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 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
I know we put on a show,
Trust me, I know.

I know* it's hard,
I know people like us don't have it easy.
But it's effortless to pick up a shard,
And mutilate ourselves until looking in the mirror makes us queasy.

I know we can't talk even if we wanted to,
I know our emotions aren't always crystal clear.
But if it's one thing we want and so desperately pursue,
Is to be able to utter an "I'm okay" and for it to be completely sincere.

I know we can't trust,
I know it's been broken so many times.
But we've wrongfully learned to adjust,
To someone who isn't worth it, to someone who just hurts and lies.

I know what it's like to need and not get,
I know what it's like to be told "just forget".
But they don't know what we've been through,
They don't know all we've had to endure.

I know ending it seems unquestionable and inevitable,
I know the pain seems irrevocable and inequitable.
But I just want you to know that I'm here,
And it's hard to speak but I'm all ears.

I know we put on a show,
Trust me, I know.
please don't hesitate to talk to me, I'm just a click away

 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
Deadened* eyes and sugary lies,

We spill our guts and plan our demise.
From these withered roots we rise,
Count your breaths and swallow the sighs.

Lie awake and hope to die
Never let them hear you cry
Swallow the fear and say goodbye,
Whisper to the starry sky.

Like soft strokes of a lover’s hand
The wind carries voices of the ******.
Drained and weary they demand
To return to the warm embrace of land.

No more can we see the sun,
In the clouds and mist we run
Regret, there is but one
*That they had put down the gun.
When a flower wilts, does it feel pain?
When the Queen bee dies do her workers grieve?
When a tree loses a limb, does it feel sad for its loss?
When the rain drowns the ants does it feel ashamed?
Do the salmon hate the bear?
If all these answers are not so,
and all these things are made up of the same things I am,
then why must I feel these things?
Most cringe at the fringes of reality, mind-splitting dualities

tear apart what's known, but its a start to grow, a seeker, a

keeper of secrets you have grown to be, yearning to be free by

learning what has to be, but you dare not to care, to show the

divine glow, hiding by gliding behind the shadows, and now

twisted wits slit your mental capacity fastening locks that

casually create apathy, now callously you afflict, lifting veils

that trick, gifting secrets by sifting through weakness,

designating your self a genius, resignating your true gist with

lists of accomplishments that compliment your ego, letting go of

your whole creating a hole that needlessly creates your

deviousness of pure meanness that's created quite an inconvenience

to a once great friendship.
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
I'm writing this to tell you how happy I am
With life
And you
And us

This has been a long time coming
Since October at least
I kept denying your advances
I couldn't let you in
At least not
In that way

I never thought that pushing you away
Was just causing you
To come closer

All I wanted was for you to get rid of me
Shut me out
Hurt me
Before I
Could hurt you

And eventually,
You did.
Those were the longest three days

I missed you
A lot
But that triple horror helped me to realize
That you leaving my life
Wasn't as easy
As I pretended it would be

I missed talking to you
About nothing
We text, snap, converse all day
Everyday about
But that nothing means everything
To me

You mean everything to me
I said it.
It's out there
Not just trapped inside my brain anymore

You're allowed to know
How I'm really feeling
I'm glad I can finally tell you how
I really feel

It's strange to think how important you've become
In just a matter of months
You've changed my life
For the better

Who would have thought
The crazy, weird, lanky
But technically tall, dark and handsome
Theater kid
Would capture my heart?

I certainly never would have guessed
But with your sugar-sweet words
And effortless chivalry and
Your crazy obsession with
Nic Cage
I found my National Treasure in the form of

So, Ryan,
Who knows where this will lead
Or how long it will last
All I know is that I'm really really
And a lot of that
Is because of
I love you.
chains rattle and hiss
they slide and slither around my feet
poisonous serpents i cannot escape
twisting my steps into unknown paths
foiling my legs, movements truncated
falling to my knees, they climb
screaming, incoherent rage, wordless struggles
and they whisper
of codes and consequences
of right and wrong
breathless i scream in silent wrath
jaw distended, creaking
they wrap up my unsaid words
force their way down my throat
chaining tight my beating heart

 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
People think I’m poetic
They see me as a troubled soul
Who bleeds ink
From torn up veins
Metaphors painted on endless pages
Dripping from my lips
People think I’m poetic
But I’m just a ****** up kid
With a large vocabulary
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
 Apr 2014 Turquoise Mist
Your smile
Reminds me of
A beautiful
And I wish I could
Put it on replay
So I could listen to it
When you’re not around
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