poetry allows me to speak as I feel, and I believe what I feel I should say :)
Imagine if we lived in harmony
Imagine if all that's good is shown,
Imagine if all the hate is gone,
Imagine all the tears that were dropped,

Imagine all the lonely who moved on,
Imagine all the lonely who are still lost,

Imagine all the ones who are happy
Imagine all the ones who are sad
Imagine the day we can all get along
Imagine how happy the world would be......

When all we imagine is our happy thoughts

The day we stand as one
Will end all hate and bring joy
But till that day
We shall only imagine
The power of thought brings best to our imagination
In the middle of a desert is a booming city

With big bright lights

Stands a man with a key to a corvette

With a black leather coat
And his pack of cigarettes
He stands calm and chill
Ready for anything

He gets on his metallic horse
And rides like the wind
With the stench of burning rubber


The man speeds through the night
With the squeal of the tires
On the fresh paved road
On the quiet sandy desert
Outside of the city
Where he rides alone
He is
The Lone Ranger
Just a fun little poem to pass the time c:
There's always a dark soul
A soul who's lost
Watch him walk in the cold
See him walk on the old lonely road
What hath tho made him this way
The way of the lost
He a lone man was abandoned

Abandoned by loved ones
Abandoned by his life
Abandoned by his friends


but the man continues to walk
On a lone cold path
Step by step
He remembers his life

His young years taken like a toy
From a mother or father

When this young boy watches a horrific sight

The death of a best friend

Or his home taken from him by gods wrath

What about all those who perished in his life

In his later years the man
Now a young teen
Releases his sins
With a new sin

It started with a blade
Turned into a drug
Then into a thought
Which resulted in action

In the hospital he sees the arch angle

He sees the grim reaper

"What is your issue young child"
Ask a dark reaper

In response the man cries "LIFE!!"

No says the reaper
You were abandoned
You've been lost
You'll stay lost

The reaper vanishes
The man waits
Till one day
The man gets up

On this day he walks
Helps all the others
But gets shunned in return

His trust issues make him vulnerable
To make him be him
So till the day he trust
He walks alone

His friends don't care for him
Only few but none
While others cry for others
No one knows he exist
He crys himself to sleep
Wakes up with regret

The man is abandoned
A shadow
Just as he is
Just as he was
He is abandoned

— The End —