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T R Wingfield Dec 2024
Prolly been letting the dark thoughts Win
A little too much lately.
Not like win but just...
- let in -
You know...
Like sometimes there's nothing you can do
About it.
it's all you can do
just to say to yourself

... Everything's gonna be okay

12/25/2024 9:57pm
Don't let the intrusive thoughts win. It's not so bad if you look closely.

First draft:
The world's gonna end soon anyway...  ..  .

Prolly been letting the dark thoughts Win
A little too much lately.
Not like win but just...
- let in -

... Everything's gonna be okay
T R Wingfield Dec 2024
Die for rock n roll
Or live for something new
Get excited dude
It time for change so embrace it
Take your leave and go do you
You say you love meeting new people and doing something scary and true
So go have an adventure grow up and become the next real you

It what she's about to do
Y'all can still be friends
Don't make it about you
It's her next phase
You don't get a say
She gave you so much time to use
And you didn't
Use it
Not properly
you gambled on
a future horse
and that was the wrong thing to do
Now you're stables empty and you gotta move

You've been sedentary for far to long
You've grown complacent and yet
You still are disappointed
Dissatisfied too
Your complacency is the root
It's the problem you can't topple
It's because you need to ******* move

It's slipping by whether you don't or do

Remember, "Novel experience." Remember?
"Some things are just for you."..?
You get to see what happens
It'll be strange and new
It's what you do
You're actually pretty good at this
It being still you can't see through
So bop around make some friends
See what's out there
But don't do what you used to
Don't waste it getting wasted
     But Get back out there!
Go be you
T R Wingfield Dec 2024
There I was
- Alone -
in someone else's cozy home
(I didn't break in; it was open)
Watching home alone
With no-one home

... and I was ******
That's when you guys phoned
And now we're not alone
It's  me and you ... guys . . .
On Christmas Eve.

Jeez - should we just have a cup of nog and forget all about it? I think I saw some in the fridge ...

Turn around?
Hands behind.. m. My back? Right...
Yeah I got it. I'm coming..
Take it easy!. Fella.
Am I right? ... No?
What's that... shut the **** up?
- Alrighty,
[just before we began]

"Seriously though, it's sooo good. It's definitely one of my favorite movies. And they had it on Laser DISC. Who even has laser disc - (scoffs) Come on. You know - I had to watch it.


Come on. It's me guys. you know I'm just goofing off. Larry, how many times you picked me up lost, wandering  alone? Have a little Christmas spirit, huh? If you don't close the door you can just undo the handcuffs and everybody goes home. You ain't called it in yet, right? Right? Come on...

{Unintelligible radio chatter} "- Larry, he's got a point in I'm just trying to get home -"

Man! I appreciate it.
Merry Christmas, guys!
(Waves good-bye, walks away away high as a kite on adrenaline and dope!)

Phwew... that was a close one. Merry Christmas folks.
T R Wingfield Jul 2024
Everything is a Psy-Op these days.
Who knows what to believe?
Certainly not the mainstream media
or its blatant complacency.
Are we actually the "Great Satan?"
It's getting hard to believe we're still free.

Do you feel free? (I certainly don't.)
- And If so, do you have money?

I bet you do;
But do you have time
for yourself,
and Your friends,
and your family?
And Not just
A little chunk,
carved out of nights and weekends,
like a free minutes for a cellphone back in 1993;
but real time,
time you can invest,
that you can commit to you;
not just free-time, but
Time free enough just to be.
And even more important -
Do you have energy?
For all this free time
they give you for a fee:
Or did you sell your youth,
your dreams,
and your soul,
just to avoid poverty?
For a promise of "one day,
some day
You can stop working
And rest your weary feet
But not right now...
                                  (while you could enjoy it)
Not yet...
                            {the machine still needs to feed}
you must invest.
                               [it needs strength and vigor]
You can't expect to eat for free
                         /and to it, you look ******* tasty\

it's not like sustenance is out here
Simply growing on trees; does water just rain from the heavens into your sink? No, We have to make our ***** nature clean.

But yes – back to rest – after a while... sure
That is, however, only after:
once you've served enough
purpose to the capital beast.

- And If you do not,
do you long for quiet and peace and solitude,
Or joy and comradery?
Or just a day off
to get some things done
and then another one
where you can just be?

There's no freedom left
in the land of the free,
at least not for you and me.
There's some for those
That are in control
of the wages and the prices
of the commodities.
But for those of us
they rent by the day
or the hour
or the lifetime,
For a modest fee;
there's just "**** it up" and ****-sandwiches to eat.
"Now, Come on boy! Aren't ya hungry?"

Unless we rally and rage
and riot and fight
with fury and fire,
pitchforks and torches
Muskets and mutlitudes
Clawing and gnashing teeth.
To bite the hand that beats us back
The fight is getting easier to see,
That's why they are building cop cities and training facilities and internment camps.
But beating them is getting harder and harder to do.
Because they've know what they were doing, and when we were told
we didn't believe
T R Wingfield Jul 2024
Every Girl I've ever known
I've loved like a lover
Whether they knew it or not
Only a handful
ever gave me a shot
And I hope that those
that did Don't regret it.

The ladies that
let me love them
Let me learn to love
so deeply
That my poor little sad-sack,
woe-is-me world-view
became wholly incomplete
And to the women who wore
my burden on their heart,
I apologize again profusely.
I was never worthy of such tender treatment,
a fact once unbeknownst to me.

I hope one day
you'll forgive my sins
as I have
forgiven those
who sinned against me,
(Though a precious few
those may be)
and to those I'll love
as yet unburdened
by the weight; just wait...
One day you'll see.

Friday 7/12/24
Automatic poetry, first draft, cut, print.
T R Wingfield Jun 2024
In a liminal space surrounded by aether
I came to see the countenance
of a lover long lost to me,
martyred by addiction and impotence
and ignorance and arrogance,
A love taken for granted;
yet undeservedly so

In her eyes spun a spark
I had since never forgotten.
She proffered a smile
I have since longed to see
and greeted me tenderly
with warmth and a kiss.

We shared some time in a
soft sweet way
as if again lovers
no longer estranged

In a steam covered pool,
playing chicken alone,
I hugged her thighs hard
and looked up
as she brought her face close

I said,

"I know this isn't forever.
I know that it's just for right now;
But it feels like coming home."

"I've missed you"

She said "I've missed you"
Kissed me again from above
A goodbye

Then I woke from the dream
and refused to open my eyes.

And under my breath I begged
"Please... don't go..."

But she was already gone
And the day began
and the dream
drifted away
And I fell back to slumber
and dreamed anew
of another time
Lost and wandering
Muttering to myself
A poem of love and loss
And learning to let go,
to the plodding pad
of my wet bare feet on concrete
As I made my way somewhere
that would never feel like home
Two dreams intertwined
The first one wrecked me
I've been mourning a relationship lost almost 9 years ago
It's silly I know but I've been overwhelmed with sadness by it. Strange how grief is non linear

The love of which I dreamed:
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