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 Oct 2015 toucan
 Oct 2015 toucan
red is the blood on my knuckles
when I get mad and punch
the wall.

yellow is what I see when I
close my eyes and listen
to a happy song.

green is when I'm jealous
and I have to bite my tongue.
and then we're back to
red, red, red
as I taste the blood.

blue is when
I'm all choked up
and trying not to cry.
But blue is also serenity-
the ocean and the sky.

pink is how I fall in love.
and how I dance and ride my bike.

grey is when I'm inbetween
the colors black and white.

black is when I've sunken deep,
and feel that no one cares.

and white is when I first wake up
and see you laying there.
 Oct 2015 toucan
Mateuš Conrad
you know like when you eat something akin
to spaghetti bolognese with
penicillin bacteria
get a fever and wish you were a no. 86 bus driver
speeding past the greenbelt in the night?
oink oink i do too.
well... it makes you burp less that penicillin spaghetti bolognese
than cucumbers ever will.
 Oct 2015 toucan
Dead end
 Oct 2015 toucan
Lost dimensions
Walled wishes
Fallen hope
Where are we going?

Empty backseat
Blinded by memories
Touch of reality
Are we moving?
 Oct 2015 toucan
Harmony Sapphire
I wrote a little note.
To express how much I devote.
To give my heart.
That's a start.
Loneliness when we're apart.
My kiss could be better.
I can blot it on a letter.
The envelope is sealed.
True love is feeled.
My broken past is healed.
Atheist prayers aren't kneeled.
Embark on this beginning.
A game of winning.
© Harmony Sapphire.All rights reserved
 Oct 2015 toucan
jeffrey robin



Starlight .....

Tenement dreaming .....:                      

oh child

We are here tonight


Bring your holy god

( you can leave your Book behind )


The light is all life


hear !

( Saints  are praying  )                            


Calling for you to come together


in the bars children drinking

I wonder if ya know what they're really thinking !

out the window

  bridges swaying

We can hardly talk to one another

All we know are eulogies

To the love that we betrayed


Hey hey

Goin insane

The big debate


Is it better  than suicide ?

Is it better than suicide ?

Is it better than suicide !

To go & leave your lover        Behind
 Oct 2015 toucan
{in pieces}
 Oct 2015 toucan
i can still taste the lightning clinging to your lips
all of your sharp edges and corners
left me as a big red bruise
you are spark and i'm your ash
we used to sing to pink floyd and the strokes
but now my record player is the soundtrack
to my lonely bedroom
we were we were we were
did you know? i gave you my whole self
i told you to be careful and you promised
(a thousand of them) that brokenness is never
something you intend to give me
so why did you drop it?
you dropped me and i shattered
like my mother's favorite casserole dish
everyone says red is the most powerful color
and now i see why
you sang red songs and kissed red kisses,
you touched me with red fingertips
until i was a burning red sun
red is something that breaks,
you are someone who destroys.
i am wrecked.

 Oct 2015 toucan
 Oct 2015 toucan
I saw you last night.
I stirred and stirred.
We were civil and sweet,
and fine as we were.
But I still stirred.
After all.
 Oct 2015 toucan
Your nature, overwhelming.
With the exception of your “Big Easy” vibes?
For now, let’s accredit it to your welcoming charm.
The one that told me it was normal to have a sleepless night.
You turn saxophones into soft lullabies
And celebrate a selective variety of anything.
You have alcoholic tendencies.
And privacy really is an illusion with you.
You do not have strangers.
Family is what makes sense.
You’re beautiful.
And blue.
You’re comfort.
You’re love.

You are my sweet New Orleans.
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