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Tash Mckay Mar 2018
Deep in the woods of summer gleam
Where fairy's float
And daffodils smoke
Mushrooms of purple polkadot green
I'm there singing on the breeze
I'm there flowing on the streams
I'm there always in your dreams
Please don't forget me

Deep in the woods of trees dark green
Where fairy's float And boats afloat on the streams I'm there always in your dreams  on the streams
Please don't forget me

Deep in the woods where flowers flirt
Where the wee men are hard and work
Trees all talking hearing your words
As they all whisper
Please don't forget me.
I promise you dad I forgive thee
I've told the trees and they can tell thee x

I promise you we all forgive thee x
For my dad who was a little mad but sad always asked us too never forget him x and I forgive him he was ill cxxxx he use too tell us great storys of wee men that lived in the woods and fairy's great story teller one of the best he was xxxx
Tash Mckay Feb 2018
I think I was born sad.
Tasha mckay.2018. I think things was already set for us.
Tash Mckay Feb 2018
What happens too the dead that die sad ? do they stay around going mad ?
Do they stay around glad too see there loved ones around? Do they try too contact us for being so bad? for back in the ground they should go or up too heaven looking down to say hello, but no. The sad die lonely all alone for the feelings and things they left unsaid .
I think they become the undead .
Just lots of people leave life sad left things behind that was bad xmy dad did is he OK. ?
Tash Mckay Feb 2018
Our footprints stays in the no
Our footprint stays in the snow
Our footprints stay on the earth
Our footprint is individually defined
Individual is our footprint.
Remember where you tread
Don't be mislead
Don't stand on no one's toes
Our footprint stays on the earth
Our footprint then in the past
Our footprint x
Just we all leave this earth but even when where gone we leave our print behind our message our footprint x thankyou if you read ** and get it x
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