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Sep 2019 · 189
Taniya Mishra Sep 2019
मॉं तू जलती गर्मी के बाद
सावन की पहली बारिश जैसा एहसास हैं।

मॉं तू कुडकुडाती ठण्ड में
सूरज की मीठी धूप जैसा एहसास हैं।

मॉं तू बारिश के दिनों में
इंद्रधनुष जैसी मुस्कान हैं।

माँ तू आरज़ू तू ही मेरा गूरुर हैं,
भला बिना तेरे मेरा क्या वजूद हैं?

~ तानिया मिश्रा
Oct 2018 · 290
Taniya Mishra Oct 2018
निकला था मैं साहिल की खोज में ,
पता नहीं कब लहरों से दोस्ती कर बैठा
अब लगता नहीं डर ज़िन्दगी से,
क्योंकि तूफ़ानो से मुहब्बत सी हो गई है मुझे।  
~तानिया मिश्रा
Mar 2018 · 582
Taniya Mishra Mar 2018
Every sunset narrates a story
About the day that passed by beautifully or had some worry

As the sun decides to set
The sky above just rets
To look like beautiful pallete with a mix of all hues
A little bit of pink,  white,  orange, yellow and blue.

The radiant beauty which cannot be looked upon at noon
Soothes your eyes now just like a festoon

The dim golden light drives all the species to their nest
Making them a little tired and urging to take rest
So that they are ready for the next day,
To fulfill the duties that comes their way.

Always smile at this orange beauty when it is disappearing from the sky,
Coz it indicates that you my friend survived another day without a wry!!

~Taniya Mishra
Dec 2017 · 331
Journey of a Girl
Taniya Mishra Dec 2017
When I was born my parents smiled,
Welcoming me into the world full of fiends.

In my tender age I developed many aspirations,
To be a doctor, lawyer, artist or a writer by profession.

But in that age I dint realize,
I was a girl and I wasn't allowed to fantasize.
These were just dreams which were meant to be broken,
Similar to the ones which break when you are woken.

As I started growing up the world seemed more brutal,
Objectifying me as a showpiece which is futile.

The men around resembled more like beasts,
Seeing whom the hatered has only increased.
As I walked through the road their eyes scanned me from tip to toe,
Penetrating through my body and tearing my soul.

My temperament could only be described by length of my clothes,
Characterizing me either as cultured or a *****.
If I am loud I am more vulnurable to men,
And if I am soft I am dumb or restrained.

My weight my height my color is a matter of worry,
Coz who would like a fat short dark girl to marry?

There's a problem in all my moves.
So why should I bother and be a fool?

So Now that I don't give a ****!
All the gentlemen out there kindly keep your thoughts mum and mouth shut!
Dec 2017 · 313
Taniya Mishra Dec 2017
Droplets of water carrying lots of emotions.
Oozing out in sorrows ,  happiness or in depression .

When you are born the foremost thing you do is cry.
Making the world realize you can conquer it and fly.

You have shed them not just for dejection but also for satisfaction.

The first cry you remember was when you fell off a stool.
Or when you failed a subject in school
These were not just the whimpers but the boohoos of your childhood too.

They were also there on your face when you were in elation.
Be it for your first job or on your graduation.

When a loved one left your side.
The only thing you did was cried.
Wetting the pillow and the sheet
Thinking of him whole night about why did he cheat!  

This world full of patriarchal society feels women use it as their weapon.
Little do they know they shed them to express their emotions.

So let them flow coz sometimes they just make you lighter
Giving you all the strength to be a brave fighter!
Dec 2017 · 376
Taniya Mishra Dec 2017
A bond knit with all emotions
Happiness, jealously or aversion
Begins when two guys of similar mentality
Start an abrupt colloquy

It's an oddesseys of me too's and you too's
Having the rights reserved only by these two
To insult each other at every site
To tease each other and choke to fight

From having  conversations just by exchanging a glance
To gazing at your future and going into a trance

From lending, borrowing or snatching each others goods and chattels
To standing with you forever in your life's battles

They introduce you to your new addictions
Be it cigrates,beer or your first loves affection
Sometimes they make you fall into a trap
But always lend  their hand to pull you out of mishap

Sometimes we just sit and think
How our life would function without this unbiological twin

So just hold their hand and enjoy this rollercoaster.
Coz you will never find such a lovely monster.

— The End —