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Nicholas Muir
Melbourne, Australia   
david badgerow
34/M/Florida    yes, i have tricks in my pocket, i have things up my sleeve. but i am the opposite of a stage magician. he gives you …
D.C.    Seeker. Oh lament, the sun settles from golden gaiety to smoke gray. And all creatures seen dormant...repose. Then in a gesture of compassion, curious with …
South Carolina    This is what happens every day:
Amber K
Christi Michaels MoonFlower
I hope that my writings touch others as Poetry and Timeless Prosodies have touched me. aka: MoonFlower "Fluer de Luna" Currently recovering from a traumatic …
Humboldt County Ca.    Life on the Mad River. Through lines: poetry. I went into psychology with two questions: how do people work and what is the source of …
a self-important mass of trash | copyrights belong to belbere
Davin Jane Andrews
Seattle, Washington    i'm the girl that the one guy raped and told all his friends about. i'm here to destroy that one guy and all of his …
Alyssa Rose
This is just the beginning
Sad things, serenade me.
Oakland, California    Hello voyager
52. Male. Misanthrope.
Grimace, gash I'm made of ash And your fire can't Burn me
Grace Jordan
Grace has loved writing and stories since the day she could breathe. She’s not sure she’d know how to breathe without them. She fell down …
Lost Soul
Everything in 4 lines :)
54/M/Cleveland, Ohio    Creator of the "Quantum Loop" poem. I study English, science, and mankind. Shemale and he-she. Asian/black/arab/white/americaN.
David Moss
Edinburgh    Words. Whence They Came. Do What Thou Wilt.
The Noose
32/F/Standing on the gallows    Words are all I have. All original content ©2013-2024 The Noose
"Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment[...] Why was I born among mirrors? The daylight revolves around me. And the night herself …
28/M/Newcastle, England    I write bad poetry and terrible stories. But they'll grow on you... Sort of like headlice.
New York City   
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