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  Feb 2016 Timothy Ward
Let the poetry...
Write itself....
As the ripe new moon
strums the swaying
silhouettes of the night.

Let the poetry...
Write herself...
With the vast
expanse of obsidian sky.
Pocked subtly with the shy
murmurs of the stars...
Offering solace and peaceful respite.

Let the poetry...*
Write of you...
As the splendour...
Envelopes each unspoken letter.
Embedding words of warmth,
that seize my heart
in a state of enamour...
Before taking its majestic flight.
Timothy Ward Feb 2016
two doves fly across
perfect silent unison
a jetliner screams
Timothy Ward Feb 2016
sand pipers darting
hopping over ebbs and flows
picnic at the beach
The sand pipers are a metaphor for mankind, the ebbs and flows the vagaries of life, or ones emotional well being, the last line suggests we enjoy the here and now much as the sand piper does on his inter tidal meal! :) I realize haikus should not be explained... but on another site I always had ppl asking me what I meant. Let me know if you would like me to abjure!
  Feb 2016 Timothy Ward

••••                          ••••
•••• ­                               ••••
••••                         ­          ••••
••••                                    ••••
••••           ­                         ••••
••••                               ­     ••••
•let my secrets be buried unknown•
never to resurface, never again shown•one
mistake was all it took...•invested my heart
in an unassumin-                g crook•that was
enough to set m-                   y world on fire•
fuel for wagging to-       ngues' desires•days
only elapsed with l-        eers from disgusted
eyes and whispere-          d mocks•time was
inconsequential o-              n faceless clocks•
a hard lesson lea-                 rnt, painful price
to pay•now i have my secrets heavily pad-
locked... and the key thrown away•

  Feb 2016 Timothy Ward
SE Reimer

her tidal forces pull me in,
her halo soothes my soul within;
illuminating, ether's glow,
to my cheek her kisses blow;
lunar whispers draw me deep,
beckon softly, bid me sleep!


*post script.

tonight's moon, a waxing half, wears a halo full,
above a thin marine layer in my
Pacific Northwest sky.  
difficult to photograph, yet so easy to love!
Timothy Ward Feb 2016
Heavenward stretching lofty spires (a)
Man created strife (b)
In his penchant to fly higher (a)
He built a world that co-conspires (a)
All he sees is hate gone rife (b)
Realizing it's too late (c)
To carve out peace with use of knife (b)
There's too much hate (c)
For one man's life (b)
The poem feels almost asyncopated and I chose my diction carefully to slow the pace down and make it almost choppy reflect a disharmony of man's actions from his professed religious and lofty ideals. I left my rhyming notations to reflect the difficult pattern this poem required. a/b/a/a/b/c/b/c/b ...I'm really gravitating to short form poetry more n more. Your critique is always solicited to improve the craft! Thank you!
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