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  Dec 2019 Bleurose
explicit content

So, here's what you're going to do
Place your hands on my waist
C'mon, dear, like you mean it!

Alright now pull my hips to yours
Yes, that'll do nicely
So I can feel your body against mine
Now, kiss me gently, lovingly
And then again like you need me
Like you lust after me
Like I excite you

Now, pull away and I'll bite my lip
To hold the place of your tongue
Tear my shirt off over my head
Throw it somewhere
Undress me quickly
Show me you need my body

And together we'll fall on the mattress
Where we entangle ourselves in lust
Mmm.... darling you excite me
And clearly I you...

Now ******* thrill me.

I'll put you on your back
Lie flat and let me take you!
I'll have you now
Fingers trace your v-line down...
Wrap myself around you
As we're both hit with pleasure

Our bodies scream for more
As I tease you from above

Oh, but you won't have that, will you?
No, what a powerful man
Take over
I'll surrender

If you make me

Throw me aside and make me your slave
Touch anything you like
I'm yours tonight
Let me feel the strength in your arms... in your hips
Tell me you CRAVE more of me
Be cruel, be kind
Set me on fire with bliss
Darling, more!

Yes... yes there... right there.... that's it now...
Yes... a bit more... go on...

then it hits.
the rush.
the flood.
and as it fades I'll scream for you to do it again!
let's get it back, shall we?
mm... yes... yes that's it, dear...
keep giving me that...
make me your woman.
Found I had a bit of ****** energy that needing releasing...
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