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"I wanna take this day out for you".

Once I made that decision I ran out of ideas.

Should I just tell you I love you very much?

Should I write my heart out?

No I should work harder?

I should catch your heart without chasing it
I should wait for you
But how long?
How much more time?
What do I do now? that I am lost!
Almost frustrated,
I should think about you?
I should think more about you...
Perhaps thinking about you have become my solution to many other problems
But will thinking bout you solve this issue?
This particular issue of me and you
This issue of you and I
I mean the issue of loving you beyond the number that represents the total stars in the sky
Nor that which represent the waters of the ocean
The issue or "troublem" of not being able to know if you have feelings for me
I mean the trouble of not understanding if you can love someone with such small heart as I have
Maybe its not big a problem after all.
Just maybe I should be patient?
Oh okay maybes I should wait
Wait a little longer
Just a little
Little yet longer
Maybe I should wait
How Long
Just How Long
Waiting for love from probably the wrong person

— The End —