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it’s like I am reborn into confidence
drowning in my butterflies
feeling like I could run for miles
or maybe take my chance at flight

it’s like I am covered in warm blankets
and never hot enough to sweat
while snow clumps cling to trees outside
and I’m finally breathing air that’s fresh

it’s as if the world is completely changed
and there is nothing left to regret,
and I can finally breathe out calm air
and lay all my burdens to rest

it’s as if all things have disappeared
and the only things left are us,
but instead of feeling immensely lonely
I feel nothing except for your love

there’s nothing quite like my love for you
there’s nothing quite like your love for me;
thank you God for something so beautiful
thank you God, this was not supposed to be
and now I’m radiant in my care for her
and now I’m lost in a pleasant dream

it’s like commitment was never easier
it’s like love flows from bottomless fountains
it’s like I’m maturing in what love is
it’s like thankfulness and love is boundless-
Relocated when
Gran picked me up
The school gate

This would be the last time,
For a
Long time,
To be present here,
My old school

Somewhere in my mind
It got locked away,
The places
Where we
Used to

Now the years have passed,
Returning to
My old school

It looks exactly the same,
Except someone's shrunk it!
My eyes, they shut,
Am I in

Song- Where Do the Children Play? Cat Stevens.
You are the ocean
that fills me
sustains me.

I cannot live on
foreign waters.

My dying tongue
Parched mouth
Would ne'er sustain me
As I crawled
Hands cracked
Knees ground to the bone
To a drop
If a drop is
all you give me.

I would reject all other
for the one drop from you and
the sweet taste of your waters.
I got stuck
in a plot

and it made

A) Dizzy
B)  Sick
C) Light-headed
D) Aware

poems read
when you're close to the poet

run your hands
across my pages
caress the dents
feel the depth in some
and the lightness in others

come closer
place your ear
on my papers
listen to the waltz
my pencils do
with every
stride, every curve
Full poem here:
Today, I
put a full stop
at the end
of an on-going

the sad part was
that I thought it will
bleed beyond it,

but all it asked for
as a light mentioning
in pages,

I had to refuse
so I added another
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