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I walked along the bridge
Watching cars zooming past
On the corner of my eye
"Who would care if I died?" I ask
With warm tears, I cried

"You're not pretty enough
Skinny enough
Tall enough either!"
"Just end your life kid
It will benefit us."

If only they knew
What was going through my head.
I looked down at the ocean
From  the narrow ledge

A man got out his car, and ran
He gave me his hand.
'"Don't do it!
Come with me
Everything will be fine...", but
It was too late
I jumped then changed my mind
when I finally left
you begged me to stay
but all the times you were gone
it was all okay.
it was cool if you partied
till 4 the next night
I was at home crying
but to you it was alright
I remember one year
it was valentines day and I was sick in bed
you could of been there to take care of me
but out cheating on me ..instead.
I wonder if I did that
how that would make you feel
the person you thought loved you
betrays you and thinks its [no big deal]
I think its kind of funny now
that I stayed around that long
did you only push me down
to make yourself feel strong?
I know relationships have problems
I know there will always be
I know you were with her when you should have been with me

I know I love you with all my heart
even though its all in half
I guess ill try to repair one side
the other you can have
I miss you every single day
but I know leaving was the right thing to do
cuz if you really love me
you would of never been untrue

What does forever mean to you?
When you couldn't even keep it true
You said were you'd forever be there
But were those just words pulled from thin air?
Did you actually love me?
Did you really see the feelings I see?
The truth, the love, the loyal tears
The betrayal, hate, and the fear
I thought you felt the same
That you would cover me in the rain
I thought forever and always was forever
But now there's not an us…never
You said you'd always be there for me
But now I truly see
That you never saw the feelings in my soul
Now you've pierced my heart with a hole
But my heart has healed
Now I have friends that are real
And you're gone out of my life
Unable to pierce me with the heartbreaking knives
I thought forever was forever not just a word
But I guess that's not what I heard…
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
The desire to be held
The desire to be left alone
The desire to be loved
The desire to be forgotten
The desire to be alive
The desire to be dead
The desire to be talkative
The desire to be silent
The desire to be home
The desire to be away
The desire for things to change

The desire is what makes me decay
because the desire to fall
is the strongest of them all
and it is just one feeling I can not change
© Tatiana
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
I long to feel your lips on mine,
I beg to feel your warm embrace.
I desire to sleep next to you at night,
I crave your gaze.

I hunger for the attention of your soul,
to be the one you see and love.
I only wish you catch  on to my words,
I only wish you could read what I write.
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
Striving after things we can not own
Taunting us as they are shown
No matter how hard we try
Can't reach them in the sky
Hurting our inside
The struggle we are unable to hide
Can't ban them from our soul
Desire is what created that hole
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
My soul is in angst,
craves writing desperate poerty.
To be ruled by chance,
love is hearts in anarchy.

I lust after a life that's full.
Emotion and mystery.
I'd hate it if it was dull
or ruled by destiny
 Nov 2015 Thomas Davies
it's not an unfamiliar touch
but it makes my body tingle
when the slightest brush of your finger
graces the top of my hand
i get a cooling sensation down my back
a smile wide across my face
and butterflies dancing in my stomach

your smile is worthy of a prize
it stems right from the lightness of your eyes
i think it stands out as more than precious
something rare
not often come by
the warmth of your smile
along with the specialness of your touch
is all part of the drawing factor
that brings me closer to you

i want to know you differently now
i want to know you better
i want to be an adult with you
i want to explore all that is your mind
and all that is your body
i want you to explore me just as equally

i love when you look at me
deep into my soul
i wish that i were around you all the time
never having a moment so dull
hold my hand
and tell me you love me
call me baby
tell me our deep thoughts
take me out for talks and long walks
play my favorite movie
and sing my favorite song

i want all that is special in your mind
just please hold my hand
that will be infinitely enough from you
to my special someone that i love so much.
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