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Charis V Apr 2014
Guy 1:

I'm lost and alone
Devoid of all hope
Now that you're gone...

It feels dark and cold
The shadows are coming for me
Now that you're gone...

I thought you loved me
So why are
Hanging around with him?

I give all that I have
Is this how you repay me
I miss you and it hurts so bad...

This wall is driving me mad,
Wish I could break it down and find you
Now that you're gone.

Please come back;
Whatever I did,
I'm saying sorry.

Return to me,


Take me back home
Where my heart belongs;
Now that he's gone...

I need him more than you know
Take me back home
If just for a glimpse of him again.

I know he's missing me
Like I'm missing him
You can understand, I know that too...

Take me back home
To the sky and the people
I've gotten used to being around,

Get me back over this wall
That's separating him from me,
Because now that he's gone...

I've left a part of me with him;
We used to have something,
But not anymore.

Take me back home,

Guy 2:

I missed you every moment,
But I let you move on;
You're back now, what wrong?

I know that you miss him
And he you
But what about me...

I ached for you when you weren't there,
I wonder now if you even cared
How that hurt me so...

I'll take you back to him
Because that's what you want
Since it's not about me.

How can I tell you
That I love you
When you're with him?

I know I never could,
But especially not now
That you're gone...

I'll return you to him,
I originally posted this on my other writing account, but hey; it's a poem of sorts and I post all my poems here too.
Charis V Apr 2014
Sameness is a dull world;
All colour has fallen from perception.
It exists in greys and black and white,
Plain as vanilla ice cream.

Creativity is more a fruit salad
Or a painting bursting with passion;
Colour and flavour dripping to full
And challenging the senses to react.

Paint with all the colours of the wind,
Nature is teeming with diversity.
Sameness is unbecoming,
A spiral staircase leading down into shadow.

Live a life full of paint;
Shake off the grey cloak
And walk in the sun.
Leave the shadows for another someone.
Charis V Apr 2014
Dear self,

I ask, I implore,
I see you fall to the floor
Weighed down by your own fallibility.

I beg, I cry,
To look up and reach for the sky
And not judge the way you look and act.

But you'll disregard
Any advice I give,
So what's the use?

Nobody's perfect,
It's only a show;

We have our strengths,
Our weaknesses,
The likes and dislikes.

The world keeps spinning and advancing
Because no one is identical;
Sameness make the earth stand still.

Dull, boring.
Nothing gets better,
No improvement.

So please, I implore,
When next you unfairly critique remember:
Society's standards are a sham.

You are perfect:
Everything you are,
Everything you have yet to be.

Don't conform to the expectations of the world,
Because people should aspire to say to themselves,
"I want to be just like me."
I wrote this when I was feeling down, and realised that it is that kind of poem that needs desperately to be shared with the world.
Charis V Apr 2014
You have your own voice,
You have your own song,
Splashing, rippling, rushing on.

In you I find tranquility,
In you I feel contentment;
Oh River mine,
Your waters blue and green.

Hudson flowing by the path I ride my bike on,
Falling leaves red, brown, gold, yellow.

I can walk with my dogs
By your banks,
I can skip stones
Across your face.

I find you in forests and meadows,
Near Lakes and far from sand;

You live forever,
Patience unbound:
Do you hide secrets
Yet to be found?
Charis V Apr 2014
Damp, dead.
Springing to life under muddy soil,
The flowers will be here soon.

Skeletal branches claw the milky blue-purple sky,
Green mist beginning to coat their splitting fingers.

Biting cold and wisping wind,
The smell of wet earth and greening grass
More welcome than a smoking, fiery hearth.

Spring is coming, spring at last;
I had almost forgotten the taste of rain in the air.

Stone beneath my fingers, rough and smooth,
A rock in a field to rest against with a beautiful view.

The wind whispers the calling of birds
And the echoing cries of their mates,
The aviation coming north for a long stay.

My hair is whipped by the wind,
And flies from my face;
Fly away far,
Find your own flowing, rippling, grace.

Ice is cracking and rivers rushing,
Freed from their frozen imprisonment;
Fish are swimming and fishermen soon to be rowing
Across still waters clear and cold.

April has come to Michigan once more,
Breaking dawn in morning's cool air.
April returned to drive back the snow,
And Spring Break rides on its dove grey wings.
Charis V Apr 2014
Green, softly dancing,
Short stalks bend beneath my feet;
Under snow it sleeps.
Charis V Apr 2014
It whispers in ears,
It carries the flight of birds,
And blows a spring tune.
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