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MuseumofMax Dec 2021
Hello again
It’s me

Tomorrow I’m going to therapy
I’m really nervous

But I’m gonna do really well
I’ll be comfortable
And maybe make new friends?

Help me through this if you can

But either way I will do it
And I will stay strong

I’ve been working on myself
And they will see
Rebecca Brenes Apr 2021
Pulling meaning from existence,
Casting words and spelling stories
Onto a blank page.

Resurrecting feelings and memories,
Freezing time and space just to capture a moment.
I am a poet.

© 04/05/21 Rebecca Brenes All Rights Reserved
biche Mar 2021
I put away the winter of my discontent
I let it scatter to the wind
I give my heart and soul to my lover
So that fences we may mend
And new life start again.
So mote it be
Anais Vionet Oct 2020
I was dazzled - in
a summer spell - did we both
name it as special?

Was it the summer
freedom - the sparkling lake
that summoned magic?

The constant sun sent
a subliminal message
with its rise and fall.

It won’t last, it said,
there's an expiration
date approaching fast.

The short-lived summer
proved a brief, insubstantial
memory making.
Summer spells are sweet but fleeting
Arcassin B Jul 2020
"At Ease At Last"

By Arcassin Burnham

Hi, my bio's the boy with hearts on his sleeve and chips
on both shoulders with the chip dip,
with same old shoes from when he was 18 , thinking he could get
it quick,
with same old hate , some of it is received to him,
steady tryna' make it on his **** and do things right,
too hard to pick,
between the good and the bad,
you wanna be a saint but they steady treat you like an american
from Us,
the money is the problem with this country,
you really look for peace towards God we trust.
the shape of your mind is the size of an egg,
you only look for what you could get out of life,
and if the only plan is to end up dead,
gotta be smart , you must think twice.
you must think twice.
you must think twice.
for all that I have been in my life,
I'm glad I could find my peace of mind.

find my peace of mind.
find my peace of mind.
At ease At last , I could finally live in my eyes.

"Big WHoop"

I could see my dreams and anguishes,
seeing them as I go further,
your world is ****** in so many languages,
that you might be okay with ******,
I could see that music is failing to secure you from
all the bad,
famous people die so much , but just think how did
they get like that?
Big whoop right ?
do you even care?
is this fueling you?
take out your phone and record someone dying here,
do you know the stupid **** that you do?
Big whoop right ?
do you even care?
is this fueling you?
take out your phone and record someone dying here,
do you know the stupid **** that you do?

I manifest and push back,
the negative **** that lingers,
illuminate and attack,
my mind will shine like veneers,
take allegiance to myself , you should hear the words
I'm saying , is this thing on?
I should have guessed it , they rigged it,
As long as my mind knows,
then my imagination shows,
wondering off to the plane,
flying off into the sky, I'm too cold like an eskimo,
will the evergreen forever grow, i guess nobody knows,
My love will show though so
Big whoop right ?
do you even care?
is this fueling you?
take out your phone and record someone dying here,
do you know the stupid **** that you do?
Big whoop right ?
do you even care?
is this fueling you?
take out your phone and record someone dying here,
do you know the stupid **** that you do?

mudi spell home Jun 2020
Get a good, loving & faithful wife with the help of love spells. Let spiritual forces guide you to your soul mate lover. The world over divorce statistics are shocking but needless to say it is still possible to use supernatural means find someone who will love you unconditionally and be with forever. Contact Dr Mudi today via whatsApp him on this +2349052617210 or
Hello my name is Lauren i'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he didn't pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Mudi who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Mudi can help you too Email him whatsApp him on this +2349052617210 or
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