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  Mar 2017 Tamera Pierce
Depression is a black mass that swallows up the sun.
Depression is the lightless cavern in the sea.
Depression is the monster eating away at me.
I always think and it always gets the better of me. Don't take this the wrong way, but why do boys ****? I just need to know. x(
  Mar 2017 Tamera Pierce
Ahead of me are storm clouds gathering.
Gathering violently.
I can't escape this each time.
My time to leave.
My time to run,
I'm sorry I just can't outrun it this time.
But in the nic of time,
I get swept up.
There's no way to get out of it now.
These storm clouds are of a different variety.
Ones full of different emotions.
Ones full of hate.
No matter how hard you try,
You can't outrun family.
  Mar 2017 Tamera Pierce
I'm malleable, new dough.
I'm stained, old clothes.
I'm tainted, old soul.
I'm crashing, my life.
I'm thriving, my mind.
I'm something, nothing.
I'm safe, unfold the debate.
I'm happy, let the tears flow.
I'm grateful, surely this you know.
I'm disrespectful, to me we see different sides.
I'm thankful, soon we will all die.
  Mar 2017 Tamera Pierce
She is a Writer.
She writes of things that help others.
She writes for freedom.
She writes for fun.
Her style is unique in it's own right.
Her pens all drained.
Her thoughts expressed.
Not by violence.
Nor by explosion of the voice.
Just by paper, through pen.
She writes for friends.
She writes from life.
She writes for anyone who stops by.
She is a Writer.
An idea not at all new, but still as rare as ever.
  Mar 2017 Tamera Pierce
Abandoned, left for self-determination.
Betrayed, sacrificed to inner demons.
Obliterated, a mind shattered beyond recognition.
Misheard, a brutal display of unspoken needs.
Iridescent, veiled feelings in one’s mind.
Nocturnal, midnights are the coldest.
Afterlife, we all get two.
Bent, once admired.
Lies, questionable.
Exasperated, done.
Tamera Pierce Mar 2017
I wonder if it feels good,
seeing my face
As you break a fragment of my soul off.
Like the way you love
a warm blanket in the cold woods.
Or the oh too satisfying
of cocked gun.
Is that the sound you imagine,
as you fracture my already crumbled heart?

Does it feel right to you?
My anguish whenever my brain allows me to think of you?
My pain as I fell to my knees and shriek like a wounded

Do you like shooting me down?
Making me less than human
Does it make it easier to look at me?
Because I know...
it is easier to slit the throat of an animal
than to look in my eyes as you sever my vertebrae.

Does it feel to squash me beneath your number nine shoe size?
The number stamped on my forehead as a reminder
That I am yours.
Your ****.
Your trophy.

I wonder,
Did it feel good as you lined your scopes directly at my heart
Did you hesitate before you
pulled the trigger?
I don't like hunting, so I decided that I might as well associate the things I don't like with other things I don't like. It is easier to lump it all together and pretend as if it is some one entity that I have to face instead of many.
if you're stressed out and you know it clap your hands
clap clap
if you need constant reassurance clap your hands
clap clap
if your life is just a wreck and you're really tired of it
if you're depressed and anxious clap your hands
*clap clap
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