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it was true beauty
what was it in the distance
it was the beauty of nature

by Thephoenix07
 May 2013 ThePhoenix07
Matt Hews
She had a box
Filled with all the things
She was told not to open
For the destruction it brings

Ignorance is blissful
Innocence lost
  She should’ve known better
Than to open the box

But what was left in the box
Was happiness, joy , hope and love
To fight off all the other things
To bring peace like a white dove

And today the terrors are still here
But thanks to happiness, joy , hope and love we have no need to fear
why Pandora, why?
 May 2013 ThePhoenix07
from Ida's height,

By the Fire-god sent, it came;

From watch to watch it leapt, that light,

As a rider rode the flame!

It shot through the startled sky,

And the torch of that blazing glory

Old Lemnos caught on high,

On its holy promontory,

And sent it on, the jocund sign,

To Athos, Mount of Jove divine.

Wildly the while, it rose from the isle,

So that the might of the journeying Light

Skimmed over the back of the gleaming brine!

Farther and faster speeds it on,

Till the watch that keeps Macistus steep

See it burst like a blazing Sun!

Doth Macistus sleep

On his tower-clad steep?

No! rapid and red doth the wild fire sweep;
It flashes afar on the wayward stream

Of the wild Euripus, the rushing beam!

It rouses the light on Messapion's height,

And they feed its breath with the withered heath.

But it may not stay!

And away -- away --

It bounds in its freshening might.

— The End —