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The devil stared me in the eyes
I stared at it right back, and asked the reason why

It winked and smiled and picked it’s teeth
my soul it want’s the ***** thief

I was tempted by it’s offer, to that I will not lie
so, I looked back at the devil and stared it in the eye

I’ll pass this time, don’t give up, time will tell, you’ll see
the reflection in the mirror smiled, was it really me
An angle appeared in her heavenly glow
The devil on her shoulder pointing which way to go
I pondered a moment should I follow the light
Or the drugs and the drink of that deep dark night

I hovered on the brink as I pulled myself back
And watched as the light turned into a deep blood black
Guided by heaven from the screams of the night
For tonight and tonight only, I'm dressed in white
“Be encouraged, all ye friends of freedom …. Tremble all ye oppressors of the world! “


"And still we tremble under the oppressors of our world... our cries for freedom go unheard!"

A biscuit
A tea cup
An old shaky hand
Leave it to long
It just turns to sand
Get it just right
Don't let it float like a boat
It will crunch and slither
Down your welcoming throat
I remember that morning
as if it was yesterday
I took the empty buckets
to carry water

He looked sad but smiled at me
and my day brightened
He looked as a great burden had
fallen from his shoulders

As I retraced my steps

I hear crying and saw tears
from smiling face
And sat on the bolder at the
entrance of the cave to watch

I still do not know the significance
of that day
But I felt happier for it
Down at the bottom of the Tylwyth Teg wood
by the felled great oak, among the hog **** and blue
bells, close your eyes, look, look, you're there now, can you see it
just under the bending branch, the sun casts it's shadow among the dead leaves, the Bwbach.
Its looking up at the song bird, sat high in the willow singing elegies of time gone by
look, look a tear runs down its cheek, as it sits there alone.
Quiet, don't move, it's pointing up, up there at the sky
Where, where to? there's nothing there
No, there's nothing there just a canvas for your imagination,
use it wisely! said the voice of the Bwbach.
The air is still in this deep dark black night
Not a light flickers or a noise disturbs the silence
A wrong turn, alone in this city of sin

A foot step echo's in the distance as I slide into a door way
Senses alight and neck tingling hairs awaken
My eyes come to terms with the dark and shows me a way

Then a match strikes and I see the whites of his eyes staring
Smoke covers his face as he reaches deep into his black coat pocket
And lights up my face with a bright police torch beam
I sit alone amongst the bamboo shoots
Nibbling all day down to the roots

I sigh and look up into the air
I wish I was a polar bear

They play in the snow, swim, hunt fish
Much tastier than a bamboo dish

Then again, I could be a Two-toed sloth
Or spinning around a candle like a Luna moth

Maybe I’ll just sit here and fill my boot
Nibbling all day on these bamboo roots
A bit like retirement;)
The sun shone today
The first time this spring
The gardeners get busy
So, the Robins sing

Bulbs break through the earth
In soldier formation
I have time to behold
Is it because, I’m in isolation?
I follow her print to the forest deep
where the thicket howl and the trees weep
and among the nettles she did creep
skipping up the hills so steep

Then for awhile I lost her print
covered in rosemary thyme and mint

I strayed for a moment or maybe a mile
a tap on the shoulder, she said with a smile

Are you lost dear friend or are you just at play
if you can keep up I'll show the way
to fields of corn and cities of hay
there you can sit with us, but just for the day

I opened my eyes from that sweet deep sleep
please don't be just a dream, I start to weep

A tap on the shoulder, she said with a smile
I'll follow you closely for just a mile
when you come to the road fork with the large sleeping gnome
the right fork will take you 50 skips from your home

I sat in the window, Mum said, how was your day
I said, I laid in the corn next to the cities of hay
I met a new friend who invited me to play
I'll go back tomorrow if I can remember the way
Drifted from a poem to a tale.
I step on fallen leaves
The battle rages
As I climb out of the death
Barb grips me tight
For the marksman's bullet
I fall, a fallen leaf
If we make our mark
and are remembered fondly

There are no goodbyes

For I
will always be

As you
will always be
Ynys Mon is where your answers lay
Where Wizards and Druids await the day
When the Giants break free and the stars align
To all Wizards in the world this will be the sign
A great whirl pool will arise getting hotter and hotter
Look to the sky's for our savior... James Potter..:)
If you go to Yr Wyddfa you'll know what I mean.
Bit of lock-down fun, stay safe.
The happiness in your eyes
and a smile to lifts so many hearts
you take in every moment
and I cherish it with you

It's hard to express the wonder  
of a new born grandchild

May you stay forever young
Happiness in a small package:)
Four men stood carrying, one man who was dead
And laid him to rest with his friends, in a shed

A nurse sat weeping, her hands on her head
For the living she mourned, no time for the dead

A man ran out of HQ, stumbled, fell over
He smiled, then shouted, the war is over

The nurse stood and waved, and grabbed the man
The four men ran cheering, and heartily sang

There was silence, not a sound from inside the shed
They once had their lives, now they are our dead

The wars, the suffering, we all deeply regret
Their memories are now yours, less you forget
With a paycheck in his hand
he became generous
beyond his means
Like a light house I will guide you
Help you choose the paths to take

Like a teacher I will tutor you
In the decisions that you make

Like a rock I will be steady
To build a foundation that will last

Like a friend I will care for you
From the haunting of your past

Like a preach I will comfort you
When life's sorrow Knocks your door

Like a lover I will mourn you
When our friendship is no more
It can be
Whatever you want it to be

But it has it be

Your soul
Your heart
Your sorrow
Your happiness

Only then
Can you share it

And we will feel every word
The rockpool
an upturned stone
a bucket for a cell
As the bright sunlight closes my eyes
I smell the scent
of my favourite flower
As I touch
the velvet smooth petals
While relaxing on my
soft garden chair

I feel the warmth
of my best friend
as he lays his head on my lap
while waiting
for our daily walk

and the sound of silence
is only interrupted
by the coo of doves
as a deep breath of satisfaction
covers me
and life is good
My eyes tell me they don't belong here
flourishing in a foreign climate
Invasive some say?
they do no harm, do they?

The natives seem content
letting their seeds mix
For a stronger more colourful future
or will the garden be overrun

The gardener, bless him
seems to have lost control
Sat in his hut drinking tea, watching
sharpening his secateurs

The deadheading is ruthless
lazy and the weak first, then the needy
The natives are nearly all gone
some clinging on, fighting back

My eyes tell me I don't belong here
maybe I'll flourish in warmer climes
I'll do no harm
The wind brought a taste I will never forget
It lingered for a while, no for a lifetime
Only on the day my eyes closed did the taste drifted away
Did you smell it, can you smell it now?
Close your eyes
The boulder already rolled, they look inside
Empty deathbed, a resurrection? Nowhere to hide

A blooded shroud, the ultimate price
Destined to be a relic of Christ

We follow his foot prints, until he was within our reach
He challenged us all to go forth and preach

Peace and love throughout the land
Rejoice in the lord, join together, hand in hand
He told me stories of his youth
while we sat close to the burning fire
The wood crack loudly as the coal turned red
and the chimney ****** the embers higher and higher

He told me stories of the ghosts that scamper about in the dark night
he met one once on the way to the loo that turned his hair bright white
And then the time he was fetching coal when he was just a boy of ten
and in the morning walking to the coop to collect breakfast from mother hen

My granddad and his stories who I still love so very much
At home time, he would kiss me smile and say, see you tomorrow, “last touch”

O, the stories he told me I remember to this day
And still rue the time of our lives when all granddads are taken away
Twist the knot and tie me tight
My arms are limp I cannot fight
Teach me lord to see the light
Of peoples sorrow of peoples plight

But left alone my eyes are blind
To see the sorrow that greed leaves behind
So I pledge from now to keep them from harm
I’ll drop a penny in their palm

This world we live is full of shame
Once treasured life now driven insane
But I wonder still, who’s to blame
His staff struck the stone
and his words echoed in the valley
Only then
when the night sky is lite up like day
and the moon turns a blood red
Only then
will you return
For seven years I flew as a Hawk
high in the clouds
stalking my prey
I roosted that summer's evening
as I have for the last seven years
only to see the moon turn a blood red
the night never came
I watched a comet steal across the sky
all stood silent
I fell through the branches to the earth
A boy now a man
never to walk that path again
I vowed
Lest the staff strikes the stone
I fought against the bottle
And the bottles doing fine

It looks better when it’s empty
But I have to walk the line

My words become much freer
But sometimes causes pain

Remembering in the morning
Always drives me slowly insane
She moved her hands slowly
I pretended not to notice
The tension rose
as my heart rate soared

I could feel her concentration
waiting for the right moment

I was waiting, trembling
at the thought

She moved, I reacted.
She screamed with joy

I reacted, to slow
She stole my chocolate bunny
and devoured it
in one gulp.

she bought me
chocolate addiction
When young love entangles you like prey in a spider’s web
Wrapped warm and helpless
Awaiting the kiss of death
Suddenly you break free
Spreading your wings
Embracing the death you have left behind

Yet still the addiction of love
Reaches out
Love finds you older and wiser
Now embraced by the happiness
You let go
The web tightens around both of you
A bond that can only be broken by the evilest of deeds

What is to follow
Will be your love story

Please tell!
A year has passed since our last farewell
Am I healing, only time will tell?

You visit me as I lay asleep on my bed
We smile, we talk, undo the sad things we said

Yet when I awake I still believe your whole
Time is healing, healing is time, who's the fool

I know now, I have to say my last farewell
Will time heal me, only time will tell
A year has passed since our last farewell
Am I healing, only time will tell?

You visit me as I lay asleep on my bed
We smile, we talk, undo the sad things we said
Yet when I awake I still believe your whole
Time is healing; healing is time, who's the fool

I know now I have to say my last farewell
Will time heal me, only time will tell?
No grave could contain him.
He will always be young
in the classroom
waving an answer
like a greeting.

Buried alive -
alive he is
by the river
skimming stones down
the path of the sun.

When the tumor on the hillside
burst and the black blood
of coal drowned him,
he ran forever
with his sheepdog leaping
for sticks, tumbling together
in windblown abandon.

I gulp back tears
because of a notion of manliness.
After the October rain
the ****-heap sagged
its greedy coalowner's belly.

He drew a picture of a wren,
his favourite bird for frailty
and determination. His eyes gleamed
as gorse-flowers do now
above the village.

His scream was stopped mid-flight.
Black and blemished
with the hill's sickness
he must have been,
like a child collier
dragged out of one of Bute's mines-
a limp statistic.

There he is, climbing a tree,
mimicking an ape, calling out names
at classmates. Laughs springing
down the *****. My wife hears them
her ears attuned as a ewe's in lambing,
and I try to foster the inscription
away from it's stubborn stone.
Aberfan disaster, October 21st 1966
The heading, an inscription on a child's grave.
Poem's by Mike Jenkins ( a great Welsh poet )
"Laughter tangled in thorns".
There are honest people
                                        I’d like to bet

Or are we just out
                       To get what we can get

O' please are you there? because
                             I’ve not met you yet
I walked freely
every step meticulously measured
head in the clouds
feet always in the centre of my
granite paver  
if not it's unlucky, they say
I caught your smile
invading my eyes
I think I smiled
then I felt the edge
so sharp under my plimsolls
my knees buckled as I
fell over the edge
falling, falling
then the pain as you clasped me
and brought me to my feet
ouch I cried
we smiled
as we stood on the edges of my world
we shuffled to the centre
The mind wanders to places that haunts old dreams
My heart is breaking my tears are streams
The love for my country the place I call home
Will stay forever were-ever I roam
I smelt you on his collar when he came home late from work
Your name is on his texts, he laughs, then eyes me with a smirk
I look at him and smile but think, O what a F** ****
I can't wait until the morning when I pack him back off to work

He shouts I'll see you later honey, but I may be late
My bags are packed the taxis here I'm off to meet my fate
He came home to silence, eyes wide open as he closed the gate
I'm not home honey, neither were you and I just couldn't wait
When someone touches your heart with a kind deed

Your instinct is to give something back to that person

Not many of us actually do

How sad is that?
Looking out of my boat house at the wonder of the sea
The words of how to describe it, just evades me

The words rush in and then out like the tide
Happy children laughing and playing all along the seaside

Blue boats just bobbing as they have little choice
Alert lifeguards, start shouting with that big warning voice

In the rocks by the corner just around the bay
I hear seals cry for their young who are indulging at play

Sea birds take flight and glide with such ease
Then dive for the sandwich of brown bread and cheese

So, back to my wonder of describing the sea
Indulge me a little longer I’ll get it you’ll see

I’ll take a walk in the sand and maybe collect a few shells
Watch the buoys on the horizon ringing their bells

Kick off my shoes and maybe my socks
Paddle in the pools among the ***** and the rocks

Then, I hear a voice calling “it’s gone five, time for tea”
I’ll have to come back tomorrow, promise, and describe what I see
I will rise
I will re-grow
I will survive
I will nourish

I am the meadows
I am the fields
I am your children’s playground
I am your yoga mat
I am the oxygen you breath

I am grass
Just one of Mother natures
I awoke
dreaming I was sleeping
I could smell the air
I could hear the birds
I could not move
I was sleeping
dreaming I was awake

I awoke
and I was scared
We’ve all bought a ticket
whether we want to or not
No unclaimed tickets
to add to the ***
Another 700 unlucky
winners today
A newsreader reports
in a blasé way
So, I sit in isolation
I’ve done all I can do
Then dream of tomorrow's draw
will it be me, or you
I followed the tortoise on my journey thru life
we stopped and pondered studied the stars
and watched the sea, was it in or was it out
People were our main observation
how strange we all are how different
We learnt love, humility and kindness
were our greatest assets
we learnt that not all agree But we learnt

You followed the hare on your journey thru life
you never stopped to ponder, watch or observe
you never felt love, humility or kindness
you never learnt
all that mattered to you was you

At the end I asked did you enjoy your time
for the first time you pondered
a tear touched your cheek
We all plea for life's equality
all the races of our world
It's not the colour of our skin that cripples us
or the boarders from within
It's the greed of the men who steels from us
and they're quest to rule our world  
He knows we'll never meet our neighbours
will we ever cross that line
Come let us sing our song

So our destiny lays with our masters
but we just don't have the time
We prey to the gods they've made for us
so our mind can wonder free
In the hope that he will listen
and give us back some digenite

Come let us sing our song
the song for freedom
redemption song
Ye, been listening to Bob Marley tonight.
I fight my way through the
cold cold wind
and freezing rain
the cold on my face
my faith
is leaving me
my expectation
is low
should I stop
and fall
by the wayside
or fight on

I force my eyes
to see a bright light
beckoning me
on on with
hope in my
I reach the light
and the
warmth within
as I thaw
I awaken
close the door
and leave
the past
and life's winter gloom
behind me
Peace is with me
From my window I watched them, strutting
acting the fool, being cool

They dressed like rouges with a price on their heads
or have I been watching to much Netflix?
Then it happened he was on his knees pleading for his life
she stood over him with tears in her eyes
I could barley look as I pictured the blood
seeping in the gutter

He got up, she said yes, they kissed

From my window I watched them
It was me acting like a fool, I have to get out more.
While lying in the bath
I heard footsteps on my roof
Not the delicate birdy sound
but something with a hoof

My imagination arose and
my thoughts were full of grief
Could it be the devil
or that cunning chimney thief

I looked to my window
as the curtains were ajar
Two eyes appeared so close to me
yet they were so afar

So, I pulled the curtains open
to see a squirrel hanging from my gutter
I smiled and I did wave to him
as a crowd gathered and started to mutter

I tried to explain to the police
of what did occur
The judge shouted guilty
suspended for a year

So, the moral of this story
next time you wallow with a bubble
Don’t jump up and open the curtains
or you’ll surely be in trouble
Something to make you smile:)
I watched
a candle flicker and fade,
burn bright one last time
in its last good buy,
as the ember dies.
Death is a lonely place.
After the light,
dusk falls,
memories fade.
While sat by a stream reading a fairy tale book
the words steamed my brain and I began to cook
I imagined a castle sat on a great rock
music was playing I danced in a silk frock
Then I heard his voice with an accent so sweet
I turned to find flowers covering my feet
I kneeled down to pick them then I looked into his eyes
he said take a seat to my shock and surprise
I looked to where he pointed at an old worn out log
and this is where I kissed him that green slimy frog
So the moral of this story is when you read a fairy tale book
don't believe all that is written or your brain will start to cook
I ponder how long I will sit in your chair
As I lift my right hand and let it run through my hair.

Your concentration is attached to your computer screen
As I study with disdain at your office colour scheme.

I shuffle my seat and aim a smiling glare
Just a reminder that I'm still sat there

You click BUY, to late with a sigh and a yelp
Then look at me with a smile, and say how can I help

I ponder the question, do you really give a ****?
I say, thanks very much I don't think you can
Once in the corner of my 
you were gone

Then wrapped in his arms
you were gone

You held out your hand I reached
you were gone

I smelt your perfume turn looked 
you were gone

Rushed home to our house
you were gone

Then I awoke
You turn kissed my cheek
I cried

how luck I was 
you are back

I won't sleep tonight
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