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Torin Dec 2015
I only want to love
It causes me such pain
Torin Jun 18
I smile during apocalypse
I fear there is love
We cannot want the same things
Armageddon is not the end
So long as the fires
dont touch everything
Death and birth
So many cycles
The moon and the earth
The sky and the dirt
I smile as the knife cuts deep
And riddles me incomplete
I feel there is love
My hands cannot reach
Suns setting seem like the end of light
The empty bones
The coldest night
Our stars in the sky
Away and up high
That a new day may arise
Torin Apr 2016
She tells me her heart, she tells me her soul
It's only love, It's always love

I sing my song, she sings along
It's only love, It's always love

She feels my love, she hears my voice
Its only love, It's always love

She speaks to me, she speaks my language
It's only love, It's always love

She shows me her dreams, I show her my truth
It's only love, It's always love

I show her everything, she knows
*It's only love, It's always love
Torin Apr 2016
I wake up after three hours of sleep
Right foot, left foot
Eat something quick and
Brush my teeth
Put on my clothes
My socks and shoes
Right foot left foot
Fifteen minutes to myself
Right foot

I drive to work on busy streets
Right foot left foot
I make a left and a left then go straight
Then I make a right
A parking lot
My parking spot
Right foot left foot
I walk in and clock in
Left foot

And I busily slave away
Right foot left foot
Make a mess then clean it up
The garbage out the back door
The product out the side dock
All day long
Right foot left foot
I'll have lunch and a few smoke breaks
Right foot

And then I'll go home
Right foot left foot
And tomorrow do it all again

Left foot
Thank god for coffee.
Torin Jul 2016
There still is hope
In America
There is
Torin Apr 2016
She grows
By the light of the moon
And the tides are rising

All I need is a kick
In the back or the mouth
And I'll be drowning in the middle of an ocean

Because I was born
Knowing how to swim
But I've got a sinking feeling

Maybe I'm the anchor
That finds the ocean floor
And makes a home
Torin Dec 2015
Maybe its the reason why
In the morning time
The birds will sing
And I will sing along
Torin Feb 2017
I hope she's happy
That she's hopeful
I've seen the way these demons play with her mind
With her weakness

I was once a pillar
In the desert
I can stand so strong forever
I could stand
And not the sands of time
Not the cruelty of the wind so hateful
Berating my own bare back
Not the sun
Not the hopelessness

I hope she knows
My hands grow weaker through the holding
My feet grow blistered from the journey
My mind grows weary
My legs may as well give out with my next step
I gave up long ago
But from the time I fought

I hope she's happy
And she's hopeful
That that sun that wants to shine
Will bring light into her life

I hope that she lets the next sun to rise
Be the one to mean her life

I have my own journey

And ill be a pillar
In a city
Forgotten about by time
The only solid truth amongst the ruins
Torin Dec 2015
Let there be no fairy tale endings
Its the real world we live in
Loss, and death, and broken hearts
And meaningless obligations
And taxes

No prince charming
Knight in shining armor
Benevolent king
Just me
And my darkness
Torin May 2016
Magnificent castles
Fortified as a heart
Who let's not an enemy in
Castle walls
Protection from the world
And all of its pain

The lonely king
Wants nothing more than a queen
To love him
As he honors her
As he showers her with gifts of a kingdom
And as she speaks

These kings defense
Armies and treaties
Sentries in the night on guard
Shields and armor
Blades and arrows
To strike invaders down

The lonely king
Needs nothing more than a queen
A beautiful love
A glorious empire
As he's ruling by divine right
He puts God on her side
Torin May 2016
I create life in you
Who I've never seen
And never spoken too
I paint colors on gray skies
And feelings on the wind

I give you dreams
Who only know me
As a name without a face
I trace lines in outer space
I give meaning to constellations

I teach you imagination
Who wonder mindlessly
Through lifes daily procession
I reach heaven and hell
Bringing you the better parts of both

I am your hope
Who knows that art will still exist
Even if unappreciated
I was born for a purpose
Even if its lost on most

I show love to you
A better thing I'll never do
A deeper truth found only here
In the words
Of the poet
Written for all the poets, what do we write for anyways?
Torin May 2016
Your whisper not loud enough
For there are blowing winds
And beating wings
Distance between the mouth and the ear
If what was said is of importance
I'm sorry, my love
I can't hear
Not with these angry cars
And jackhammers
Beating up the streets

Your voice not musical
Not memorable
Not special enough to be heard
When the message sent does matter
And nothings more important
The matter of the fact
There are birds singing
And evil radios
And all matter of interference
Good or bad
There's always something standing in the way

Now you are screaming
Like the wind and the light
Touching four senses
Lacking sense of touch
Its nothing I can feel
Its only the empty hands of ghost
The broken and her fear
The loving and her loss
You can shout at the top of your lungs
All the words that speak your soul
But you'll be shouting into darkness
Torin Nov 2015
Just another step
Another word to speak
Another restless soul
Another lonely bed
I don't feel it
I don't feel it anymore
I don't feel
I don't feel anymore

Just another night
Like so many before
Another trouble comes
Another face I forget
I don't fear it
I don't fear it anymore
I don't fear
I don't fear anymore

Tell me where will I be
Somewhere in a broken night
Tell we where will I be
Tell me where will I be

Just another song
To another endless night
Just another love
In another's holding arms
I don't have it
I don't have it anymore
I don't have
I don't have anymore

Tell me where will i be
Lost in a broken night
Tell me where will I be
Tell me where will I be
A song
Torin Nov 2015
We swallow that pill,
On the TV station
Heavy medication
We climb that hill, until
Our chest is burning
Love lost in your eyes

And there's another side
To the story
Always something more
And I'm sorry

But if I can look at you
And try to understand
Would you do the same for me?

Little paper cups
Lines on my arms
That go straight to my hurt
But I can't go back
This train is going forward
Churning in darkness toward

The other side
Of this mountain
I'm too tired to climb
And I'm sorry

But if I can listen to you
Trying to understand
Would you do the same for me?
Poem about my past
Torin Mar 2017
I spend as I can
While nothing in my hand
                Give me an out
It wasn't meant to be this way
It's cold most every day
                Give me an out
I starve if I must
In a life where not is just
                Give me an out
           Give me an out
      Give me relief
Give me some peace

I stand when I can
I fall on demand
              Give me an out
                         Save me from myself
              Give me an out
              Give me an out
              Give me an up
              Give me an out
I know what is right
I fail to keep the fight
              Give me an out
A reason
Torin Jun 2016
Daughter and sister
Creon king of Thebes
Great Antigone locked inside a tomb
For following divine law
Hung by her own hand
Unable to suffer injustice
Hæmon now must bleed
Torin Jun 2016
Vapid viper
Reckless rattler
Killer copperback
I see the fangs
The cottonmouth
The lashing out
My skin
The poison coursing directly for my heart
Killing me slow
Killing me complete
The world we know
Is full of snakes
Snakes and me
My blood
I find you
Your hands
These toxins
My skin
And you with anti-venom
I see your hands
As this poison saturates
And hope you could be the one to save me

I shine a sun in your direction
I give my all that you would give me something
I hope for you when I'm hopeless
I watch you walk away.....
I die as your foot hits the ground
I die still loving you
Torin Nov 2016
Im as empty now as I've ever been
I see no choice worth making
And the world around me changing
Until my stars are not in the place
                                      They've always been
                                      It's always been
                                      The moon always hung lower
                                      Than I remember
A perfect day

I'm as hopeless now as I'll never be
And I wake up all the same
When I sleep without a meaning
And my dreams are not my strength
                                    They've always been
                                    It's always been
                                    And without a reason
                                    I find you there

A perfect day
Torin Apr 2016
Read it once
And lose the meaning
Maybe twice
And see its beauty
Read it thrice

Poetry is meant to make you feel
Meant to heal
Help you deal with reality
That you know

Losing once
A somber story
Dying twice
As broken thoughts
Living thrice

My words are to make you feel
Make you love
Become a star
You follow home
I get so into meter, which apparently doesnt matter to most. Still i get so lost in feeling. If its art, see it as art.
Torin Mar 2016
I am a ****** up poet
A starving artist
A punk rock Elvis
Sometimes you just gotta go all out
Because your the king
And you just can't help it

Van Gogh died poor
And alone
In a field that was his last expression
He died by his own hand
And it wasn't even raining
When it should have been

I don't even see myself when I look in a mirror
And you don't see what I see when you look at me
You see a smiling lover
Enjoying life though all the struggle
I live life as Pagliacci
A ****** up poet

I put on a great show
And I weep during intermission
Torin May 2016
Her love is April,
April thunder storms,
So in May the flowers bloom,
And everyday grows a little bit warmer

Her tempermental,
Her tempestuous,
As the spring melts the snow and ice;
Her smile a sun

Her heart, her words
Are singing birds,
Greeting the end of winter,
And welcoming me back to life

Her love is april
Yeah, its was pretty good, but.....

Where is James? Maybe it would make him smile
Torin Jun 2016
Its nice to say
To write and be read
To speak and be heard
Its nice-so nice
The clouds are nice
Shapeless changing shades of wispy warping away
And you can see in them
A face
An animal
Something that can't be held
So many clouds
To cover out the sun
The sun is dying
Spending all internal energy
To shine any sort of light into your life
Its nice-that no one notices
Because lightbulbs have a switch
And the sun is going to set
Many times
And it takes me with it
Its nice-so nice
That while the sun dies to bring you light
You'd rather stare into the clouds
Torin Jun 2016
We were born as actors took the stage
I was only a heartbeat and hands
You were more than skin
We saw the jackals in the night
Gun headed children with powder fingers
A man on the hill shouting "death to the despots"
Falling bombs that feed no flowers
The turtle crawls slow
His jaw hangs open
We were born beneath the man made cloud
I was a dreamer caught in nightmare
You couldn't fall asleep
We saw the edge of a black hole together
Blood hungry for Armageddon
A man in a suit saying "follow me to war"
Metal raptors and steel claws
The birds fly south forever
And winter never ends
Torin Jan 2016
I shoot an arrow into the sky
I smile at the sun as the sun smiles at me
My arrow flies higher up into the clouds
I watch the clouds gather on the western horizon
My arrow reaches its zenith and can go no higher
I ponder at the skies of grey as an ominous sign
My arrow plummets to the earth
I wait for the rain
But the rain never comes
My arrow hits something in a cave
Torin Oct 2016
These arrows don't sting as they tear apart my flesh
Not too bad

I remembered to forget
To remember
I find myself on edges
And there would be a world below me
Could be
Crush me under
Crush my life into the soil
My bones are made to be broken
I sure could use your smile
I could

These arrows don't sting as they rip at my flesh
They feel warm
The consolation
It is
  What I always knew it would be
And I suffer pain
Sitting in pale light
The moon as my son and the sun only sets
And I
      Was always right                      I always knew

These arrows pierce my heart
And point in the right direction
Torin Dec 2015
I saw art in her smile
A moment I capture forever

I can't remember what time it was
Not a hand I want to hold
The seconds tick away
Become a life span of a day
I don't recall if the birds were singing
Not a note I have to write
The orchestral crescendo
The music of a life
I don't care if there were clouds above
Solemn bitter grey
I don't care if there were honking horns
Of cars driving through the rain

I saw art in her smile
A feeling I love forever
Torin Dec 2015
Being an artist
Is not so great
Because you have to relate to others
When no one relates to you

I guess its all understanding
Its sharing a meaning
Its being understood
When you don't understand yourself

And really
It's not a choice
A blessing or a curse
It's just finding a voice
Torin Apr 2016
You turn into a wall
Fields and valleys
Divided when we arrive
And reaching to the sky
You turn the sink off
But I am drowning still
These holiest of symbols
And everything is flooded

And everything is muddy
Even memories
The morning covered fog
The night without the stars

You turn into a saint
In your own eyes
Blind to what you are
And what it really was
You turn the car around
Cliffs and oceans
Once we've driven off the edge
And falling to the earth
Torin Jun 2016
When all my words become the rain to fall into your life
I will be happy
Only hands and feet to hold and walk this sunny day
Happy as can be
But somewhere the moon is always rising
And darkness is always falling
My words are useless stars in the night
Hidden by clouds
I've never seen a rainbow in the dark
I've never lived in your city
When all my hopes become the strength that we were searching for
I will be happy
Only dreams and waking up to someplace I belong
Happy as can be
As can be
Torin Jul 2016
As far as eyes can see
There is distance
The ***** of the world fading from view
Failing as love
I fade from you
There are horizons
Where the sun never rises
The moon in its many disguises
Unwelcomed as night sets
Pocked marked by meteors
As far as eyes can see
There is black and white
The color lost in shades of grey
Indescribable definitions
With no clear line
As far as eyes can see
There is no meaning
And no reason
Only skin that doesn't care as much to feel
And pain that's becoming all too real
Torin Mar 2016
I remember when it was a mountain
I hadn't climbed
But I ascended
And I was noone
And I had nothing

And it was too much
Always forever
Right now
When I lost my name
And fully became
And felt

And I'm everywhere in time and space
Space is just a feeling
A way to be in a different place
With everything and nothing
And what you'll be
You are

Time is my expression
Torin Dec 2015
I don't ask much
Maybe too much
All I ask
Is that you be with me

Whatever that means to you
Torin Apr 2016
Just a heart
That wants to love
Time will take the want away
I feel like eyes
No longer know night
Even when the words and sun have gone
If the mercy is leaving
But the drinks are cold
I'll blink three times
And fall into this truth
Sweet songs soft wings
And hard ghost
Tonight I write a song for you
And hold you in my dreams
Torin Oct 2016
I am alive
Despite it
I have such hope

And there is no corner of darkness
Light can not reach
I am alive

So in our sorrow
In our pain
In our struggle

Won't we dance?

And celebrate the good things in life

Every sound is music
Every rhythm a drum
And we dance

Through the fire and through the flood
We dance
We are alive

Now in our gloom
And our doom
And despondence

Won't we dance?

So many things to celebrate in life
A warm up
Torin Jun 2016
I think
I say
is a confession
                      I sing
                      in praise
                      of your name
                      and lift
                       the song
                      with the wind
than hands                
can reach                                    
until heaven            
can feel          
the grace
                      of your beauty
I'll only
find peace
when both
the song
               I sing
                             for you
Torin Mar 2016
She told me I was out of control
I looked deep into her beautiful blue eyes
I saw truth
I saw belief
She told me I was out of control
And I knew that she was right

I was an asteroid
Blazing through the sky
A beautiful show of light
Until I crash into the earth

She told me I was out of control
Torin Feb 2016
I am an astronaut
Not because I trained for years
In high-tech NASA facilities
Not because I'm a peak physical specimen
Endurance tested
Intelligence too
I am an astronaut
And its a reason as simple as this
I made someone my world
And then she left me

I am an astronaut
And right now I'm drifting through space
I can see the stars
I just can't reach them
Hastily written and shoddily conceived, but I like it.
Torin Nov 2015
Is this real,
Everything is empty space

Take for instance the atoms,
That make up the molecules

Carbon is only six ping pong *****
Dancing around my fist
In an area the size of my hometown

And we see it as something solid
We see it is coal
And what we are made of

Well I see it as a bunch of empty space
Its only my perception
That sees it as you
Drunk!!!!!! Quite a complicated topic for the inebriated
Torin May 2016
As wrong as the clouds that gather on horizons but never bring rain
My heart beats your name in silence from fear you may hear it
I love you more than your skin, your eyes, your smile, your warmth
I love you as you heal me, and I heal you
That you grow flowers or thorny vines around my mind
                                          I'll feel pain or joy
                                         I want you to grow
So grow in me as darkness or life
                                  Whatever you choose to be
                                                              ­     Whatever you are
                                                             ­                      Whatever becoming me
Grow on me as wings

Just listen......
Because the song I sing
Is for you alone
And my notes are all the tender lights I had to fight demons to keep
I'll shine, I'll burn, I'll work, I'll die
My love,
                                             I'll grow wings
And my feathers harbor with each barb a piece of your soul
I never could fly
Without you
Maybe its good, transcendental, meaningful. Maybe its art, maybe its love. Maybe its whatever you think it is.
Torin Mar 2016
Who carries the world
Will tell you its too much
Yet he does
And he never even shrugs

This weight is his alone

The god of love
Whom no mortal eye can see
Still will love a woman
Despite the Impossibilities

And psyche is just that beautiful

And why
Would I be willing to die
Or willing to live
Ready to wake up every day
Willing myself to fight once again

I believe in love

I'm relieved when I see
My message is received
And even in my weakest moments
I'll be strong
I'll carry on
I'll carry your world

I'll be your atlas
Pretty much, I'm drunk
Torin Mar 2018
already high when we got there
and the younger brother felt sick that day
******-and-moaned and came anyway
there wasn't so much to say

we said it all

still the path loomed large before
I wonder if he dreamt beneath the shade
in his fever heave bid go ahead
as rapidly ascending

we traveled on

summit broad side summer day
still heavy-breathing fire in my chest not easing
look over edge where he is sleeping
only sky and ground to see

well I saw it
Torin May 2016
We all
ALL of us
We all
Are slaves

........let us build the pyramids
.....let us build the Parthenon
let us build America


Let us watch time make it all fall d
                       .                                         o
                       .                                    w
                       .                                         n

What we create
In the service of our masters
Is only temporary

Our Titanic on a very first voyage

The only thing
That last forever
Is what makes us most afraid

What makes me most afraid

We are all slaves
And it will
Be this way
Torin Apr 2016
I dreamt of you
Without falling asleep
As strange as that may seem
In fact
I dreamt of you
As only I could dream
While being awake
Torin Feb 2016
How can I get back to earth
Only by falling
One minute gazing infinity
And then the next
I didn't reach to the skies
To touch the stars
I was only reaching
To place new ones
New worlds for you to see
Until you believe in me

Only by falling
That when I hit the ground
It craters around me
And I can't get out
I didn't reach for your hand
Because you would help me
I was only reaching
So that I could touch you
Because you're something I could feel
Something I knew was real
Torin Dec 2015
Pavement, Traffic
The Cars
The Who?
The Rolling Stones
The Doors, Jefferson Airplane
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Nirvana, Sublime
Queen, Kings Of Leon
Guess Who?
Blind Faith
Torin Dec 2015
We look to the west together
To the wide open skies of blue forever
We sigh as one
With the moon rising at the speed of a breath
And the night is full when the moon is new
We sigh as one
In unison
In the throes of barefooted passion
Where there is no painted dream I'd rather be
We smile a sun
A forest carpet of flowers and scent
The rhythm of a drum and a heartbeat
You are here with me
Mucho metáforo
Torin Mar 2016
B           e
  a                  v                          
     s       a                       
       i                 f                    r                                           ­                     
         c       h                        a                  
           a                        o                              
             l                I                      e            
           ­    l                                            
                 y                          n          
Beautiful tragedies
Amazing calamities
Serendipitous misfortune
Impressive affliction
Callous reality
Astounding beliefs
Ludicrous imagination
Lascivious fascination
Yearning for you

I have no fear
Because all of my greatest fears came true
I am here
And you are not

I have no fear
Because there is nothing left

Not even the love I used to need
Part acrostic, something else
Torin May 2016
We never spoke the language of soil
These poison loving tears
These seeds are growing nightmares
This cruel green cause
Its only a pain within a writhing mind
Sharpened knives and sharded glass
Even if its my blood that's hoping to fall
I'll bleed forward
The angry road the watching street
The stranger beneath the lamp post
This killing highway
She dies into the future
Its always a war of sleeping stones
And breathing hidden storms
The fires of hell
And a bottle of honey
Torin Dec 2015
I'll try to be
The best I can be
For you
If that's what you need me to be
A text

Her response. I know, but idk, its all messed up
Torin Sep 2016
I should not be what I am right now
We can not be what we want it to be
Nothing decides what we are
A better turn fated by choice
And no one becomes what we want it to be
They only say that we are
And I am
As I'll never be

It should be better
It should
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