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Ashwin Kumar Feb 16
You have become the monster you once hated
An entire community, have you almost destroyed
At will, do you bomb schools and hospitals
And when the natives resist, you call them "terrorists"
You starve nearly the entire population
Truly, are you an evil nation!

You have become the monster you once hated
Forcing thousands of people to get amputated
Without even the basic facility of anaesthesia
Do you feel remorse, even an iota?
Seriously, are you no better than those Nazis
Lining up people after people in concentration camps
Having a nice little laugh after committing mass slaughter
YOU are the very DEFINITION of TERROR!!

You have become the monster you once hated
To the core, are you perverted
Sexually harassing and ****** your female prisoners
Making an absolute mockery of justice
Murdering children and babies in cold blood
In you, is there absolutely no good!!

You have become the monster you once hated
Well, now get ready to be hated
By all the decent people in this rather cruel and uncaring world
Your lies will no longer do you any good
Because, the LORD is NOT on YOUR side
After all, you are in bed
With none other than SATAN
Trust me, evil will never win
Therefore, only a matter of time it is
Before your immoral reign finally ends!!
My latest poem denouncing the evil actions of Israel towards the beleaguered Palestinians.
Tariq Al Jun 2024
She breathes in smoke
It deflates her spirit;
She then exhales a flame
While her eyes are red

The world is a strident grave
And life is a pungent breath
While anonymity is her steed
On the highway to a promise

God forbid, it vanishes!
Her soul, the little grace
A mourning dove reveals
As traumas darkest secret.

Heaven, in silent grief
Adorns a rosy crib:
Her feet at its river
And her head by its sea!
Tariq Al Jun 2024
For the weak, for the ******
Who hears their sacred plea
When their souls are in flames?

Who testifies to the carnage
The dusk of tyranny wrought
Upon a stand of hollow men?

Who bears such celestial wings
To lift humanity unto a peak
And defy the gravity of froth?

Who, thus, shall pen in song
A tune of woe – its chapter raw
To rouse, the foretold Saviour!
Tariq Al Jun 2024
We gave them day
They gave us night;
It was not forthright
They bore a disguise

Where is delight?
It fled, with them in sight!
Where is mirth?
It wilted with plight!

There is plague:
A demon’s hour,
A century’s fever,
Unkind to all men

The wells run dry
The olives take flight
And heritage – lies
Everything – dies

What is this Hour?
We’ve been disowned:
Citizens of paradise –
Al-Aqsa is our Home!

Our refuge with God,
Our shade under wings;
A symphony of hope –
Trembling in our souls:

‘From the river to the sea
From the river to the sea
Palestine will be free –
From the river to the sea!’
Tariq Al Jun 2024
Genuinely, I voice
Ever to the listener
News for the soul;
Only by a cypher
Cutting through
Infantry of waves
Declaring to all:
End the madness!
Tariq Al Jun 2024
The Pharisees casting stones
In ostentatious long white robes
From where they don’t preach – that
Mighty ain’t made from sword.
Drab be the low – dusted!
A modern day they call it:
So they drop shells and bombs
We wait for the Armageddon
Bound in our own backyards
For it will not be too long
From wonted neighbor to vile foe
A wild cry: Long live to none!
Or so it shall be, for all mortals.

— The End —