Mine Jane
O' mine jane;
How I canst not waiteth
To seeith thine face.
Mine Jane
O' godly jane;
Ourn bones shalt locketh
Inside, between ourn hand's.
Mine Jane
O' darling jane;
When we do meeteth
I shalt removeth thine old stain's.
Mine Jane
O' angelic jane;
Douse me in thy slaver
Showeth me that amour, thou hath written on paper.
Mine Jane
O' **** Jane;
Bringeth thine leg's closer
Maketh me beg, pull the blonde on mine head, be the chauffeur.
Mine Jane
O' goddess jane;
Throweth me down, back to the ground
Jump on me, childplay.
Mine jane
O' Filipino Jane;
Calleth mine name
I'll yet back louder, us both bursting in hott flame's.
Mine Jane
O' masterpiece jane;
No word's, hush love
Taketh me again.
Mine Jane
O' mine Filipino rose;
Who careth what other's think
The whole world already knoweth.
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
slaver means saliva in old tongue for you who don't know (: