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the world

was nothing but ruins

a future

no one wanted

it came in words

in letters

in the fists thrown by many

as if 21 guns

as said in the song

shot out at once

but no arms were in surrender

just blood everywhere

tears on every childs face

corpses of families everywhere

if only

we could've known

this was preventable

this could be solved

with just the words

I'm Sorry

these ruins

are our present

if only

we could go back

to our not so ruined past
I wrote this a year ago but it's kind of relative to recent events. Also, yes it is I, I am back after 3 year Hiatus.
the song really stuck
deep locked inside of my head
refuses to leave
feel the feel I feel?
We spent our childhood wondering
Silly little things like all children do
We wandered in our minds
Enjoying the feeling of cold Winter air
I was five, you were six
So long ago it seems
Yet it feels like it just happened

We stayed up all night
Waiting for Santa to arrive
But we always passed out
In each others arms
Being ourselves
Something of ours I wish never changed

We grew older
You moved away
Said you were too old for these things
I cried
I still believed
I sat under the tree hoping you still did too
You were gone

I was 18, you were 19
We saw each other again under the tree
I remembered our childhood again
Rose in your hand
The snow falling down
Tears over your face
And a headstone in my place
No idea why I wrote this, I'm normally in the cheerful mood this time of the year, but...
Ice specks
Ice specks
Falling down fast
Making life complex
Is it too cold for snow
Too warm for ice
Too much for anything

Why don't we see each other the same?
Why do we point fingers?
Why do we put each other at blame?
Society is too cold to show
Too warm for nice
Too much for anything

Ice Specks
Ice Specks
Are we but specks in this world?
Are we just frozen to reality?
Don't know why I write this. *shrug*
We've done it
We've did it
It's concurred and done
We've been at it since two thousand and one
The Class of 2014 is what we are
And boy have we gotten far
We are the generation that expierienced things none other has
From 9-11 to those new Internet fads
We are turning our tassel
It took a thirteen year haul of hassle
But as we stand
Diploma in our hand
We know it was worth it
We are the Class of 2014
And we did one heck of a job
Just graduated high school today, so I wrote this poem. c:
enjoy what you have
meteors shall fall today
the apocalypse is now
Today I graduate
I realize how short life is
It seems like yesterday I was on the playground
Playing dodgeball and other rowdy games
Picked last from the bunch but kept smiling
I was always the shorter one
The weaker one
Inside I always was stronger
Stronger then even Hercules
Middle school I was pushed around
Bullied for being myself
But I still stayed strong
High school I made real friends
I could be myself
Now I will be starting a new chapter
The book of life is only just beginning
I am the acorn on the tree
I fell far from it
One day I'm going to be a bigger tree
My life in a nutshell
Just finished my last day of high school forever in existence and I decided to write this poem thing. Hope you like it.
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