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As the ripples clear
I see my coin float and flip
I make my wish
In my reflection I see an aged man
Looking back at me
The stranger smiles
And reminds me of so many things
In my life
I smile back and nod goodbye
My penny crashes to the bottom
And my wish is cast

Peace and goodwill to us all
She walks barefoot on the deck
the wind touches her hair
lite up by the moon golden brown
with a streak of yellow
tightly holding the ships rail
she stares at the calm sea
a tear falls from her cheek
crashes into the sea
a storm brews
calmed by a voice calling her name
she looks and smiles
and follows her tear
The cat sat on the wall and watched
the mouse looked right and left and right again
A bird sat on a tree watching the cat watch the mouse
and squawked a warning
the mouse looked up at the tree and saw another cat
sat on a branch stalking the bird
the mouse blinked
then followed a birds feather blowing in the wind
at the wall their eyes met
A dog barked wagging it's tail
The mouse ran under the shed
The bird flew after its feather
The cats looked at each other thinking F*/ *^ng dog
and they all lived happily ever after
The sun shone over the sandy shore
lapped by the waves that travelled from far out to sea
peace was all around
and sleep was but a breath away
as the sun caressed his tired body  

The seagulls cry pierced the air
then the cry of a child brought adults to heal
the carnage on the Prominade
was not for the faint hearted
chips and sausages were being fought over
by pecking birds
the children stood
as the parents swung their feet  
as the last chip flew over head
the sausages were well gone
late commers swooped down to survey the scene
paper blew in the wind
followed by an empty carton of chips
a loan dog walker collected the debris to the nearest bin
the children still sobbing
walked back to the chip shop
and sat out of view with their new dinner
The chippy smiled as he opened the till
and cursed the gulls with a grin

The sunbather listened
as the peace gathered and breathed gently
as he drifted to a snooze
a Splat
awoke him
he became a victim of the digested stolen chips
apart from the cursing of the sunbather
and the tutting of his neighbours
all you could hear
was the lapping of the waves
That morning came so quickly
I've planned for this I thought
Be confident in yourself
I can do it
The morning turned to afternoon
I smiled as I emerged
How did I do that
I'm so proud of myself

I don't know if I could do that again
I can of course I can
Be confident in yourself
I can do it, I did it
When the last tune plays and the curtain closes
smile and remember
my body was the just a vessel
that brought me to you 
but the memory of me
is a full challis that you can sip from
until those memories fade
and you are ready to uncork
another vintage

Even in death
Life goes on
After the anxiousness
comes the excitement
then the passion
and of course the pride
the prospect follows a win
and belief close behind
the anxiousness raises its head again
calmed by the excitement
and pride that the whole world is watching
the passion never wanes
even after the defeat
memories of your journey
and love for the people who nurtured you
and the friends you've made
and most of all the players who made it possible
we'll meet again
but, now is the hour for me to say goodbye.
Best supporters in the World.
I heard your voice, your promises, your regrets
your passion, your desire, your honesty.

I looked into your eyes, they told me to trust what I see,
only you can change my world, only you.

You lied.

I will never vote for you or your kind again. X
The granite stone, so proud and strong
could not be broken the hardest of men
Yet, the rain came at first so gentle bathing
him softly then relentlessly
Next the wind searching every crevice
releasing the smallest spec of dust
Then the sun ******* out and remaining moisture
the cracks appeared
Ageing was the worst that once proud upright
hardest of men slowly aged
his life fell all around him until he broke
He ask for help

From that day forth his life changed
washed by the gentlest of hands
dried with care and hope
kept warm with smiles and laughter
accepting age and the inevitabilities it brough
is now remembered with love

Etched on the tallest of granite stone.
The sun shone today and touched my skin
the warmth reminded me of what's to come
and that's maybe all I need to know
Mr Cadbury (Hershey's)
Left me wanting more  
But they did not have my size
The scent of the flower matched her ice blue eyes
As the silk petals brushed my thighs

Beautiful colouring to attract the bee
I Taste the nectar brought home to me

Her lips brushed my face as I bowed for one last smell
Her secret is mine I will not tell
The storm clouds grow over that Glaswegian city
and the rain keeps falling
streams turn to rivers
and rivers turn to destruction
crushing the barriers that corral them
turning homes in to floating battering rams
as they snake there way to the Atlantic  Ocean

All is not lost.
Our mentors are meeting in Bonnie Scotland on the Clyde
How apt.
With the children at play on a sandy Abertawe beach
At home Shakespeare recitals his father would teach

Late on he met a dancer with the same Celtic blood
A match made in London sank slowly in the mud

Back home revived them when The Boat House did call
His quill flowed quite freely to the delight of us all

Alas, New York cried out the famous Chelsea hotel
His tours a great success, only time would tell

To the Whitehorse Tavern his destined drinking well
Until his glass ran empty and time rang his last bell

His life now lost he said he’d change, if he could
His gift to us his last play, Under Milk Wood

Now buried at Laugharne, died on a cold November day
Destined to be a great poet some critics may say
Wipe away
The summer blossom
Read my story
Japanese headstone
The reindeer's went on strike today a dispute about there pay
Santa's sleigh is grounded , so he may not be on his way
But the elves have packed all the presents in a big bulging sack
Hoping that the reindeer's relent and will be coming trotting back

Their demands are all agreed in an overwhelming ballot
They would like a minced pie with their sherry and an extra carrot
So parents and guardians please don't ask the reason why
Splash out on the goodies, and give the reindeer's a extra carrot and minced pie

North pole news flash has reached us as the jingle bells toll
Santa's sleigh is loaded to the brim and about to leave the north pole

So, kids look out your window on a clear moon-lite Christmas night
Watch the reindeer's pulling Santa's sleigh its' a wonderful Christmas sight.
Not long to go now Kids:)
After the storm
Squirrels danced around the great oak tree
The sighthound spied from a distance
appraising his chances

instinct took over

Squirrels danced around the great oak tree
with a grin, one eye on the hound

A whippet danced around the great oak tree
aware of the grins
of the squirrels above
wishing he could fly
All happened today before the rain came back
I rang the door bell and stood for a while
I saw the spy hole light up and gave it a smile

The door stayed silent the lights still dim
The silence was eerie as if you weren’t in

On the wall watching was a black and white cat
Who pointed at the "welcome" on your lying doormat
I'm cooking a meal for the girl of my dreams
she thinks I'm useless but that's just how it seems
She doesn't eat eggs, cheese or meat
so I'm scouring the cook book for a tasty treat
Page 24 a special vegan surprise
A creamy spiced lentil curry that will water ones eyes  
The cooker is on and the timer is ticking
wine in the fridge, I've started finger licking
So, when will we find out if I'm a hit or a miss
Yes you've guessed it, by the time you read this
I’d not ask a life that’s easy,
Gold and pearls so little mean,
Rather seek a heart that’s joyful,
Heart that’s honest, heart that’s clean.
So many Welsh songs, poems, are not translated for the world to enjoy:(
And so the destruction of society is upon us
our leaders are lost
Blame is the only way out
and if that fails war will follow

We have a destiny to follow and our destiny
always ends in destruction
Which will make way for the opportunist to say
follow me I can make us great again

But we never were, we were just followers
following the path of our destiny
Lead by the opportunist
to our ultimate destruction

Can our children show us the light?
I awoke one morning from a powerful dream
my brain all flustered as if powered by steam
The images so haunting they had to be saved in word
my imagination could not write it, how absurd
As my pen hovered over my empty note book
should my dream be told, could I be mistook  
Then my powerful dream emptied into the cold morning air
left me saddened and empty and full of despair
I look at it as not a crash, but a very close miss
Because I wouldn't of been able to entertained you by writing this
Can you taste Christmas on the winter wind
watching the grey snow clouds gather
smoke drifts from the tall, tall chimneys
you can taste the kindling in the air

Heavy clouds break under the strain
white flakes fall on the face
of the red cheeked children
as they leave school for the winter break
later, snowmen gather in the streets
coal black eyes
mother’s collecting their vegetables off their sad faces
as the children play on frosted fields

Silence gathers
as golden light shines through the tired wooden windows
night falls
until the morning light brings more snow
the children are barred until breakfast is done  
then the sky is lite with the voices of all
the happy children

You can taste Christmas on the winter wind
He’s lived and loved, for 99.9 years
Listen to his story, don’t hold back the tears

Daughter’s love, for a now dear old man
“I will help the NHS, as old as I am"

Please remember his name, from this day on
And speak with pride, of our Captain Tom
5 Million and still counting, all for the NHSxxx
As he cast a lucky penny out into the sea, and wished,
it caught a wave and drifted down to the bottom.
Alert as always, the impact was seen by a hungry small fish
gulping up debris and food alike.

Its silver flash caught in the eye of predator who swallowed
it whole, now, with craving taste buds it spied a worm,
dangling in mid depth.
With one swish of its tail it flew to the surface,
dangling in mid air.  

The fisherman smiled at such a prize, packed it in ice and sent it on
Its way to a local restaurant, to be dressed in
the finest salad, pride and place.

Feeling peckish after his walk on the sandy shore, the lucky penny thrower spied the mouth watering fish, napkin, knife and fork at the ready, quickly tucked in.

As the tender meat slowly slid down the back of is throat, so did the lucky penny.
He keeled over and died.

The moral of the story is.

There is no such thing as a Lucky Penny.
If there was why would you throw it away.
I whittled away quietly at life
understanding my limits
and sometimes overstretching
but I always learned on that path
once on the right path I quickly moved on
and never looked back
Quietly people noticed me
which was daunting and exciting
so, I whittled some more
learning from my peers
I expanded their experiences
and my confidence grew
until I met love
which is worldly but solitary also
I whittled some more
but quickly realised
WE needed to whittle together
we did
understanding our needs
separate and whole
became a new challenge
but love conquers all
our whittling complete
our names now carved

Parenthood began
we whittled away quietly at life
I sent you my love on a chariot of fire
Yet this was not enough to get your desire

So I sent you my love on a heart shaped balloon
You burst it with a pin, was my love sent too soon

I held back my affections and let you stew for awhile
Peace at last you said with the broadest of a smile

Then I gathered my thoughts for my next love attack
But the voice on my shoulder said "She's not interested Jack

So I sat in the garden pondering the path in my life
I thought maybe these girls are just trouble and strife

Then phone rang in my pocket I trembled with fear
Are you doing anything later?" No", good, fancy a beer

So off down the pub I went with my good old mate
This is much more civilised than going on a date

But there in the corner hiding behind a large wooden post
Was the love of my life with a face like a ghost

The penny dropped loudly I could now see the light
Should I roll over like a good dog or put up a fight

Again he came to my rescue my reliable good mate
Cheers, hears to the future Jack, believe in your fate

So now I look back on my close call with the broadest of a smile
Mate, If you smell chariots on fire, my advice, run a mile
The house settled slowly into a deep deep sleep
The floor board could be heard yawning
The wind brushed the window
he's coming it whispered
Hush said the bed with a sock hanging from it's nose
the children are asleep

The cat lay sleeping on the settee
and let out a one eyed peep
as dust fell from the chimney
The dog in the armchair sat up
ears touching the celling
as he saw the footprints of Santa’s soot-black feet.

Now the smell of Christmas wafts through the house

The children’s noses twitched
And let out big Christmas yell

All the house was awoken to the sounds
of great joy and the happiness

The smiles on the faces this day
light up the world
and we wish it could be Christmas every day
The house settled slowly into a deep deep sleep
The floor board could be heard yawning
The wind brushed the window
he's coming it whispered
Hush said the bed with a sock hanging from it's nose
the children are asleep

The cat lay sleeping on the settee
and let out a one eyed peep
as dust fell from the chimney
The dog in the armchair sat up
ears touching the celling
as he saw the footprints of Santa’s soot-black feet.

Now the smell of Christmas wafts through the house

The children’s noses twitched
And let out big Christmas yell

All the house was awoken to the sounds
of great joy and the happiness

The smiles on the faces this day
light up the world
and we wish it could be Christmas every day
In a wood thick with wild flowers and fern
I first saw you

Hidden inside a caterpillar skin
wriggling to get out
I watched as you twisted free
from your pupa

unfolding your wonderfully coloured cape
as the wind picked you up
and carries you
from flower to flower
nectar still dripping from you tongue

The wind rose again
as you perched on the branch
of an Alder tree

I watched as you slipped out of your cape
slid down the trunk to dance
on a fairy ring

I’m sure you smiled
at me
as you ran home down your fairy path

I've been back many times
**I do believe in fairies
What are we doing wrong said the dolphin to the whale as he splashes in the water chasing his tail
The sea's are getting warmer and the food chain is beginning to fail
the dolphin listens worryingly and forgets about his tail

Is there anything we can do, can we change and put things right?
No' It's the humans we have to rely on to fight the worlds plight

Then we're helpless said the dolphin as he sinks to meet his doom
his body floated silently in the shadow of the moon

O' look said the human what's that bobbing on the sea
O' don't worry about it darling it's nothing to do with you or me!

The end..... is nigh
As the river mist lifted
and the sunlight blinded my eyes
all became clearer
the smells
the breeze
the beauty of the touch
the breath that I breathed
it was good to be alive
We kissed

I melted

Global warming
She said

Climate change
I gargled

As I dissolved
The hours slip away from a year to forget
Opportunities missed, said things I regret  
Pondered decisions lost in the mist
Wonderful people relationships missed

A new year beckons trepidation within
I’ll fight for my right, I’ll fight to win
If we meet again ask that question anew
I’ll ponder no more; I’ll just say I do
The room is full of the smell of freshly baked bread
my nose holds the smell and my eyes close around it

As I break the seal the aroma heightens and my mouth moistens
I pick the sharpest knife to crunch my way through to the soft warm centre
The salted butter is soft in the warm summer day
As it spreads thickly over my crusty fresh bread

I stare for a moment
Then heaven
I look through the window
As the garden lies sleeping

The rain has stopped
And the dark clouds break

A flash of blue sky raises my spirits
As the birds dance on their feeding table

A lazy cat sits on the wall but
Too tired to move

That’s how long it takes for a kettle to boil
And the light is lasting longer each day*

All the birds are in pairs
as the bomb around the garden air space
Like flying dodgems

Just as I close my eyes waiting for the splat
They dead stop
and dart in a new direction

"Was I like that when I was young?
When spring was upon us

Time to drag your mind
out of your big warm natural down sleeping bag

And smile
Spring is awakening
The traveling poet in the wilds of sleepy Wales
dined on berries, leaks and maybe some snails
He told his stories of liberation as he beat on his drum
counted his pennies of adoration, a now princely sum

This poets not just a poet he's a famed Welsh Bard
stirs up politics for the masses, when times are so hard
Rallies the people with opportunity for a country to rebel
But, who will lead us he hears the angry voices yell

In Glyndwr a hero arose, woke up a nation to fight
when the battles was over, disappeared out of site
Tis what legends are made of that rallies the poor
But think twice when the poet comes knocking your door
Deep in the forest at the turning of the moon
Lovers embrace and dance to their favourite tune

As she floats over the leaves in a well-cut flowing dress
His hand float to her waste in a soft loving caress

Their movement leaves a breath, that sways the glowing due
Faces meet, as smiles grow wide, he’s right this is his cue

Their lips touch, a breath is taken, a taste of love flows in
Her heart stopped for that moment, now it’s his to love, to win

But the moon turned and time was lost, the forest laid quite still
Who will dare to have the next dance?
                                                           I’ll dance with you if you will
I danced to your tune and time just past away
Your head on my shoulder as we started to sway
We both sang the same tune and we sang it out loud
two lovers two friends that stood out in the crowd

Then your head left my shoulder and you started to stare
I was dancing alone you were dancing elsewhere
I felt a tap on my shoulder as you smiled and pulled away
we never dance again since the heart breaking day

But I'm dancing again and the music is loud
I see you standing alone away from the crowd
Then my head left her shoulder as I started to stare
my body was her's but my heart was elsewhere

Then I remembered that feeling on that heart braking day
I held her so closely and promised to stay
Then the music stopped playing it was time to go home
In the middle of the dance floor I was dancing alone
As you journey ends and your spirit floats out to the sea
                                                                  Remember me

As the sun casts a beam of light to guide you as the sea calms
                                                                           Remember me

When your maker pulls in his net and cradles you to the shore
                                                                             Remember me

When your eyes opened and you see paradise for the first time
                                                                             Remember me

I will always think of your loving eyes and the warmth of your smile
                                                                                         I will always
                                                                                      Remember you
As I read your name
                           I wonder why
There are rolling white clouds in a big blue sky

As I read your name
                           It makes me smile
The walks we had down that long country mile

As I read your name
                            I start to cry
You said you'd never leave and I wonder why

As I read your name
                     I'm filled with pain
and wonder when we'll meet again

As they read our names
Love, Sorrow, Love
I will pause for a while
                                 To catch my breath
                                                           Let me lie in the grass and be still

I will dream of my love
                                  Of a life that has run
                                                         How lucky I crossed that path

The life that I had
                           Is the life that we had
                                                        But to share it with you I was blest  

When I awake
                          I will smile at the sun
                                                      And admire what god has begun

Then I’ll wait by the gate
                           For when your days are run
                                                    And we’ll lie in the grass and be still
The nights a lonely place when the demons are in you head
You mull around for hours picking holes in what was said
Your eyes are wide open your head is in a spin
You growl at the curtains for letting a ***** of light in

Then you gather up your thoughts and very deeply breath
You head slowly clears as the demons start to leave
You concentrate in breathing deeply through your nose
Then just when you're not expecting it your eyes start to close

Nos Da
If your god followed you for just one day
What words of wisdom would it have to say

Life is not laying in the sun amongst the freshly cut hay
Or gazing on the fields watching the rabbits play

Make your mark on life there are many paths to lay
Gather the lost souls and help them find their way

If your god followed you on the second day
Would you have heeded its words of wisdom
                                        what would it have to say
I could hear the floor boards creak
and the footsteps closing
my mouth was agape
as I watched the door in anticipation
you paused
your hand readied
but your courage deserted you
I sighed as I heard your retreat
and now after all these years
I still wonder
What if.
A weeping angel
Watches over me
I saw the scar trail across his face
His eyes pierced my brain as he held out his hand
Fear crept over me my heart started to race
He asked me something I didn’t understand

A pound please, Sir, so I may eat
I steadied myself and brushed fear down
I’ve hit hard times, I’m on the street
You see I’m from the other side of town

I wanted to help but I walked away
I could feel his eyes and heard his spit hit the ground
I dropped him a pound and heard him say
Thank you, Sir, maybe I'll see you around

Cats on the sofa

Barking up the
Wrong tree
A field full of poppies
buried deep beneath
for freedom
after death comes grief
a longing for peace
our great belief
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